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Dear Wall-Seeker,

I thought for a long time to change your name. The wall-seeker isn’t an appropriate word for you. I thought and thought; got some names but aren’t rhyming so please adjust with the old one. I too realized that it is the weirdest and the reason too. Anyways,hope that you can ignore it. Now coming to the point. What are you, man? You have already completed 4 units out of 5, and are fearing that it won’t be completed in the whole next month. Man, this is crazy. Look at out situation. One month left and almost 3/4th of the total semester syllabus has been on hold for a month and we are still bunking classes. I don’t know how you are teaching the juniors the subject, but when it was our turn two years back, it was like a book-recitation competition. Every word that you told wasn’t out of the book. And frankly, I didn’t understand most part of it, while we were kind of busy making fun of you while you were teaching. And what, MicroProcessor is easy ? May be it is. And if it is so easy why do you still ask me questions which I don’t know and frankly I just nod saying Yes Sir. The reality is that I had forgotten everything. And everytime you ask it is like a new story being recited to me. My Sincere apologies. Can’t help it, when I don’t know a damn thing. 

I thought you would observe me. But Bloody hell, you don’t. I give you 1000 reasons that say “I am not interested in your bullshit”. But it seems very difficult for you to understand. Because you are so busy explaining your over-my-hear crappy bullshit that you forget to observe the people who are supposed to listen to you. Till now, It was limited to the class, I mean the college. Yesterday, you breached it into the hostel also in the hostel-mess too. That’s the point where you cross the limit. I don’t usually eat. Once in a while I go, and some or the other person comes and start _ me like this. Yesterday, it was you. I barely ate anything because you didn’t stop even for a while. Was that so important? And what was that you asked? Come on now, you have been teaching for more than 8 years, you still asking the students and that to be basic questions. Well, I am sorry that you think I am helping you. Sorry. You are completely mistaken in this context. If you want a good explanation, i will provide you with the names. He will make you crazy, because they know far more than me and even you. And don’t you limit yourself with the academics. What was that you asked.. “You are looking good, did you just bathe and came here?” ! I was like ( !!? What). I had hoped him to leave as soon as possible, but he didn’t. He stared at me, and talked all rubbish not allowing me to eat properly. Next time, I will try to escape from you, for sure. !


P.S. : Well, now its your turn to think whether the post-title is apt and who got decieved !! 🙂

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ