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Statutory Note:: Written and published from my iPod touch. Proceed at your own risk.

“Being GOOD is not always GOOD ” .

It has almost been a month since I wrote anything in me blog. Why wasn’t I writing anything all this time? Did I had exams or Did I go somewhere outside the station?? Or was I sick? None. I was just not wiling to spare my time for this? Does this mean I was busy studying seriously? It’s not even that. I was lazying around until I realized that my brain was getting sick because of complete impotentance and lazyiness. I was really sick at my brain. Later I thought of writing something, I found something really horrifying. The ‘ANTS’ were back. This time a lil’ bit more improved their skill of destroying the sweetness of the things. Even mine!! This time it was my laptop and the laptop charger. What in the God’s name happened, I do not know. They made their way through the gaps between the wires and connections and all the ports where it could be easy to enter to later get burnt due the voltage and burn my power adapter, which ultimately short-circuited something in the mother board of my laptop. It has been two weeks and I still couldn’t get it repaired.

Outside my Room (At College) ::

I am a kind of a punctual person. So even if I woke up late in the morning, I would attend the college with out brushing my teeth, which is in rare cases. Well, that’s a different story than what I was trying to tell here. As I enter the slightly filled classroom of mine, some people are always seen with some kind of book or the other. I don’t have to inspect it which book it is or what they are studying? I know it. It’s called ‘HIGHER EDUCATION’. The future in creation in small steps but aiming for high. I don’t much about them. But the question is What the heck I am doing? I?? Nothing!! When I see the people with GRE , CAT and all kind of other exams, preparing hard with the vocabulary and the mathematics, why doesn’t anything strike in mind that Why don’t I?? These are a kind of studious person, and definately with assurance I can tell that these guys are gonna make big. After 10 years or so, it will be quite evident with the progress they might be making. Don’t even think about me. I would be no one compared to them by that time. Rather forget my name from now on, because after 10 years or so, when asked upon Do you know this guy? Who ?? *My name*. “I am busy right now, ask me sometime else”, would be the obvious response. Well that won’t mind me much because I am well prepared for that. And moreover it’s not 10 years, deferment it to 3 years (tops). Well, that will be some other story. For now it’s them who are going to a mark.

In the meanwhile, I had been attending CAT classes for the MBA. Dont ask me about it, because I rarely attend it and even if I attend I don’t take the required interest. But there is one guy, a teacher over there of whom I would like to tell. Basically I don’t like pin pointing at other people specifically but I too don’t know why I am telling about him. He is well versed in English. And for that reason he teaches English. Most of the time he considers too superior, though he is indeed but with an ingredient called Proudness, which stirs me hard. I can’t take people who act too proud of themselves. He says he could achieve anything, well then why is he still teaching over here. He could become much more than he is now, as he says. Once in a time, he takes out the money from his pocket which amounted to some 5000 bucks and he says he carries that just as pocket money, like just in case comparing it with an IIM student who would have the almost same amount of money when he goes out for a casual morning walk. Once, he asked one random student about the number of friends he and she had on Facebook. Next question was Hiw many call daily of weekly? Was that important. The question that came in my mind was : How many contacts he had in his cell phones, yeah he had two. And how many call daily or weekly?? Keeping in touch is fldifferent than calling every now and then asking how was the day. I myself have over 200 friends, no big deal. And frankly no one calls. I dint mind much. I don’t need the calls also as ling as they don’t delete my name from their friend list. There is much more to tell about him, but I guess this is enough for now.

And there is one more person. I had controlled myself for a long time about this person. I already posted about him in Facebook, later removed it thinking that he might improve in the classes to come. He is a lecturer who probably comes to my class and teaches a subject which he himself claims doesn’t know. Okay, we can excuse him for the reason that he doesn’t know anything about the subject, but he still acts as if he knows everything and again tells he doesn’t know anything. There is a vast topic which he I intentionally skipped it, which is really an important topic. But he says he can’t teach such big topic. My question:: what else can he teach ?? And in our curriculum there are some topics which weren’t available in the textbook so he tells the students to give the seminar. Well, that’s fine for the students so that they can improve. While correcting the examination papers his mood plays an imports t role and if it’s bad no matter his good you write they are not gonna fare well. In almost every class he makes fun of himself directly and indirectly. I don’t have a specific word with which he could be named. Anything to tell about him will ve less. He is truly incomparable personand have never seen any of his kind anywhere. So far he is a great ‘Economist’, I could say, for the subject the teaches.

Note:: This is so far for now. This post has been written and published from my iPod touch. So their might be a lot of spelling mistakes and obviously no formatting which I always do. So kindliness with it. Next post will soon be posted. ( I am informing as if my blog is in real demand, haha; lol. Just keep up with me.) I will try to make it interesting, which I had been trying to do since I started writing the blog. Anyways for now take care and have fun.

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0 responses to “Completely Random…”

  1. Hey Ajay,There are many people in this world who consider themselves better than others…I laugh at this, as we are all the same inside our skins…some may be more intellegent and some less…who cares!!! I was blessed to attend a University that was Christian. It was my first one so I call it my Almer Mater. I have since attended three others..They have all been great but my first was the best. Everyone there was kind, caring and friendly. It was the best experience of my life. I am Australian and now live back in Australia. In my line of work their were also some people who considered themslves superior..I believe people like that are very sad!! I always befriended everyone, from the cleaners to the cooks, they were all the same. God made us all. He is our Father and we are all His children,so we are brothers and sisters. Do your very best by everyone and be happy within yourself. If I may suggest a great book for you to read? You can buy it cheaply on-line from Amazon.com.
    It is called, The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr Norman Vincent Peale.
    God Bless you.
    Crystal Mary.

  2. Hey Ajay,There are many people in this world who consider themselves better than others…I laugh at this, as we are all the same inside our skins…some may be more intellegent and some less…who cares!!! I was blessed to attend a University that was Christian. It was my first one so I call it my Almer Mater. I have since attended three others..They have all been great but my first was the best. Everyone there was kind, caring and friendly. It was the best experience of my life. I am Australian and now live back in Australia. In my line of work their were also some people who considered themslves superior..I believe people like that are very sad!! I always befriended everyone, from the cleaners to the cooks, they were all the same. God made us all. He is our Father and we are all His children,so we are brothers and sisters. Do your very best by everyone and be happy within yourself. If I may suggest a great book for you to read? You can buy it cheaply on-line from Amazon.com.
    It is called, The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr Norman Vincent Peale.
    God Bless you.
    Crystal Mary.

  3. Thank you so much for such inspiring words. I already have that book with me, bought a long time back but never opened it. Thanks for reminding me. And superiority and Proudness are human qualities and they must be exhibited at some point of the life, but what happens is that that becomes the breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, it becomes weird after such prolonged time of constant ill behavior.

    Anyways thanks for commenting and reading my post. Just made my day. And thanks again for the book. Will read it now.

    Take care. 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for such inspiring words. I already have that book with me, bought a long time back but never opened it. Thanks for reminding me. And superiority and Proudness are human qualities and they must be exhibited at some point of the life, but what happens is that that becomes the breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, it becomes weird after such prolonged time of constant ill behavior.

    Anyways thanks for commenting and reading my post. Just made my day. And thanks again for the book. Will read it now.

    Take care. 🙂

  5. Good luck with getting your computer fixed. I do a lot on my phone so I can appreciate how long that mat have taken you. Thumb cramps?
    Great post. You're a deep thinker and very aware. Very nice to have met you!

  6. Good luck with getting your computer fixed. I do a lot on my phone so I can appreciate how long that mat have taken you. Thumb cramps?
    Great post. You're a deep thinker and very aware. Very nice to have met you!

  7. @ The Rusty Bucket :: Yeah, Thumb cramps but iPod comes with touch, so there is lesser pain for the fingers but a hell lot of different words cme up due to the dictionary it follows. Anyways thanks for the visit and the comment and nice to meet you too. 🙂

  8. @ The Rusty Bucket :: Yeah, Thumb cramps but iPod comes with touch, so there is lesser pain for the fingers but a hell lot of different words cme up due to the dictionary it follows. Anyways thanks for the visit and the comment and nice to meet you too. 🙂

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Completely Random…

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ