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The A2Z Challenge is all over the internet. And boy, am I excited? Hell yeah. Challenges like these keep us on our toes and not every time do we get to these challenges. And there is this Writer’s Block, which imperative of the situation is very prominent, especially in regards to me. So, I have been keeping myself busy these days writing whatever I wanted to write and however stupid it sounded, I didn’t hesitate to post it right away. 

So, that brings me to this A2Z challenge. It is amazing because there are people from all over the world taking part in it. And it is like a wake up call for a lazy bum, such as me again. I haven’t been following its’ updates lately, nor have I started writing anything in particular for the challenge. Because we are supposed to write like 26 posts for the month of April and not everyday is it possible to write. I am sure people have already started writing the post and scheduling the post for each day of the month. Don’t look at me, I haven’t even began to think about it. I know I am very late and lazy like I have already mentioned. But lets not go into the details! 

Now this brings me to the theme reveal. I had no idea about the theme reveal. Frankly, I didn’t. But lets me just come out say what I am going to write. So, my theme for the challenge is : Fiction, Life and Stories, Photography, Poetry, Just-Everything-Random. I know that’s a lot of themes. But frankly speaking, I just stick to one thing and write about it everyday. That takes dedication and hard word. And well, I have none. To put in simple words my theme : Random. Sounds great right? I know. Do I hear a cheer? or Two ? Or a crowd? Well, thank you for the morale support. I appreciate it. Thank You. 

P.S. I know I am posting this pretty late by 5 days and I hope it still counts. I have never got around to write this, as well as for the April challenge. Oh boy, I got a lot to do. Customize time, write a lot, a hell lot and write sensible. 

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