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I take on the baton of Blog Love from Bushra (dewcool).

The Journey

8 years, 720 Posts, 6000 pageviwes, wordpress says 380 followers, but I highly doubt that, 400 odd comments!  It has been a long way, don’t you think? So, it all started in 2009. It seems like yesterday, though. I guess I have told this story a million times over, even though my total number of posts are just seven hundred posts, in total. Whoa, right? Not exactly. It might seem like I have come a long way. I might have written great many posts. I might be an expert at this thing. But, in all fairness, I am not. Now, I have heard people say, “Don’t belittle yourself”, “You are a great writer” (Okay, I agree they just meant ok-ok, not great), “Your English is complicated”, “I can’t write like you”, “What’s the correct pronunciation to this word?”, “You have to ask Ajay about that” – all this because of blogging. As much as I would like to brag about it, I can’t. I am more of a realist. I take into the facts and my overthinking-assumptive-and-destructive-mind into drawing conclusions. And in all possible scenarios, they are still facts.

I have been writing for quite a while, as you can tell. I started writing because I was kind of fascinated by a cousin of mine who wrote excellent stories and even more deep abstracts. They just blew my mind away. I started blog right after that as a step to improve my English, because apparently I had too many English books and still had no proper English. You shouldn’t be surprised if I told you that I still don’t know the names of the tenses and what comes where and the difference between an adjective and an adverb. But in all retrospect, I seem to have a little command over my grammar, don’t ask me how or what tense I am writing this in! You are in shock, are you not? I will give you a minute to let it sink in.


Anyhow, in all these years, I have tried great many things in my blog, from poetry to fiction to haiku to abstract. Some were good (I mean ok-ok types) while a great many were bad, obviously! And amidst all this, I went into hibernation for a while because of that famous term we writers use : “Writer’s Block” ! I was getting no where with that. So, I decided to change pretty much everything. I kind of restarted my blog, on a completely new platform, which I had hoped to be a great success. But ain’t I the one reaching for the stars buried 5 feet deep? Having said that, some of the best things about blogging over the many years are :

a. I came across great many people, the bloggers specifically, who have become good/nice friends.
b. Though I know great many bloggers, quite a lot of whom I interact on a general basis, a great many of them are yet to visit my blog. These are some serious writers and write mind boggling posts and articles. I don’t usually get to comment because what I wanted to say is already being said, or there is nothing much I have to add to it.  So, it is understandable that these celebrity bloggers would be kind of busy cooking their awesome posts.
c. The best part in my opinion of all this is when my friends address each other with the names I gave them on my blog. That, I consider as an accomplishment, to be very fair.
d. Other accomplishments include 700+ posts, three blogs, my own domain, my own hosting, no revenue.


So I guess it all comes down to one question, why do I write? Why do I like love writing? Why do I love my blog? Ofcourse, I love my blog however bad my writing is. As a matter of fact, every blogger here can reciprocate the same about their blog. It is our own personal space with a passion for writing, where we create stories, have stories to be shared to the whole world;  where we want to be heard, where we want to inspire people  in our own small way. It is the diary at the end of the day, a journal of adventures, the pillow to the tears, the punching bag to our frustration and more importantly, it is the solace to the mind.



This post is written for Blogchatter prompt #BlogLove  for Valentines’ Day. 

And, I pass on the baton of #BlogLove to Mayuri.


Λκ, mmxvii 

Recent Comments

11 responses to “Blog Love. #BlogChatter”

  1. Congratulations for your persistance and this great article adorned with the extra-quotes, which ist the one about the shizophrenical ways of blogging seem to be most familiar to me.
    To me – if not just showing nature’s details – blogging is a way of clearing my own mind by confusing others.

  2. Great accomplishments, mate! You have summed up so aptly and so poetically, the reasons you write and love your blog. Blogging has led to such wonderful connections, one such is you! Keep writing!

  3. Wow..this was such a heartfelt post Ajay. You are being modest by saying that you are not a great writer. Completely agree with you that we all improve with time and we all learn from our own mistakes in writing too and get better. Loved these lines- “It is the diary at the end of the day, a journal of adventures, the pillow to the tears, the punching bag to our frustration and more importantly, it is the solace to the mind.” All the best to you. Keep writing, 🙂

  4. The quotes you’ve added to your already brilliant post make it superb!

    Really, the blog is a way for me to keep developing my skills as a writer. And I don’t think anyone should stop themselves from blogging just because they are not good at English. In fact, the fact that everything people write on their blogs stays in the universe of screenshots and bookmarks, should be enough motivation to keep working hard and improving everyday!

    720 posts is a super awesome feat. Keep going strong, Ajay! 🙂

    • Why, thank you. You’re too kind.

      That’s how I started blogging as well to get better at English.
      And yes, you are absolutely right. That is why I am not stopping.
      How I wish someone bookmarked my blog as I do theirs.

      Thank you, I hope to.

  5. Hahah. About not knowing tenses. I am exactly like you. But, that is for the English teacher to know to teach na. 😉
    And I visit your blog when I am in the mood to read reality and not positivity coated sugary stuff that life is the best thing that happened to human kind.
    And bows down at the number. And like I have told you before you are an amazing writer and I love your blog too. 🙂

    • You too?
      The problem about not knowing is that my colleagues think I am good at English and ask me what tense it is when I accidentally correct their grammar.

      I will change my blog’s name to Reality Bites.

      Why, thank you. You’re too kind. 🙂

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Blog Love. #BlogChatter

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ