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Dear Readers,
Isn’t it funny that I say ‘Readers’, when there is utmost  one in a year.  So, I have been observing since a long time. I am sorry that I haven’t been able to visit many of the blogs in the recent months. Sorry for that. But atleast someone could have dropped by atleast mine and added a comment which would have given me a power boost. Well, if you did visit then THANKS. So, with the preliminary observation, I concluded that there is no point in hiding and being good by writing my ugliest write-ups and no one reads. That is quite clear. So, from now onwards there might be usage of some vulgar words, not many though. I will keep only the famous words which the people most frequently use; even more than the word ‘hello’. 
Thanks for your patience. I know that I am talking to the wall and simply no one is reading even this. It is just my satisfaction.
-The Writer

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ


© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ