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Random Thought 1.0

” ” It is much more happier to stay in a place where no one knows us than to stay in a place where everybody thinks wrongly about us. “

Random Thought 1.1


Random Thought 1.2

The unpredicted uncherished unprotected 
unbiased unravelled mysteries lie just in front of eyes.”

P.S. These are just some random thoughts. Actually each thought deserves a separate post, but I didn’t make it that way. Thanks for going through. I suggest you to drop by your comments in regard with the thoughts whether they are apt or not. And the original post can be obtained at www.wingedreams19.blogspot.com (or) www.ajaykontham.co.cc

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0 responses to “Random Thoughts.”

  1. Hello Ajay! Those words are so true! “It is much more happier to stay in a place where no one knows us than to stay in a place where everybody thinks wrongly about us.” I always think of running away from everyone I know whenever I am having a bad day.

    p/s: Thanks ever so much for the follow! I love your blog hence I'm following you back!

  2. Hello Ajay! Those words are so true! “It is much more happier to stay in a place where no one knows us than to stay in a place where everybody thinks wrongly about us.” I always think of running away from everyone I know whenever I am having a bad day.

    p/s: Thanks ever so much for the follow! I love your blog hence I'm following you back!

  3. @ LiLing : The world is so like that. The people never stick to a particular thinking about the person. I don't want to get you wrong. In my opinion, running away always gives us a feeling of the fear. I suggest that we should face them. May be we fail in the first instance, but that gives a experience. So that we can learn and improve ourself the next time. Sometimes, we can't help when those people keep running after us even after we try to run far far away.

    Anyways, it is nice to know that you liked my blog, Thank you so much. And to mention, you too have a cute and nice blog.

    Keep writing. Take care. 🙂

  4. @ LiLing : The world is so like that. The people never stick to a particular thinking about the person. I don't want to get you wrong. In my opinion, running away always gives us a feeling of the fear. I suggest that we should face them. May be we fail in the first instance, but that gives a experience. So that we can learn and improve ourself the next time. Sometimes, we can't help when those people keep running after us even after we try to run far far away.

    Anyways, it is nice to know that you liked my blog, Thank you so much. And to mention, you too have a cute and nice blog.

    Keep writing. Take care. 🙂

  5. Good writing Ajay. In the resolution department. When you make them, post them. Then you you will have done two things. One, you will have a place to go back and read them and two, you have shared them with the world which will help give them power in your life. It's like making a commitment public, it makes you more accountable. That's where the power comes from. And pray, of course, that the things you are planning are in God's will for your life.
    Happy New Year. Thanks for following on my blog.
    Coleen in Ukraine
    P.S. did you know you can remove the word verification for faster posts on comments? I did and no trouble with spam for over a year.

  6. Good writing Ajay. In the resolution department. When you make them, post them. Then you you will have done two things. One, you will have a place to go back and read them and two, you have shared them with the world which will help give them power in your life. It's like making a commitment public, it makes you more accountable. That's where the power comes from. And pray, of course, that the things you are planning are in God's will for your life.
    Happy New Year. Thanks for following on my blog.
    Coleen in Ukraine
    P.S. did you know you can remove the word verification for faster posts on comments? I did and no trouble with spam for over a year.

  7. @ Coleen :: Thank you. You are absolutely right about the resolution section. That keeps me on check from time to time weather I am following it or not. I will definitely write about the resolutions. Thanks for the advice.

    And thanks for the visit and the wonderful comment.
    Take Care! 🙂

  8. @ Coleen :: Thank you. You are absolutely right about the resolution section. That keeps me on check from time to time weather I am following it or not. I will definitely write about the resolutions. Thanks for the advice.

    And thanks for the visit and the wonderful comment.
    Take Care! 🙂

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ