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“There’s a beauty in the art of doing nothing. It’s not as easy as it looks. ”

US Presidential debates, Terrorist attacks, Cauvery Water Crisis, Pellet Guns, Branjelina Split, UFO Sighting, Life on Saturn, wait Mars or whatever ( we don’t care about life on Earth but we are looking for traces of life on other planets), whatnot. While the whole world is busy with some or the other thing, be it crisis or substance of grieving concern or even instances of important decisions on life and whatnot, I am stuck between doing nothing and thinking nothing. Wait, are they both same? May be they are, they aren’t. But these are the two extremities that I am battling right now. What does one do when they are in the stance of life? To start off with, there is no brain activity. Literally no brain activity. Perhaps a 9 to 5 job which institutes specific tasks and one does it religiously, perhaps without even thinking. What are you looking at me for? The second is being unaware of what is happening around them. Not even the gossips? Nope. Okay yes, but not on the level that you have to think much over it, as in there are no follow up questions. Just one mouth to one ear policy. The next one is enjoying the company of yourself, probably binge watching some new or old TV series and occasionally movies in the little room of theirs. Wait, what about the food? Well, home delivery is a blessing in disguise, isn’t it? In other words or to simply put, the state when words just fade away before one could even comple…! When everything just looks in the shade of black and white and there is no effort to understand the many colors, present and glowing vibrantly but still neglected – “The Theory of Nothing“.

Image Courtesy

I haven’t written in so long that I have completely forgotten how to even write. This is sad on so many levels. I don’t think much and my internet has stopped working as well, thanks to the (75 GB) dedicated plan for the month, which got over in like the first 10 days itself. What the hell? I know right? I have been thinking the same. Is it me or the broadband company is tricking me. I couldn’t even raise a complaint because in a matter of speaking, I could very well be the sole reason. Do I do anything useful over the internet? LOL, what kind of question is that? Internet and doing good? Not my area of expertise. I am on a hunt for movies, tv series, cartoons, memes, making fun of people, getting offended when they get back to me, trying to get even meaner, eventually ending up playing Need For Speed or Batman. But aren’t you supposed to be writing? That’s a good question. That’s a very good question. It’s so good that I am having a brain freeze.

#BrainFreeze. The perfect articulation resonating why the inquisitive and always wondering mind had completely shut down and gone haywire in the process of writing. I am not a great writer, I agree. I never was. But in all scrutiny and dilemma, I made it a point to write. It didn’t matter that it was mostly crying over something and spoiling the “Parker” ink stained pages, but it was something. It was a sob station, no doubt, but there used to be rivers of blue and black. But now, I have empty books and wait, where did all my “Parker” pens go? Have I completely forgotten about them? Seriously, I had a whole collection of it, even the calligraphy ones, though I sucked at it big time, but where the hell are they?

So, I got down into thinking the reason for all this melodrama that I am creating. Melodrama, huh? What is this, you might be wondering? The fit that I threw to revamp my blog and invested a considerable amount of money and time and then after all that jazz, I just sat down and forgot about it. What is wrong with you? Fair question. And I sincerely urge the psychoanalysts to sincerely psychoanalysis the state of ‘what do we call not working – lazy?’ mind. Wait, are you suggesting me to see someone? Like a therapist? The last time I did, she and I ended up having se… wait, that must be one of my many weirdly good dreams. Sigh! Wish that was true though. But never mind that old story. I only wish someone could just kick-start my brain, (like literally starting back the dying heart, what do we call it? CPR? No. Oh God, I have started forgetting names as well. This is bad, this is very bad).

P.S. After  I have completely written the post, I was searching Google if there was really something called “The Theory of Nothing”. Turns out there is. And it is much more bigger than I could ever dream of. I would love to give the links, but there are damn too many. But let’s just stick with my theory and forget what we were even doing in the first place, like I am forgetting myself.

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22 responses to “The Theory of Nothing.”

  1. Hey.. only a writer can write beautifully on nothing and keep his readers read word after word , even after willing to stop and hit like and leave. And yet you call yourself a non writer this was great and wondering if you had your inspiration…perhaps you will be one famous writer for sure. Keep writing.

    • Why, thank you. 🙂
      I am glad that you feel so. There goes a saying, ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’. Perhaps, you have a creative eye. And not to mention that you are too kind to say this. I really appreciate it. Writing, in itself is a form of art very few are acquainted with. And I am just a beginner learning. But thank you. I will consider your words and hopefully will write more often and also a little better.

      Thanks for dropping by and sharing your views.
      You have a great blog. Keep writing. 😀

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The Theory of Nothing.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The Theory of Nothing.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ