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The silence of the mind was broken for once when we heard about the mid examinations approximately two months earlier. There was a hype, but none seemed to concerned or say afraid of it. Everyone was as casual as they could be, atleast for me. A week later, exactly a week before the mid examinations were scheduled, we were told that the Campus-Recruitment will start from the coming month and the first company to visit will be TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) on September 7th, 2011. The so cautious mind which had been preparing to face the mids just got a little shock, shock to that the placements were starting to early. 

 Eventually, this disrupted the daily schedule of the college. The addition was the CRT classes. CRT here refers to Campus Recruitment Training Classes. But there was always a talk about the mids in between giving a little more shocks to the existing one. The classes were held as scheduled and they were pretty fine also, though I didn’t learn much of it. I had to attend, no escaping was allowed, but for some they didn’t care. Finally, the day came, without me keeping track of the days. And what did I prepare.? Seriously, nothing,  when compared to others. Really, you ought to believe me.  I was kinda lame in this. Though I knew that this was an opportunity, seriously, I don’t actually knew what happened to me. 

One thing was that there was no written exam for the people having the aggregate above and ezual to 75%. Thank god, for that. Else I would have been eliminated in the written exam only. Phew. 🙂 . The day before it was scheduled to begin, we had to submit the applications, and so we did. And the night the panel numbers were displayed and surprisingly my name wasn’t there. When asked upon, I was told that they might have misplaced and will be told the next morning itself. So, the next morning then, I convinced myself. And later opened a book, and slept after doing some reading or better say skimming, rather fast; nothing actually going to the mind.

Well, the next day I went to college where it was supposed to happen at 8.30 am. Later what I found was that the people who haven’t been listed had to wait for some time, till their panel is set. So I waited and waited until the panels came which was nearly 10.30 am by that time. Hell, i exclaimed. As time still passed  by, I was still unaware of the panel number. I was repeatedly asking the concerned placement coordinator for my section, for which he always replied “It will take some time, the panels haven’t been decided yet”. What happened to be in the meanwhile as all my friends started attending the interview and coming back also,  I started losing interest. Really don’t know why! . Finally, I lost interest and the only thing that was holding me was that it might give me an experience for the next interview. So, I had to be patient & so was I. After some time, i left the premises with a thought in the mind that it will take much more than anticipated. So, I come back to my room take a long nap. Later, I thought of giving a visit so as to know about any news about the proceedings. One of my classmate, who was also not given a panel like me was holding himself there itself since morning. Upon calling I found that they were going to finish it today itself. So I kinda rushed back. Many of my friends had finished their turn and were set to move back to their rooms/home. As time ticked away, the room started getting less populated. And finally nearly at 9 pm, we were given the panel. Thank god, I said. It was gonna end today itself. I had no tension, no worry, nothing. When I went there I was 3rd followed by a classmate of mine & I was followed by two other girls of my class itself. What those girls wanted was to go in before us. What could I do? One of the girl had brought her father along with her, who I think was there since the morning. So, we call it fate/ or bad luck. 🙁 . After the half an hour spending for the first one, the second girl went in.  Luck also plays serious nasty games sometimes. By the time she was about to finish, we came to know that that particular panel was being closed and we might be allotted to another panel. The supposedly fearful person who was to go in next was so afraid of the interview that he wanted it to be held tomorrow. And so he told the person in-charge, without saying a word to me. As I said, I lost total faith in it and was just attending for experience, I had no idea this thing happened. What else could I do? Fcuk^n ! I had waited for this since morning and later I find that it will happen the next day. I called my dad and said what happened. To which he replied, ” Don’t worry, they are testing your patience”. What the hell.!!!!  Those people don’t even know that I would be interviewed, and they were testing my patience. Real Funny. Really very funny.

That night I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t had breakfast in the morning and the lunch was freaking cold, which I left in the middle and the dinner was sold for nothing. And moreover I stood for almost most part of the day so for that reason, my legs were acing real bad. For almost three hours I struggled to sleep and in my mind I was having really weird kind of thoughts about the day and myself scolding those people for such nuisance. I had almost spent the entire night thinking about it without sleeping, though I was trying real hard to sleep.

So finally the next morning came. As I had no idea what panel I would be in, I went at the same time as the previous day. After some irritating talks the drama of the day began. The people who were supposed to be interviewed  after me were done way ahead of me and again my name wasn’t heard for a long time. By now, I totally totally lost the interest. And also forgot everything(which was nothing) I studied. I told my mom also the same thing. After some time, I was pleased to hear my name. Thank god, at least my name is there, I convinced myself. The person who was before me was really freaking out like the last night. He was squandering here and there asking people what was happening in the interview and was really trying hard, which I was observing. So the panel number was 16 and my number in that panel was also 16. As the count incremented, finally my number did come.

PS. : Really? You read the whole thing. WOW. Really, I appreciate your patience. I will test it again in the next post of mine which will be about my experience in the Interview.!
Till then, take care. 🙂

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Experience (un)Certainty.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ