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“Rock n’ Rolla” 

This word was on my mind while I was having my semester end exams. I precisely don’t know where I got this word, I mean even during the busy hour of the exam-tension. I got this word and it started humming itself in the mind. And it eventually led to a dance also. Though, this was a short dance, but it energized me. And to add to this, this was a short lived humming bird. After a exam, it disappeared. 

After the exams were over; here with exams I mean the semester end exams, but I still had two more exams. Unlucky me. So I had to stay back at hostel. Staying at hostel isn’t a problem for me. The problem was the Laptop. It gets a disease every time during exams. I call it “Exam-sick”. Seriously, for every semester end exams, this shows up with this annoying behavior. It gets hung up, sometimes crashes down and sometimes the keyboard doesn’t work. All this ultimately leads to the laptop disaster and much more complex thing that it generates is the anger in me. I get real pissed off, when such things happen. And much more when its just before the exams. 

In order to pass the time, I went to some movies. I watched four new movies during a period of 3 days. Well the first one is Rockstar movie. That was a beginning of the new Rockstar, which I call myself now. The other two movies were out of passion and the last movie was because of boredom. Yeah, Boredom. I was getting real bored staring at my partly working laptop and the ‘no notifications’ on my facebook. I did write some wild posts lately. And I am really proud of it. I don’t really give a rats’ ass about what others are thinking right now. Once i used to give precedence to others thoughts than mine. But this whole world is a ruthless inglorious and sick. Being good is just a character who would be mold to others interests, just because that person doesn’t want to hurt others and obviously he’s nice. FTS (mln)

I wanted change. And I will bring change. I didn’t intend to hurt others. Really. I didn’t. But those people don’t give a damn shit about others. Even then I was nice. And they still didn’t give a shit. The level was crossed. My patience was tested. I changed. I had fantasized many times, how I would be if I had changed. And frankly speaking, I never fantasized what I think I have changed to. This is new and out of my league. I know I can’t bear the atrocities and beat them. Whats’ wrong in trying? When the world is busy with their “own bloody problems”, what in the name of god would any one care. I don’t know and I don’t care. “People may get hurt”. This thing maneuvered in my mind as I was writing the previous line. “Who are these people? They didn’t care about mine. Why should I about theirs?”  F’em. Well, okay. I am nice; most of the times, but if someone crosses a line, I would be the worst, or lets say its’ their luck and won’t give a damn thing about what you / others’  think. Thats’ when I call this feeling Rock n’ Rolla”.  m/ ! 

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Rock n’ Rolla.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Rock n’ Rolla.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ