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Choice, it is power while at the other times, it leaves people in dilemma. Why does it get so hard to make a choice sometimes? Why does it have to sink people in confusion? So, what do you think? “I guess anything is fine”. Is it that the people are easy going and they think that the choice that others make won’t affect them much. Or does it mean that they are open to any decision thus put forth and would go with it, no questions asked. Believe it or not, there are people who go with the flow, who are okay to let others make the choice for them, who don’t want to get involved in the critical decision making processes and are fine with whatever comes at them. “I am okay with anything!”, “I don’t have problem with it.” Is anything fine? The choice that others make isn’t always the right choice, but the people who are wearing these lazy shoes aren’t affected much, because in a matter of speaking there are not at blame whatsoever. Isn’t it an easy choice of not making a choice? Have you heard this phrase, ‘Anything is fine’? I am not exactly how many of you can relate to this phrase, but I hear it all the time. I got so used to this that I even use this phrase certain times. Let me exemplify.


[ Office grounds – Afternoon, 1:05 PM ]

A bell goes off. No, not the actual bell-bell like in the school, but an office supplement (wait for it) squeezy toy which makes noise when pressed. To be more precise, it is same as the kids shoes which make melodious squeaky noises. (No, we didn’t steal it from some kid’s shoe. We got is as a prank.) Anyhow, the message is relayed and acknowledged and the whole group heads out to fill their grumbling tummies. We are going for lunch, and we have to decide where we need to sit. Let me give you a picture of how the cafeteria is. We have three floors of cafeteria, slightly dispersed and away from each other. We are surrounded by four buildings, of which three are small ones while the last one is almost equal to the other three stacked one over the other. Hence the huge cafeteria spread over a considerable space. Now, the lunch group is divided in itself. You know how these divisions happens. Like one is vegetarian, the other wants the hygienic food, the other is a fan of egg, while the other dies for the chicken. Unfortunately for the last person, there is no non vegetarian in the whole of the office (some stupid people seem to have complained about it) except the egg, which is apparently considered as the only non vegetarian item on the menu. But then comes the meeting area. The decision to where to sit. So, we decide to vote, like to the US Elections that just happened with its crass results, this voting process also goes about. At least half of the people vote for “Anything is fine”, which wasn’t even in the list of options. After spending a quite a little amount of time trying to decide and ignoring the anything-is-fine option, a floor is decided weighing in the crowd that gathers up during lunch and the empty spaces available.

It happens to be a Thursday and it is a Eat-Outside day, where the people in the group who usually bring their lunch boxes won’t this day. So, we meet at the very meeting point and ponder over which place to go, which restaurant and likewise. And decisions are best made through votes as usual, it proved to have solved the problem earlier. Hence we ask each one of us, and guess the magic words – Anything is fine. Damn, that was way too easy to figure out. As a last resort, we filter down with Rock-Paper-Scissor and finally, a restaurant is selected. We cramp ourselves in the one vehicle, one Uber and two bikes, we finally reach the destination after, of course missing the right turn and going all the way and coming back and then taking the right turn. We divide ourselves in groups of two on the basis of the choice of food we can eat. The non vegetarians occupy the most of the seats. YAY! Go Team Non Veg! That’s when another dilemma starts to sink in : Starters. The vegetarians have it quite easy. Due to the limited items on the list, picking them is not that hard unlike the non-vegetarian menu. We again put our heads in for a group meeting and discuss what is better, what would be better, how much can we be eaten, and most importantly what needs to be selected. “Anything is fine“, the same group of people say as if they don’t  know anything beyond these three words in English. Do you see the problem here? For a person like me, I can eat everything. So, when they say  “Anything is fine”, they reduce the number of things that we would have ordered. And eventually we get one variety less, and since two have already been my idea so a third would render me too greedy. See, the problem. And then comes the main course and guess the magic words. But, you won’t hear this when it comes to desert. Everyone has a specific choice of ice cream and they custom make it down to the basic ingredients. Now, just that plain simple vanilla ice cream without cashew and dried grapes is just not fine. Or when it has to be the choice of drink. Everyone becomes James Bond from Casino Royale sitting at the poker table, trying to distract the people. Oh, the people do get distracted, believe me, the choice is such that it turns heads.

Have you heard these magic words ever? What do you think about this? 
I have couple too many instances and examples, but then it would be like an extra long answer for a 2 mark question, so I will leave you with this.


NaBloPoMo November 2016

I am participating in #NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) and this is Day #10 post.

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6 responses to “Anything is fine”

  1. Hahaha. I hate people who utter these magical words. I am like how can you not have an opinion your choice. How can you be fine with just anything.I have been meeting such people recently though and have a feeling that many more to come.
    And dessert of course everyone has an opinion there coz maybe it matters to them and they love it more than the chicken. Maybe it is all about how much interest you show in a thing to have an opinion..

    • Phew, I am glad I am not alone.
      For a moment, while writing I thought may be its just me who might be thinking so.

      I guess they want to end on a sweeter note and that has to be their choice, for some reason.

      Perhaps, you’re right. May be it is all about how much internet we show in a thing.

  2. That’s a hilarious scenario. People are afraid to make choice because they don’t want to be held responsible for the consequences of the choice they made. But on the other hand it it important to make choices, one has to at least be responsible for ones own self. I am #TeamChoice here.

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Anything is fine

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Anything is fine

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ