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When the heat is on, we find mirages. In a desert, its quite common. Almost all the times its like they are real but they aren’t actually. But we never want to miss a chance of the beautiful oasis in the middle of a desert even if it is a mirage. And sometimes its isn’t a mirage either. Yippie. We are totally lucky. We just found a sweet little oasis in the middle of a desert with a small pond to fetch the drinking needs and fruits to satisfy the hunger. Well, cutting the story, I have been honored. By the way the idea of this para is that we feel happy and re-freshening when we find something which we long for the most. 

We have been passed a Stylish Blogger Award. Wow. Wow. Wow. Frankly speaking I couldn’t just believe that. I have been awarded this title by Intentional Conscious Parenting. I am very much thankful, I have been featured there as one of the Stylist Blogger. Thank You Carol and Stacy.!

As it is a ‘Pass is on’ award, I would like to tag some of the recent bloggers with this award. And simply I just love this. But this will be a hard time to tag, as I find all blogger equally good. So, Its kind of a tough job for me. 😐

There are four duties to perform you have to perform after you have received this award. 

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award  :: [DONE]

2. Share 7 things about yourself:

  • My name is Ajay & I don’t have any nick names so far (Happy for me). I like writing, but not a good writer though. 
  • I have moved many places and I kind of know different kinds of people. I mean their behavior and all that. So. lets say I study people. 😛
  • I usually sleep less wasting time on the Internet and playing games. I spend a whole bunch of time facebooking or just online playing some online games. I also spend most night watching movie(s).
  • I used to be a good athlete; like, good in almost all I played. Now, I have been lazying around these days. 
  • I don’t talk much and I like it that way. Many people ask me why I am like that. I sure can explain it, but its a bit complicated for the people to understand, I guess.
  • I like to be on my own, like alone kind of thing. I party, travel alone most of the times. So, you can call me a loner. 
  • I would like to see myself just as a happy man after 10 years or so whatever the circumstances are by then. 😀

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers ::

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

It was hard to contact to all th 15 members as some don’t happen to be my followers. Anyways take care and have fun. 🙂

Recent Comments

0 responses to “An Award”

  1. Thanks so much!
    I have absolutly no idea what this is or kinda means, but it was really really lovely of you to list me for it!

    Thanks loads,
    love your blog 🙂 Xx

  2. Thanks so much!
    I have absolutly no idea what this is or kinda means, but it was really really lovely of you to list me for it!

    Thanks loads,
    love your blog 🙂 Xx

  3. @ Roma :: You are welcome and you really deserve it.
    And this is a kind of pass on Award, where you share about yourself and pass on the award to some of the good or say great bloggers you follow.

  4. @ Roma :: You are welcome and you really deserve it.
    And this is a kind of pass on Award, where you share about yourself and pass on the award to some of the good or say great bloggers you follow.

  5. You are a good writer (and a stylish blogger), and I enjoyed reading this today. Congratulations on your award and your following. I have no doubt it is all well-deserved. Best of luck to you.

  6. You are a good writer (and a stylish blogger), and I enjoyed reading this today. Congratulations on your award and your following. I have no doubt it is all well-deserved. Best of luck to you.

  7. Its awesome all of the time to view how folks can compose wonderful stuff about people topics! Thank you and I ve bookmarked you

  8. Its awesome all of the time to view how folks can compose wonderful stuff about people topics! Thank you and I ve bookmarked you

  9. @ Anonymous:: Writing about people is an experience with them, some are hard to live with and some are the most memorable. But some are neither which keeps us thinking. I write all those.

    Anyways, Thanks for the visit and the comment and for bookmarking also.

    Take Care. 🙂

  10. @ Anonymous:: Writing about people is an experience with them, some are hard to live with and some are the most memorable. But some are neither which keeps us thinking. I write all those.

    Anyways, Thanks for the visit and the comment and for bookmarking also.

    Take Care. 🙂

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

An Award

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ