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Key to the better world

By Rajesh Kumar
Beach Road | Visakhapatnam | Andhra Pradesh

I came across this sculpture on the road side of the Beach Road in Visakhapatnam. I was just skimming through the city to find something fascinating to capture using my new camera and I stumble into this. No one would even give it a look even though it is on the road side of the most populated and the tourist attracted location in the city. Even if people did get a chance to give it a peek, they wouldn’t drown into thinking about what might it signify. No, I can’t read sculptures or art of any kind. But this just dropped a question in my mind. When the artist was so keep on creating a sculpture to depict about the world we currently live in? Is our world not a better place? What do you think? Do we really need a key to a better world. What will this key even do in the first place. Transport us to a place where the world is better, where people are kind, where people obey law and respect each other. What is a better world in your perspective? And I ask again, do we really need a key?

May be it is a metaphor for people to be just and surround yourself with kindness and in the process create a better world. I still haven’t answered my very first question. Is our world not a better place? According to me, it isn’t. It is a great place, sure. But a better place? I can’t get my head around it. There is a lot that has to be done for the betterment of the world and the people we live with. And this is just to fuel your imagination and let you decide what is best and whether a key is necessary entity.

The post for the twelfth day (K) of the April month is titled ‘Key’ for April A2Z Challenge .

P.S. This time I chose a photo to depict the letter which again comes under the theme ‘Random’. 

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