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The night sunk in the coziness under the dome of countless stars. The streets lit under the shadows of flickering sodium lights. There was a certain calm, drowning in the splendor of the gracious harmony of the night. A silent breeze swept across the surface like a soothing music enveloping in a warm embrace. A few chatters of the people and the trailing cars zooming past sunk in a distant array. The world stopped spinning for a while under the dome of multitude.

I woke up late, as usual and for one obvious reason, Sunday. I completed my daily chores which was sleeping again for some more time. And after a few hours which felt like 5 minutes, I finally got out of bed just at the hour of lunch, mostly because my stomach was screaming. I got up and the first thing I did was order some food. And guess what it was? PIZZA, obviously. Sunday is Pizza day, for me atleast. After I have had put the order, I went to brush my teeth. Then, the wait began and after what felt like a millennium, the pizza finally came. It was ideally for two people. But let’s not discuss numbers in front of Pizza. Because we all know, there is no limit for one person. Without listening to my stomach saying “I am full“, I stuffed it. May be that was why I wasn’t able to hear what it was saying as I drowned it with more and more pizza. I was still left with a considerable pizza, because as I said it was for two people. But I continued to eat as if it my stomach was an endless pit, which unfortunately it isn’t.


I decided to go for a walk. Contrary to the common belief that my friends have about my metabolism that I can eat whatever and still don’t put on weight, I looked down at my big tummy and decided to do something about it, like I have always wanted something to do by going for a run, joining the gym and whatnot. But who had that much time or energy or dedication? Not me, apparently, and that was why, a new start with a walk. It was almost fifteen minutes to midnight, and for some reason I thought it was an ideal time for a walk. It is, right? Okay, the plan for the walk was set and how was I to determine that? Now, get this! There were three coffee shops in the area. One was quite far away which was close to a mile, the other one close to half of that, while the third was just 100 ft away, which was closed and hence it doesn’t make sense to keep it as the target. I choose the farthest one as my target. Because targets are what inspires us, don’t they? And here it was the coffee more than the target. No, my idea wan’t to drink coffee, but to just go till there and return back. So, I wore the hoddie, because that’s what people in dark areas of the night do, look suspicious. On top of that I had my noise cancelling headphones, because for two obvious reasons : a. It looks cool. b. Because music, who doesn’t love music? c. Someone could easily steal it!

Anyway, I started my midnight adventure and walked and walked and walked, and that shop, which was a mile away was no where to be seen. So, I decided to cut it short because well, too much exercise on a single day is not good either. Right? I see you nodding, so good choice, but don’t change you appreciation for what happens next. I take a U turn and head towards the other coffee shop, which was almost on the way and also I had a feeling that it would be open. But that was all I wanted to check and come back. By the time I reach the shop, I was enjoying the music and dancing as I walked, waving my hands and all that, since there was no one on the road to witness my extremely awesome dancing skills including my moonwalks and freestyles. And then I saw the sign of the coffee shop. I almost passed by it and then suddenly as if I was possessed, the next thing I knew, I was ordering a coffee. The guy behind the counter was still typing in the order but then I saw the chocolate cake. Before I could even make a rational decision on what I should do, I reached for my card to pay the bill for both the coffee and the cake. Everything happened before I could even blink. Of course, I wasn’t blinking.

That guy is a born artist. Such detailing.

I sat a moment later to process what just happened and the whole reason for I being out at this hour of the night. The whole shop was calm, and just as when I thought that there would be no one visiting the shop at this hour of the night and I could click some random photos, two people barge in, just like that as if it was their own house. A moment later another person comes in with a huge bag, polythene one. Meanwhile, I looked at my mega family pack, tried to suck the stomach in, which wasn’t going in at all and all I could say was “Oh shit! What have I done?” The reason for me taking a walk was because I was neck full with the pizza I ate a few hours ago. But, here I was licking the plate of the chocolate cake. And then I looked up from my public display of love towards this delicious cake, I saw a person with the huge polythene bag settling in the chair after placing his orders. He started checking out his gifts, yes that polythene bag from lifestyle was filled with a few gifts which as per my assumption were given to him as he was checking how it felt without opening them ofcourse or may be it was for someone else. One of the gifts read as “Best F NCE Ever”, written colorfully like the one with letters cut out of magazines, newspaper or something, commonly used by kidnappers or likewise to demand a ransom. Anyhow, the writing on the gift could be Best Friend, or in similar lines, or perhaps someone’s name. It struck me a moment later when I focused my eyes, that it meant “Best Fiancee Ever”. May be the words were not visible from my point of view, but that was it.

 That guy was weird because I don’t know why but he was staring at everyone who were there are the shop at that time and then he started looking at me. Though I didn’t make proper eye contact, because I avoided it, he kept staring. I had almost forgot that I had to come back, and if not for him creeping me out, I would have spent at least an hour there itself, probably trying to write something. Another reason I was supposed to get back soon was because the people in my room said they won’t be sleeping until I returned. While I was on my way, I tried to take the slow shutter photos where cars leave a trail. Low light photography is hard, very hard. Perhaps, I don’t know anything about photography. The proof were the photos I tried to take. None of them were even close to good or to be considered.

I reached back to my room at around 1 AM, and  any normal person would just sleep. And I had coffee. Say bye bye to sleep for the night! But I decided to write about the day that just happened, and since I am posting it after  a few days, you can understand why I was so busy with TV shows. It took me another 4 hours to finally sleep.


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Late Night Walks.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Late Night Walks.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ