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Surprise! Surprise! Look who’s back? Yeah, its me. I have been lately murmuring the inside-ness of the brilliant me. Thats’ nothing new, I suppose. I do it all the time. But I have been doing too much of the over-action lately. Well, yeah, I was.

What do the dreams mean actually? Is it just the illusion of the daily self? If so, why can’t I do things which I dream. “May be its’ because the dreams are an illusion of imagination. And believe me, you got a pretty awkward hell of an imagination.” says the voice in my head. Oh, I see. I have been very very desperate to write a fiction story. I just have a summary of it like in pieces which won’t add up even half of the page. I am thinking of making it into an online novel. See, thats’ what I call too much expectation. Again the voice. Nevermind it. I just had a thought of this fiction for quite some long time. What does a story require? Imagination. Thats’ what I thought. Case study, ground study, research, back-research, threats, consequences, live-examples, et cetera and the list goes on. OMG. Really OMG!!! That’s why I haven’t been able to make it at least to the ground level. So to be that good as I dream to be, I need to do a lot of work. And I am ready for that. 

Recently, I advised a friend of mine who was supposedly having problem writing to write whatever comes to mind rather than finding a specific topic to fill the space. I was actually surprised that someone asked me that question. I was rather good at giving advices. Its’ easier than following it, right? Thats’ me again, lazy crazy idiot. Actually, I have never written anything useful other than picking up a topic and writing an essay on it. And the previous posts wouldn’t tally with this statement. Well, I am back to the pick & describe essay writing competition. I will surely keep the fiction thing in mind and will definitely work on it. By the way, I am not that good at keeping promises. So I wont promise about that.

And lately I realized, it just needs just a person to figure out whats’ happening and it is like a rapid fire in the forest. It just spreads like a fire. {Technically speaking} . How many people read my blog? One in a trillion people. Okay, fine add one more. The problem is not how many people read my blog! The problem is why does those people keep saying “Did they read your blog-post?”  And one guy even says that people are talking about my blog. I am pleased to know that. So, if that post was so much appealing in the wrong sense though, I am ready to do that. Anyways, what was the surprise about? That you mentioned in the opening lines. That was nothing, just to catch your attention. So I thought. I actually wanted to write a brief history of mine, which no one probably would know unless he knows me, I mean personally. Surprise! Not Surprised. I know you won’t be. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Not Surprised!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ