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Blogtrotter :
A person following his passion of writing by  blogging and travelling across not just places and worlds, but dimensions to learn, explore and enrich not just oneself but everyone following similar passion. 

BlogChatter has been an integral part of blogging for quite some time, for over a year. And it has been a wonderful journey, and will continue to be. From the inception, I have seen it grow and grow that we have come to the 3rd installment of Blogchatter’s flagship program.


Season 1 and Season 2

A group of extraordinary people having unique skills working as one, to be a force of  nature, portraying the world and everything to help each other and themselves.

Blogbuddy1.0 and Blogbuddy2.0 consisted of a set of people with whom I could say I have bonded quite well. The people of the group, this small community were talented, hands down, and along with the talent, they were helpful as well. While one of them was the driving force, the other the creative head, while one a master of words, the other the inquisitive lead, while one was the an excellent photographer, the other a innovative traveler. Don’t get me wrong, I did differentiate people as two, multiplied by three, but in actuality all these qualities are bundled in each one of them. These truly talented people always had been the “Motivational Quote” on a great scenic background, throwing in ideas and always pushing each other to excel at one common passion – Writing. Though, like always there was this one lazy guy, always complaining and missing deadlines, cracking stupid jokes that no one laughs at, like a real pain in the ass. Such a troublesome was that guy, I don’t want to take this person’s name. But I have heard, it is same as mine.

 Season 3

BlogBuddy 3.0
It hasn’t been a week since the advent of the new season. Blogbuddy Season 3. I usually have collection of TV Series, and this season is a common concept in TV shows. Though they come once in a year, or sometimes twice depending on the sponsors and all that, I would fill up my hard disk with Seasons. Likewise, this is a new installment of Blogbuddy and this time, they have reshuffled the people and formed new groups. This would take a little time for people to know each other, adjust and coin in their creative self. Nonetheless, I am a part of Blogbuddy community called Blogtrotters and we have some very amazing people here in the group. I am looking forward to what’s in store for us and me. Until then, let’s keep writing. And cheers to new beginnings and new friends.


Blogbuddy 3.0, BlogChatter

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8 responses to “Three Point O”

  1. Hey Ajay ! Change is good . Especially when it comes to blogging . New people , new ideas and the whole idea of not getting too comfortable with one set of people coz there are so many others out there who are waiting to discover you beyond blogging. Am super glad that we are a part of the same team 🙂 am looking forward to see your stellar humour up close and personal .. Happy blogging !

  2. It was great to have you on the team buddy. Sorry for the bad jokes !
    Relationships are easy to build and easier to lose! You can guess where the hard work lies. Hope Write House can keep up with the hard work!

    P.s. Mark Twain! Whoa!

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Three Point O

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ