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Memories. Experience. Life. Us. You. Them. Everything. Every moment is precious and every moment gives us something to learn, the good or the bad. But why write, when we can cherish the moment in memories? Why write, when we can ponder about it over a cup of coffee, trying to recollect those precious few memories. We are writers after all, we want to paint a story, a story with the moments, brushing the strokes through the memories, adding a little bit of hue of feeling, a contrast of emotion while we tune the song they sing to create a masterpiece. And well, we are humans after all.

I thought quite a lot about this – What I could write and make it look better? How I could interpret this in a way, that will appeal to the masses. I thought a lot. Believe me. I have saved this 2 years ago and had been contemplating how to use this quote and justify the deep inner meaning it has. The thing is I just can’t. No matter how or what I write, I won’t be able to make it any better than it already is. I would like you to take a bow with me to appreciate the deep meaning of this. I believe every writer in us would agree with the quote.


When you go against the tide, make sure you know how to swim.
because I can spell the alphabets in reverse!

#Day4 #W #Write #TheLetterW #AlphabetW

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0 responses to “Write. #Z2AChallenge”

  1. Love the quote!
    Also, so true. Its easy to sit and ponder and let our thoughts run wild. But writing it down takes a bit of effort and with effort comes something really beautiful. Plus, its easy to cherish those thoughts, because for how long can we rely on our memory.

  2. What if your purpose in going against the tide is not to swim exactly but the flounder and struggle and see how you still come out on the other side, or don't? Even swimming against the tide, or preparing oneself by learning how to swim in order to go against the tide, that too has a sense of regulation and conformity, simply because it makes sense, and also dispels an illusion of spontaneity

  3. A drowning person seeks help, because the struggle for survival becomes more important than the main reason for going against the tide. The only thing one need to look here is that if one chooses to go against the tide, they must know where they are going, just the act of going against something won't serve the purpose unless the reason for it is clear too.

    PS : OMG. Consider me as a 5 year old kid when you explain things please. _/_

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Write. #Z2AChallenge

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ