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I have made a list of topics which I want to write. I know, I should have written then by now. But, just because I made a list, it becomes much more harder for me to write upon them. I know, its kinda funny. But, I can’t help it. The best way to write is to not to select a topic. So all my upcoming posts will be changed. It will never be the same. I have been Insane. I know. My insanity shouldn’t lead to a conclusion that I am totally insane. I will prove that I am insane and will also try to prove that I’m not, at the same time. So I am thinking of changing the performa of my blog. Totally. I will be including some things which I haven’t seen and imagined. And these are the most common things happening in the world. Well, its a start. Don’t actually know where it may lead. I would be glad if I succeeded in writing perfectly, well if not perfectly, at least fine. So, the upcoming posts will be random and totally imaginary. Though I created a blog especially for this. But what can I say, I don’t actually know what to say. Well, now I get it. I will start over here and will continue over there when I think that I am faring well in my new dimension. 

I call it the advancement of Insanity. Never mind if you don’t read or read. I don’t really care now. I used to. I used to wait for the people to comment. I used to wait for the people to read what I had written. I am getting over it. I am no more the same guy which I used to be. Now I am feeling like I am the “ROCKSTAR” when I am writing. And hell with the people who criticize. Who told them to read? And one more thing, I am not forcing you to read any of my posts. So you would be much happy if you left it in the early phase, else you would end up with a severe head-ache. That was a head’s up. Just that you know.

Hmm, this was a quick post. There will be much more. And one last thing to all this, that I am changing the topics of the upcoming posts to totally random and rather insane topics doesn’t mean that I am leaving the earlier non-sensual which I had been writing for the past three year (approx) . NO. Not at all. This new venture, what I it, is just like an added bonus to the people who are trying to waste (my apologies) spend time over here. Let’s see if they like the newness with the insanity of not. And don’t forget there is always a comment section over here. When I am writing insane, probably I would be getting much insane comments. And yeah, I am actually ready for all those. Bring it on. 


The Writer

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

An Intended Change.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ