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“When you let someone/thing else tell you what is best for you, 
you have already lost the battle”.

Tangent of our Stars.

Disclaimer : The title doesn’t make sense. Neither will the stars.

At certain point we will question everything. What is the best question you have asked? Wait, let me start of with this! Do you believe in God? I know I am talking a lot about God these days. Let’s just say I love God way too much, or not. Anyhow, I have a flight to catch. So, I will be quick. What is the significance of the topic. It make no sense right? What is a tangent and what are stars and what in the God’s name is “Tangent to out stars”. This doesn’t make sense at all. Come on people, it does make sense. You see stars are the important part of your lives. Don’t you all agree? No? Yes, right? Stars decide what we should do today, what we should do tomorrow and how our life will be in 20 years from now. From the point we are born, and even our birth, everything is governed by Stars. You don’t seem much impressed with my revelation. Let me know if the stars make sense to you or not.

What should I give to my girlfriend?“, he said tapping his finger on the desk.

“What should you..”, he cut of his friend who was sitting beside him to correct him and said “What else should I give?”

What ELSE? What are you already giving?“, his friend asked.

I am sending a cake to her home. Flowers are a must. They add emotion to the feeling. And I have selected a purse she likes. I am just confused what else to give!“, he said still thinking of something.

Oh my god! You are already giving enough for your girlfriend! I am sure she will be more than happy“, said his friend totally perplexed.

No yaar, I am not going na. So, I want her to have the best birthday ever. That’s why I am thinking what else to give!“, he said turning towards the laptop to search something that come to his mind while his friend was slowly recovering from the shock.

He and his girlfriend have been in a relationship for 6 full and a three-quarter year. He had actually loved his girlfriend and has seen his future with her. When the relationship is that long, the parents or someone at home would obviously know. He and his girlfriend are of the same age. He is pursuing his job while she was doing her final year of MBA. But the usual things happens with girls. “She is getting older, we have to marry her off!” This notion of marriage that parents have have finally settled in his girlfriend’s parents. So, he took this matter to his parents and explained them about the person he is in love with. And she told the proposal of love to her parents. Both the parents had no objection about love marriage, since they want the best for their kids and also that they know and love each other, it is more than fair to assume that they will live happily with each other. But. Yes, there’s a but. There always is. They had no objection to the marriage but they wanted their fate to be decided my the very old Astrological way. Horoscope matching, or whatever the name is. 

The parents meet and exchange their horoscopes. And guess what? Some stars aren’t properly aligned. Oh boy! Why did the stars do this to this happy could? What did they do to those stars? But, wait, wait! There is a solution. There is always a solution to stuff like these. The stars are sighing a sign of relief. The obvious solution is to do some poojas and the bad that would have happened due to the stars could most definitely be prevented. So, both the parents were okay with all this. They were ready to do all those poojas and whatnot for their children to have a better life. When it comes to things like these, the celestial things, it is always advisable to take second opinion. But they took over five opinions from different astrologers who are well… “good” at this horoscope stuff. Everything was going fine, the poojas were being done. But, yes another but. One of the renowned astrologer of whom the lover boys’ father knows very well said that this marriage shouldn’t happen. Without loosing hope, he went to more astrologers, over ten this time and took their opinion. But that one person changed everything. The marriage was walking on a thread now. With constant convincing and giving references to other astrologers and their opinion on the marriage that there will be no danger for either, and also the living proof that they had been with together in a relationship for seven years and nothing bad has happened to anyone, nothing seemed to convince his parents. That one astrologer ruined everything. The marriage didn’t happen. The guy and the girl are a little heart broken, but there was nothing else they could do. May be he could elope. It’s not like he couldn’t. It’s more like he was respecting his parent’s wishes at the expense of his own. 

The confusing part of all this is that the guy being a believer of God does all sorts of things that the perfect disciples do. There is a Navratri starting from today and this guy is going to fast for nine whole days. Let’s take a bow for his dedication and hope that he finds a better partner.

Now, the inside joke is that when you are proposing someone make sure that you ask for their horoscope and make very sure that it matches. Because there are stars a million years ways ruining your lives.

Stars : 1
Humans : 0

It’s kind of strange that we pray to stones and believe in stars.

because I can spell the alphabets in reverse.

#Tangent #Stars #AlphabetT #LetterT #Day7

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0 responses to “Tangent. #Z2AChallenge”

  1. I kind of believe in stars because I pretty much really could not live without them, scientifically speaking. And I don't see anything strange about it either.

    But in your context – ha. Even if they eloped, everything time they fought, even about the smallest things, one of them would think in the back of their minds that maybe they shouldn't have, because yes, what if the stars were right maybe after all.








  2. There is a fine line between believing and let them decide how you should live your life.
    Scientifically speaking ? I wonder what that is. Enlighten me please.

    It's not strange because you believe in them. And I am not against it either. Just that I don't. I don't see the scientific or any other.

    Fights, small or big are part of marriages. And it's about how people come to terms with it. And in my context I never said anything about eloping. I just said they could have. In my context I said its not always the ideal choice to follow the celestial Suns to say what's best for us and what's not!

    I don't understand your ending with “garbage”? It's not like I didn't put up a disclaimer.

  3. This post is as real as it gets. So, I don't still understand what is so garbage about it. Well, if you are saying that people believing in stars to decide their future is garbage, I completely agree.

    There ain't one.

  4. I'm not a fan of astrology or horoscope either but well, poor stars :p
    Why blame the stars when its humans who interpret them, it isn't even the stars thats at fault. They are just beautiful celestial bodies.

  5. Ajay, stop drinking so much coffee; it is really messing up your neurons. Here let me explain on your level:

    once upon a time there was a boy and girl and they wanted to get married but their parents told them their stars did not match so they could not get married but instead listened to their parents despite the stars matching thing was garbage, after contemplating eloping, but had they eventually eloped they too might have felt at the times they fought that maybe the star garbage was real stuff and let the garbage infect their thinking so that they soon grew to believe it and then they grew up and taught their own children the same thing even though really it was only garbage. the end.

  6. IQ ji, I don't have any neurons to even debate on that.

    So, it's just one person's misconception trickling down from generation to generation, only that the trickling should have decreased the affect, but it's just a ink blotting on a paper.

    “Had they eloped and got married” is a far fetched thing since that is not going to happen, in my context.
    And let's say they did, and if they are still blaming the stars for every little mishaps, that just shows that they are good at blaming others for their mistakes. So, instead of telling me what's garbage and what's not garbage, it wold be a great idea if someone told that every thing that happens is their own doing, and not some star. And if they are telling their children that the stars govern their life, they are just misleading them.

    Oh, I believe there is a scientific aspect to stars being the reason for life.
    Don't feel sorry for me,



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Tangent. #Z2AChallenge

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ