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It has been a pretty long time since I got a award. And I started to feel like I was getting what I truly deserve : No award ! Come on let’s face it. Well, I don’t think I need to explain why? But let’s give a round of applause to AS (I Heard You) {which is an awkwardly weird name to write : IHY } for getting the award in the first place and the obliging to pass it on. And well congratulations to me as well for being able to top the list ( dude that was randomly arranged names) *Ahem* Shut Up *Ahem*. So Yay! 

And I have been bestowed with the “Kretiv Blogger Award”. I wonder what I have is creative enough. But well, lets just thank iHeardYou for passing the award. Here it is : 

There is ritual. And I hate rituals. I hate following the rules. So, let me just skip to the part where I am supposed to answer the questions. Oh yeah, I have to pass this award as well. We can see about it later. 

The Questions and My Answers : 

1. Do you think it’s unusual that we’re the products of horniness of two people? You didn’t answer this last time 😛

No. I don’t think so. It all biology and added with something we call love,which in itself another concept altogether. But is the the product of horniness? I don’t know. What I know is we are the result of a mutual understanding and an equal share of responsibility. 

2. Forget about all your crushes and all, I wanted to know have you ever slept with anyone really or you just give free love advice? Actually the people I am nominating are wonderful people who don’t advise at all ! 😛 No actually they’re real sweethearts and advise only when asked to 😀  So for them, I want to ask, what is your definition of love?

Love? I think about it a lot and I don’t know what it is. I asked myself this question a couple of times. What I know it that it is powerful, strong enough for people to go into battles and whatnot! So, if you ask me to define love : There is no definition of love. It is an expression in itself, some remotely blissful feeling that lands you in a place you never imagined existed and you feel home, comfortable, drowning in its warmth hugging the happiness cuddling with the romance that was nonexistent so far. (Now you know, why you shouldn’t ask me such questions. ) 

3. If you become filthy rich what would you do with all that money? If you ask me I would try and help bring down suffering in this world. Honestly. What would you do?

Filthy rich. You mean to say filthy as in filthily rich? Or filthy after becoming rich or rich by being filthy. (People understand in different ways, you should know that). I was kidding, anyway. So, if I become excessively rich in an overnight, which is one hell of a dream to even imagine, but let’s assume. And wait, did you just answer your own question? umm, okay, because I don’t remember asking you. Yeah, that bringing down the suffering is sure on my list. But you need to be filthy (to the power filthy) rich to bring that down. If you say, a little contribution is all it takes. I ask, if that enough? I would give away every last penny, will that be enough? And where would that land me? Back to one of those suffering lot. If becoming rich is all about life, I am not living a life, per say. People are overrated. I would help them who are in need tmeather than donating it to some charitable trust. I would rather sponsor someone and yes i agree I am not bringing down any suffering. That is not my job to do. I am rather a selfish person. 

4. What do you weigh more- Self respect or relationship? Why?

They are equal. They should be in balance. Relationship, if we are not on the wrong page , you mean the one involving a guy and a gal, either married or not, taking care of each other , right ? I don’t see a relationship like that. I see it more as a mutual inderstnading between two people. They could be lovers. Or friends. Or just two complete strangers. Self respect is important. We don’t want to lose ourselves completely. And similarly so is the relationship. There will be compromises, sure. But not at the expense of self respect. There is no need to belittle onself for the sake of others. 
5. You’re feeling down from a very long time. Noting good has come your way from quite a long time. Would your faith in religion be still intact?

Religion is something we created to keep ourselves on our toes. There is no supernatural entity called God, but we believe in the concept of it because we should have a faith. A hope. Something that keeps us in our limits, something to reassure ourselves. I believe I am an atheist. But if I have to answer the question , my faith in religion will not be intact. 

6. Why do you think we love our family the most? Is it because of that special bond or just because we have become habitual of spending our lives with them for so many years?

Both. But before I answer, why do you think your parents love you? Is it because they gave you birth and is it their duty to love ? The answer to this question could be the answer to your question. And there is no fixed rule that we have to love our family. It just depends on how you feel and think about your family. The difference of opinions, or upbringing is all it matters.

7. Do you feel the need to change someone’s opinion. On any topic. Just as long as you know their opinion is not right and it’s unjustifiable. Why? Is it because you care about them?

I am compelled to change anyone’s opinion, if in case I feel that they are not in sync with the actual facts or if there is too much negativity in their thoughts/opinions. And this happens only if I know the person. Else, I wouldn’t even bother to speak up. Is it because I care about them? I could say that. Or may be I just want to make my point clear and get the other person down because may be he is wrong or likewise.

8. What qualities do you look in a person when you’re at your weakest, emotionally.

When I am at my weakest, I am more concerned with my own emotions / qualities. And thinking about the other people’s qualities just acts as a catalyst in making me even more weak. Yes, I am not an optimistic person, never have been. Life has been a good teacher of that. 

9. Do you think people who have suffered a lot in the past need to be given any extra favours or special status than those who didn’t? In general sense as well as in personal sense. And also do you believe in extending those favours to the successive generations as well? (This last line is specifically for communities)

Depends on what they have gone through in the past. If you are speaking about reservations, because that is the only thing with favors these days (Oh wait, you mentioned it), I don’t know. And like I said, it depends on what the people have gone through. And no, those favors shouldn’t be extended to the successive generations. Then it may be over utilization of the privileges. 

10. Our isolation or mood swings. Are they a result of the circumstances or just your own pre-assumptions and exaggerated situations in your head?

The result of circumstance which lead ourselves into pre-assumptions and exaggerated situations in out heads. It all depends on how we make out of a situation, I guess.

11. Final question. It’s tricky! You had proposed to some guy/girl in the past and he/she had rejected it. Now you also dislike that person to the core. If you two were the only beings left on this planet, would you have intercourse? Supposedly you do. Would it be for continuation of human species or just out of umm.. lust ? 😛

First of all, me proposing is never gonna happen. And if I proposed, why would I dislike that person after a few days? It means I didn’t have feelings in the first place itself. What happened to the rest of the people in the world? I consider myself to be too lucky to be the survivor, plus if that really did happen, I would be the only one. Continuation of human species? May be. And there could never be lust. Because as you have mentioned that I dislike that person to the core and so does she. 
P.S. : I should be asking and passing the award. I might do it. It takes a lot of time and these days though I claim myself to be insomniac, I am sleeping like hell. I hope I get back my usual self, soon enough. And yeah, the answers are as stupid as they could ever be. Thanks for not-reading. Wait, did you read? Oh, boy! 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Award wala Post.”

  1. Honestly, I didn't read your answers, I just scrolled down and found your P.S., I read it and it sparked this 'something' that made me read your answers and so I eventually ended up reading them

    Now, another honestly, the questions are rather… ummm… uhmmm…. well I don't know how to put it… but I sure do hope you got what I meant (right? :P)

    You sure do keep pulling each other's legs 😀

    My favorite is the last question… silly question silly answer

  2. Honestly, I didn't read your answers, I just scrolled down and found your P.S., I read it and it sparked this 'something' that made me read your answers and so I eventually ended up reading them

    Now, another honestly, the questions are rather… ummm… uhmmm…. well I don't know how to put it… but I sure do hope you got what I meant (right? :P)

    You sure do keep pulling each other's legs 😀

    My favorite is the last question… silly question silly answer

  3. This 'something' ? I want to what this something is? :O
    You did, huh ? In spite of the warning. *Sigh* 😛

    Yeah, got it ! The person who asked me, well you know, is kind of obsessed with ummm…uhmm.., the same thing you meant. 😛

    Oh yeah, I am the master of pulling other's legs. You are no exception, I am just waiting for something. 😛 #justKidding

    Glad we are on the same page.

    P.S.: Next time, please don't neglect the warnings. I always try to warn people from wasting their time. So, the first rule of TSS (The Shaded Shadows) is follow the rules. 😛 Okay, I am exaggerating too much.

  4. This 'something' ? I want to what this something is? :O
    You did, huh ? In spite of the warning. *Sigh* 😛

    Yeah, got it ! The person who asked me, well you know, is kind of obsessed with ummm…uhmm.., the same thing you meant. 😛

    Oh yeah, I am the master of pulling other's legs. You are no exception, I am just waiting for something. 😛 #justKidding

    Glad we are on the same page.

    P.S.: Next time, please don't neglect the warnings. I always try to warn people from wasting their time. So, the first rule of TSS (The Shaded Shadows) is follow the rules. 😛 Okay, I am exaggerating too much.

  5. something—- like an urge you know. besides i just wanted to know how much stupid you are 😀
    Honestly, you made me read them with that p.s. of yours bcz i had scrolled down!!!

    and that ummm….uhmmmm…. is very dorky (and i say this in a 'legally blonde' way) (is he blonde?)

    just kidding… huh…??? lets see… lets do a challenge of who can pull much harder 😛

    ps. the warnings should be given at the top… not at the most bottom!!!

  6. something—- like an urge you know. besides i just wanted to know how much stupid you are 😀
    Honestly, you made me read them with that p.s. of yours bcz i had scrolled down!!!

    and that ummm….uhmmmm…. is very dorky (and i say this in a 'legally blonde' way) (is he blonde?)

    just kidding… huh…??? lets see… lets do a challenge of who can pull much harder 😛

    ps. the warnings should be given at the top… not at the most bottom!!!

  7. Ahhh! Now, I just made to the top of the list in your stupid people list, didn't I ? :-/

    It was a warning, a sign to resign, not a spell to read. Hmph, I need to work on my warning skills. 😛

    Don't think so. I don't think there are any blondes in India.

    You got it!!! Bring it on! 😛

    Well, did it work? It was specifically designed for people like yourself, who get too bored by the length and scroll down to the ending and feel relieved that they didn't go through all the torture. And looks like it didn't work on you! 😛

  8. Ahhh! Now, I just made to the top of the list in your stupid people list, didn't I ? :-/

    It was a warning, a sign to resign, not a spell to read. Hmph, I need to work on my warning skills. 😛

    Don't think so. I don't think there are any blondes in India.

    You got it!!! Bring it on! 😛

    Well, did it work? It was specifically designed for people like yourself, who get too bored by the length and scroll down to the ending and feel relieved that they didn't go through all the torture. And looks like it didn't work on you! 😛

  9. no there are many people before you, dont worry… you failed to make it in the top ten even

    ya well do brush up that skills
    telling they are stupid, does make one wonder- oh really how much stupid (exact happened with me)

    well you never know with hair dyes now days 😛

    but not right now sometime later… m not in a mood to be pulled… i might just scream at you

    :D:D:D:D i never get bored by the length… i always read the whole post… its just that this time i knew the questions as i had already read IHY's post and knew you were awarded and you would be answering those ummm….uhmmm…. questions, so i just happened to skip that part
    i was more interested in your questions, but turns out you havent framed them yet

    btw did you pass?

  10. no there are many people before you, dont worry… you failed to make it in the top ten even

    ya well do brush up that skills
    telling they are stupid, does make one wonder- oh really how much stupid (exact happened with me)

    well you never know with hair dyes now days 😛

    but not right now sometime later… m not in a mood to be pulled… i might just scream at you

    :D:D:D:D i never get bored by the length… i always read the whole post… its just that this time i knew the questions as i had already read IHY's post and knew you were awarded and you would be answering those ummm….uhmmm…. questions, so i just happened to skip that part
    i was more interested in your questions, but turns out you havent framed them yet

    btw did you pass?

  11. No way! 😛
    Damn, I need to work on my 'being-stupid' skills. 😛

    Yeah, I have to. :-/
    You don't want to know. (Happened with you? When and how? #justCurious 😛 )

    Haha, right! We never know! 😛

    Scream? Sounds good enough for me. Bring it on, then. 😛

    Nice name you have given : ummm…uhmm…! That deserves a 'High-FIve'. 😛
    Oh, you already went through the questions! And my questions? I am working on something ( not exactly, but planning to work. If it works out, then I will be down with the questions). Just gimme some time.

    Wait, pass what?

  12. No way! 😛
    Damn, I need to work on my 'being-stupid' skills. 😛

    Yeah, I have to. :-/
    You don't want to know. (Happened with you? When and how? #justCurious 😛 )

    Haha, right! We never know! 😛

    Scream? Sounds good enough for me. Bring it on, then. 😛

    Nice name you have given : ummm…uhmm…! That deserves a 'High-FIve'. 😛
    Oh, you already went through the questions! And my questions? I am working on something ( not exactly, but planning to work. If it works out, then I will be down with the questions). Just gimme some time.

    Wait, pass what?

  13. plz dont be stupid… i would rather have a smart brother!!! 😛

    lol… thats what happened with me right now while reading your post *i say this as if speaking to a nursery kid, with long pauses*

    no plz… had a bad day… no mood to scream either!

    high five!!! indeed *claps hands with yours*
    am sure yours are not going to be like ummm….uhmmm…. they will be better!!!
    oh i dont care… take all the time… i want you to focus on some other post 😛

    i thought the answers you give decide whether u finally get the award or not
    is it not so? i think no!

    it took you a while to reply!

  14. plz dont be stupid… i would rather have a smart brother!!! 😛

    lol… thats what happened with me right now while reading your post *i say this as if speaking to a nursery kid, with long pauses*

    no plz… had a bad day… no mood to scream either!

    high five!!! indeed *claps hands with yours*
    am sure yours are not going to be like ummm….uhmmm…. they will be better!!!
    oh i dont care… take all the time… i want you to focus on some other post 😛

    i thought the answers you give decide whether u finally get the award or not
    is it not so? i think no!

    it took you a while to reply!

  15. Haha. Sure. I will try to. But can't promise. 😛

    Lol. *puts a finger on the mouth and listens attentively*

    Oh, what happened? You can tell me, you know that right?

    *Claps hands with yours*
    Ah, I know, I know. So sorry, haven't come around it yet. By the time, I do post the idea(of me writing) will become old and obsolete. :-/

    Nope. It is an entirely different concept altogether.

    Ah, yeah. I will be fast. :-/

  16. Haha. Sure. I will try to. But can't promise. 😛

    Lol. *puts a finger on the mouth and listens attentively*

    Oh, what happened? You can tell me, you know that right?

    *Claps hands with yours*
    Ah, I know, I know. So sorry, haven't come around it yet. By the time, I do post the idea(of me writing) will become old and obsolete. :-/

    Nope. It is an entirely different concept altogether.

    Ah, yeah. I will be fast. :-/

  17. its ok! even a little bit of stupidity and smartness would be good too 🙂

    well then i will “remove the finger from your mouth, lil johnny” 😛

    ah just read it on my blog! its kind of long and sad and well crappy

    uh.. trust me with me on the other side nagging you always, that post won't become old and obsolete, i will keep the sparkle alive

  18. its ok! even a little bit of stupidity and smartness would be good too 🙂

    well then i will “remove the finger from your mouth, lil johnny” 😛

    ah just read it on my blog! its kind of long and sad and well crappy

    uh.. trust me with me on the other side nagging you always, that post won't become old and obsolete, i will keep the sparkle alive

  19. Oh, is it so. Great. 😀

    Haha. LOL. Okay, Ma'am. 😛

    When did you post? I am not even getting the email? Looks like something is wrong with my profile. :-/

    Haha. I hope it turns out as you say.
    Thanks. 🙂

  20. Oh, is it so. Great. 😀

    Haha. LOL. Okay, Ma'am. 😛

    When did you post? I am not even getting the email? Looks like something is wrong with my profile. :-/

    Haha. I hope it turns out as you say.
    Thanks. 🙂

  21. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    No one can escape the great Thinker :P:P:P:P:P

    (Shit, I was about to reveal my name:S)

  22. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    No one can escape the great Thinker :P:P:P:P:P

    (Shit, I was about to reveal my name:S)

  23. You say you dont deserve it but that way of answering those questions by going around it like a rollercoaster is why you got this award
    award wala guy ka award wala answers in award wala post! 😛
    Don't worry! Wasting time is my hobby 😉 and i agree with almost all your answers!

  24. You say you dont deserve it but that way of answering those questions by going around it like a rollercoaster is why you got this award
    award wala guy ka award wala answers in award wala post! 😛
    Don't worry! Wasting time is my hobby 😉 and i agree with almost all your answers!

  25. You two definitely need to exchange each other's numbers. And I had given you such an opportunity to troll me. You wasted it. Completely. Even i was bored to death in the mid way ¬_¬
    (Thinker) You jump to the conclusions too soon baby! Don't judge me after only a few reads of my articles. I had been going through a rough patch and my articles these days reflected my state of mind.
    And you pissed me with your first comment itself my dear, so unfortunately I'll have to be cross with you. I will be giving you advice from now on.
    First one shall be- during your PMT exams, do not rush through the questions like I've seen in you.
    Secondly, focus on your studies right now rather than blogging. I know you think it's a good hobby and you finally are doing something meaningful, but believe me you're just wasting your time. Disable the comment moderation on your blog and for god's sake just wake up! Strangers aren't gonna help you reduce your stress. They can certainly provide a distraction and it's the last thing you need these days.

    Poor you… So much for you coming up with umm..uhmm…! 😛

    And Mr. Blue, you got some spellings wrong here and there. :/
    off i go before these two pull out their taser guns towards me. 😛

  26. You two definitely need to exchange each other's numbers. And I had given you such an opportunity to troll me. You wasted it. Completely. Even i was bored to death in the mid way ¬_¬
    (Thinker) You jump to the conclusions too soon baby! Don't judge me after only a few reads of my articles. I had been going through a rough patch and my articles these days reflected my state of mind.
    And you pissed me with your first comment itself my dear, so unfortunately I'll have to be cross with you. I will be giving you advice from now on.
    First one shall be- during your PMT exams, do not rush through the questions like I've seen in you.
    Secondly, focus on your studies right now rather than blogging. I know you think it's a good hobby and you finally are doing something meaningful, but believe me you're just wasting your time. Disable the comment moderation on your blog and for god's sake just wake up! Strangers aren't gonna help you reduce your stress. They can certainly provide a distraction and it's the last thing you need these days.

    Poor you… So much for you coming up with umm..uhmm…! 😛

    And Mr. Blue, you got some spellings wrong here and there. :/
    off i go before these two pull out their taser guns towards me. 😛

  27. Whoa! Whoa! Rollercoaster? You mean insanely idiotic and utterly stupid. Glad, we are on the same page. 😀

    Sirji, aapko pranaam. _/_
    Aapke pairo ka ek photo bhej dejiye, har rooj pooja karunga. _/_

    No, it isn't. Making the best use of time. And you just wasted 20 minutes of your life. Oh god! What have I done?
    About agreement, I can't debate. I have no idea what I wrote. 😛

  28. Whoa! Whoa! Rollercoaster? You mean insanely idiotic and utterly stupid. Glad, we are on the same page. 😀

    Sirji, aapko pranaam. _/_
    Aapke pairo ka ek photo bhej dejiye, har rooj pooja karunga. _/_

    No, it isn't. Making the best use of time. And you just wasted 20 minutes of your life. Oh god! What have I done?
    About agreement, I can't debate. I have no idea what I wrote. 😛

  29. all right first of all I NEVER JUDGED YOU!!!
    secondly don't call me 'baby'! I am not your baby in any sense!!! 😛 (I say this in a very sassy way!)
    You are cross with me? Well let me check if I care… I just found out I don't!
    All advises are welcome but just don't expect me to follow them!

    Just like you, I wasn't in a great situation myself, so dont rush 'yourself' to form an opinion on me… besides again I don't care

    BTW Who says I am stressed!?!?! FYI AK is no more a stranger!!!

    You know I might just have a word for that umm…uhmmm… but let's just keep it that way. I don't want this blog to get dirty 😉

    Poor you… that you cant come above 'lust'!!!!

  30. all right first of all I NEVER JUDGED YOU!!!
    secondly don't call me 'baby'! I am not your baby in any sense!!! 😛 (I say this in a very sassy way!)
    You are cross with me? Well let me check if I care… I just found out I don't!
    All advises are welcome but just don't expect me to follow them!

    Just like you, I wasn't in a great situation myself, so dont rush 'yourself' to form an opinion on me… besides again I don't care

    BTW Who says I am stressed!?!?! FYI AK is no more a stranger!!!

    You know I might just have a word for that umm…uhmmm… but let's just keep it that way. I don't want this blog to get dirty 😉

    Poor you… that you cant come above 'lust'!!!!

  31. Why do say that all the time?

    Yeah, I know. First of all, it was so hard to write. So I took the journey to office and the way back to complete it. So, didn't go through it as the autocorrect does some wonders all the time. I let it be.
    And I am bad at spellings. Got a minus 10 when I was a kid. But thanks for noticing. You seem to be too good at the same. Congratulations, Sherlock.

  32. Why do say that all the time?

    Yeah, I know. First of all, it was so hard to write. So I took the journey to office and the way back to complete it. So, didn't go through it as the autocorrect does some wonders all the time. I let it be.
    And I am bad at spellings. Got a minus 10 when I was a kid. But thanks for noticing. You seem to be too good at the same. Congratulations, Sherlock.

  33. Yeah, you did.
    Remember I said about people passing judgements.
    You shouldn't give them the opportunity to be on the upper hand. Just leave about them.

    I am trying to figure a red face, am I doing it right? 😛
    Are you cool now?

  34. Yeah, you did.
    Remember I said about people passing judgements.
    You shouldn't give them the opportunity to be on the upper hand. Just leave about them.

    I am trying to figure a red face, am I doing it right? 😛
    Are you cool now?

  35. oh i was never angry! I was laughing more!
    Such people don't affect me at all! rather amuse me to great extents!
    just bcz he has experience, he can go on say anything, i will just ignore!
    Hell! I know what I am doing… i dont need his permission nor his satisfaction, though he is imposing them both on me

    you know sometimes people giving out advises forget that they are just lending out a piece of their mind/experience/knowledge and that's it. at no point they should think that the one taking advice might get affected by the advice or bring about a change in his/her demeanor bcz of the advice, because such rarely happens! THe one giving out advice has to be a real mind changer and the one taking advice has to be fickle minded

    now neither is he a genius nor am a dumb

  36. oh i was never angry! I was laughing more!
    Such people don't affect me at all! rather amuse me to great extents!
    just bcz he has experience, he can go on say anything, i will just ignore!
    Hell! I know what I am doing… i dont need his permission nor his satisfaction, though he is imposing them both on me

    you know sometimes people giving out advises forget that they are just lending out a piece of their mind/experience/knowledge and that's it. at no point they should think that the one taking advice might get affected by the advice or bring about a change in his/her demeanor bcz of the advice, because such rarely happens! THe one giving out advice has to be a real mind changer and the one taking advice has to be fickle minded

    now neither is he a genius nor am a dumb

  37. Don't worry about him.

    I am habituated to all kinds of people. I just don't speak up to them, but I sure as well write shit about them.
    And did you pass now? 😛
    Or sleeping ? Or just pissed off with all this?

  38. Don't worry about him.

    I am habituated to all kinds of people. I just don't speak up to them, but I sure as well write shit about them.
    And did you pass now? 😛
    Or sleeping ? Or just pissed off with all this?

  39. haha you are right!

    No no i spent these 20 min legendarily 😛 😉

    btw 'The Blue Pheonix' ehh?
    I haven't tried this notify my via email before and i got a mail that “The Blue Phoenix posted a new comment!” and i am like Good for Ajay…just show me the damn replies #Cursingmyclutteredmail
    And then another and another appeared just like it and i read it which sounded like you #Imaginemyidiocy …is thateven a word?

    btw why blue? I get red, i get glowy radium…but blueee is for girls right? 😛

  40. haha you are right!

    No no i spent these 20 min legendarily 😛 😉

    btw 'The Blue Pheonix' ehh?
    I haven't tried this notify my via email before and i got a mail that “The Blue Phoenix posted a new comment!” and i am like Good for Ajay…just show me the damn replies #Cursingmyclutteredmail
    And then another and another appeared just like it and i read it which sounded like you #Imaginemyidiocy …is thateven a word?

    btw why blue? I get red, i get glowy radium…but blueee is for girls right? 😛

  41. first of all DAMN you need to learn how to speak good about yourself
    you need to raise your self concept man!!!
    people always live upto there names!!!

    And how can you say this?
    have u ever gone in a war and have come out defeated 😛
    NO na, then why?

  42. first of all DAMN you need to learn how to speak good about yourself
    you need to raise your self concept man!!!
    people always live upto there names!!!

    And how can you say this?
    have u ever gone in a war and have come out defeated 😛
    NO na, then why?

  43. I always am. 😛

    So you say. But inside you are cursing yourself. 😛

    Yeah, gross, right? I know! What can I say, I love the idea of being stupid once in a while. Don't worry, it will change in a few days.
    Oh, lol. 😛

    What the hell was that? Imaginary? Imaginemy? Idiocy, I understand. What was the first part about?

    Dude, where have you been? Blue is for girls ? WTH? For whom is pink then? Homo's, duh!
    Being an internet junkie, you shouldn't even had such a doubt in the first place. 😛

    Red, I know. The phoenix is red in itself. But I wanted to stand out, so a blue one.
    And it isn't a pink one, Einstein. Pink is for girls. And again, girls don't with phoenix! They would rather go with cat or pony or unicorns!

  44. I always am. 😛

    So you say. But inside you are cursing yourself. 😛

    Yeah, gross, right? I know! What can I say, I love the idea of being stupid once in a while. Don't worry, it will change in a few days.
    Oh, lol. 😛

    What the hell was that? Imaginary? Imaginemy? Idiocy, I understand. What was the first part about?

    Dude, where have you been? Blue is for girls ? WTH? For whom is pink then? Homo's, duh!
    Being an internet junkie, you shouldn't even had such a doubt in the first place. 😛

    Red, I know. The phoenix is red in itself. But I wanted to stand out, so a blue one.
    And it isn't a pink one, Einstein. Pink is for girls. And again, girls don't with phoenix! They would rather go with cat or pony or unicorns!

  45. I am another person in the crowd trying to bring out the flaws in the person. And here that person is myself.

    Do I see a red face now? Not yet, huh?

    Yeah, you are absolutely right. People always live upto their names.
    (But I am not those people)
    (Do I hear another DAMN? I apologize).

    Life is a battle ground, my dear sister. And I have been defeated, a lot many times. So, I think I can say that.
    And war? I hate wars. People talk about peace and make guns. What kind of nuisance is that?
    (Wait, I am going off topic) *Snaps out of it*

  46. I am another person in the crowd trying to bring out the flaws in the person. And here that person is myself.

    Do I see a red face now? Not yet, huh?

    Yeah, you are absolutely right. People always live upto their names.
    (But I am not those people)
    (Do I hear another DAMN? I apologize).

    Life is a battle ground, my dear sister. And I have been defeated, a lot many times. So, I think I can say that.
    And war? I hate wars. People talk about peace and make guns. What kind of nuisance is that?
    (Wait, I am going off topic) *Snaps out of it*

  47. No you do see a red face now!!!

    Yes you do hear another DAMN!!!

    Ok fine, then what about the times when you have won them?
    Just don't remember the times when you failed, along with them cherish those as well when you succeeded with flying colors

    and ya that was way out of topic!!!

  48. No you do see a red face now!!!

    Yes you do hear another DAMN!!!

    Ok fine, then what about the times when you have won them?
    Just don't remember the times when you failed, along with them cherish those as well when you succeeded with flying colors

    and ya that was way out of topic!!!

  49. I so wish to see it. 😛

    I feared as much. 🙁

    Yes, you are right! I could do that!

    I know. I have a Going-out-of-topic syndrome . I hope you could help me with that after you become a doctor. Right? You will, won't you?

  50. I so wish to see it. 😛

    I feared as much. 🙁

    Yes, you are right! I could do that!

    I know. I have a Going-out-of-topic syndrome . I hope you could help me with that after you become a doctor. Right? You will, won't you?

  51. I actually do hav a small nose and small eyes!
    Just add black really short hair to it and reduce the cheeks size by half! You will then b luking at me!

    Ya I googled!!!! :-D:-D:-D

  52. I actually do hav a small nose and small eyes!
    Just add black really short hair to it and reduce the cheeks size by half! You will then b luking at me!

    Ya I googled!!!! :-D:-D:-D

  53. You sound disappointed! :$
    Sorry cant help you more than that!
    Well u know it is kind of unfair to you that neither do u know my name nor how I look whereas I know that both about you

  54. You sound disappointed! :$
    Sorry cant help you more than that!
    Well u know it is kind of unfair to you that neither do u know my name nor how I look whereas I know that both about you

  55. Nope.
    I know about your anonymity and the reason behind it. And I respect that. So, no worries there.

    You think it's unfair? Wow. 😛
    Well, its' okay. You want to be anonymous, and so do I. But not when I started blogging. I wanted the world to know there is a new player in the town ( okay don't laugh now). But no one really cared. And now becoming anonymous is JUST.NOT.POSSIBLE. :-/

  56. Nope.
    I know about your anonymity and the reason behind it. And I respect that. So, no worries there.

    You think it's unfair? Wow. 😛
    Well, its' okay. You want to be anonymous, and so do I. But not when I started blogging. I wanted the world to know there is a new player in the town ( okay don't laugh now). But no one really cared. And now becoming anonymous is JUST.NOT.POSSIBLE. :-/

  57. Suddenly that reason for anonymity is vanishing and I am thinking of breaking the ice, but I don't know… Still havent fully thought about it
    Ya I do think its uunfair!
    But I can't help it:-P

  58. Suddenly that reason for anonymity is vanishing and I am thinking of breaking the ice, but I don't know… Still havent fully thought about it
    Ya I do think its uunfair!
    But I can't help it:-P

  59. I don't think you can.
    You already changed the url just because someone came to know about your blog. So, well, that makes it clear that you are coming out of the anonymity cloak. 😛

    You really do, huh? 😛 I don't believe you. 😛

    Yeah, I know. I know. :-/

  60. I don't think you can.
    You already changed the url just because someone came to know about your blog. So, well, that makes it clear that you are coming out of the anonymity cloak. 😛

    You really do, huh? 😛 I don't believe you. 😛

    Yeah, I know. I know. :-/

  61. Wait that was sarcastic right?

    Ya but still the same person now knows the new URL so does nt make a difference any more!

    I swear I do believe it's unfair, but I can't do anything about it!
    Hell you don't know who your sister is but the sister knows who her brother is! I call that mighty unfair

    I will find you in the crowd but u wont be able to 😉
    Aint that unfair?

  62. Wait that was sarcastic right?

    Ya but still the same person now knows the new URL so does nt make a difference any more!

    I swear I do believe it's unfair, but I can't do anything about it!
    Hell you don't know who your sister is but the sister knows who her brother is! I call that mighty unfair

    I will find you in the crowd but u wont be able to 😉
    Aint that unfair?

  63. Oh no. It wasn't.

    Well, it doesn't go beyond him, right? At least the rest of the people might not know right?

    I was just messing with you. 😛 I know that you feel unfair and at the same time, you can't do anything about it. It's okay.
    Haha, lol. Come to think of it, it is mighty unfair. 😛

    You can find me in the crowd ? Right!
    But it is how you choose to play by. And I appreciate it.
    It may be unfair and all, but we can't do anything about it, right? Can we?

  64. Oh no. It wasn't.

    Well, it doesn't go beyond him, right? At least the rest of the people might not know right?

    I was just messing with you. 😛 I know that you feel unfair and at the same time, you can't do anything about it. It's okay.
    Haha, lol. Come to think of it, it is mighty unfair. 😛

    You can find me in the crowd ? Right!
    But it is how you choose to play by. And I appreciate it.
    It may be unfair and all, but we can't do anything about it, right? Can we?

  65. Umm, hmph,
    No body usually goes there. :-/
    You are the first, I guess.

    What can I say, I am a little obsessed with sharing my details. #LevelExtremeMaxUnlocked
    And wait, did I put my email id there? Yeah, I did.

    Oh boy, Oh boy, oh boy.
    Thats' a lot of me over there. I gotto take that down!

  66. Umm, hmph,
    No body usually goes there. :-/
    You are the first, I guess.

    What can I say, I am a little obsessed with sharing my details. #LevelExtremeMaxUnlocked
    And wait, did I put my email id there? Yeah, I did.

    Oh boy, Oh boy, oh boy.
    Thats' a lot of me over there. I gotto take that down!

  67. You seriously cant go anonymous with all thay their!
    And ya its a bloody show off I say!
    I think its more of a creepy than an awkward thing!!!
    Oh god y do u hav all that there?

  68. You seriously cant go anonymous with all thay their!
    And ya its a bloody show off I say!
    I think its more of a creepy than an awkward thing!!!
    Oh god y do u hav all that there?

  69. Ok I scrolled through the comments here and well I don't know what's going on BUT I do want to point out one very important point! “The Phoenix is a female mythical sacred firebird with beautiful gold and red plumage.”

  70. Ok I scrolled through the comments here and well I don't know what's going on BUT I do want to point out one very important point! “The Phoenix is a female mythical sacred firebird with beautiful gold and red plumage.”

  71. Yes, I know. But I am not so sure about the female thing.

    They are usually red in color with hints of gold.

    But I think here its' blue phoenix. So, that changes everything. A fictional bird, unbiased. And moreover the reference is more important : The rise/birth from the ashes of the burned self. A birth from itself.

    I know you are thinking how much stupid this guy is. I don't argue with that. I indeed am.

  72. Yes, I know. But I am not so sure about the female thing.

    They are usually red in color with hints of gold.

    But I think here its' blue phoenix. So, that changes everything. A fictional bird, unbiased. And moreover the reference is more important : The rise/birth from the ashes of the burned self. A birth from itself.

    I know you are thinking how much stupid this guy is. I don't argue with that. I indeed am.

  73. Not really 😛
    Change again? What now its Bathman?
    its Imagine my..
    i mean Girls like Blue in boys right? *wink*

    btw what is between “girls dont” and “”with pheonix?”….i am filling a lot of things here and its going rather weird…oh wait…that's unique…i get it

  74. Not really 😛
    Change again? What now its Bathman?
    its Imagine my..
    i mean Girls like Blue in boys right? *wink*

    btw what is between “girls dont” and “”with pheonix?”….i am filling a lot of things here and its going rather weird…oh wait…that's unique…i get it

  75. Lol.

    No way! That story is over! 😀

    Imagine your.. ?
    I guess! I wouldn't know! But you will! Did all your girlfriends tell the same thing? 😛

    Go with.
    Don't let your imagination run wild. Its not that good, per say!

  76. Lol.

    No way! That story is over! 😀

    Imagine your.. ?
    I guess! I wouldn't know! But you will! Did all your girlfriends tell the same thing? 😛

    Go with.
    Don't let your imagination run wild. Its not that good, per say!

  77. What actually formed this post? The actual post or the comments? :-!

    But yeah, I did read it all. I swear! (Okay, just because it was an award post :P)
    Rest, I really haven't got comments for those questions and answers! 😛

    Oh yeah! Congrats! 😀

  78. What actually formed this post? The actual post or the comments? :-!

    But yeah, I did read it all. I swear! (Okay, just because it was an award post :P)
    Rest, I really haven't got comments for those questions and answers! 😛

    Oh yeah! Congrats! 😀

  79. The actual post is a drag and we all know it.
    I guess its' the comments, if I could say. 😛

    Oh, I apologize to have you read through those answers. 😛
    Great. We are on the same page, I guess. 😛

    Why, Thank You. 😀

  80. The actual post is a drag and we all know it.
    I guess its' the comments, if I could say. 😛

    Oh, I apologize to have you read through those answers. 😛
    Great. We are on the same page, I guess. 😛

    Why, Thank You. 😀

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ