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So, I have just a question is it late to write about the awards that a few lovely bloggers have bestowed upon me. I would like to thank them. Now I apologize for my delay to post this so late, like after a month. Now, I am just piled up with three awards and so many questions to be answered, of which two were old and one a recent one. The people who were too generous and kind to nominate Liebster Award are :

1. Rudrapragya at Pragya , who awarded me with Liebster Award. 

2. Ruya Preetika at Waking Moments. who awarded me with Versatile Blogger Award.

I know its’ all messed up in this post that I am posting three different awards in one. I had a lot of thought over it about posting it in different posts. Somehow, I am finding it difficult to post even one, so I am clubbing all in one. My sincere apologies. And also the rules, they are losing me. So, I am breaking all of them and coming up with a few handpicked things from all these three blogs. Yeah, I am the most awful person. 

1. Thank to blogger who awarded you. Done.

2. Write 11 interesting things about yourself. 

Interesting things ? Hmm.. If there were some interesting things about me, I would be a celebrity or likewise you know. 😛 #NoKiddin… Wait! Don’t jump into conclusions. I was kidding.

a. I am extremely silent guy which you people already know.So, I am very less talker. Lets’ say I am self-absorbed, soft-spoken or even shy, whichever is convenient. People do ask me a question about this and I still don’t answer them.

b. I am an extremely short-tempered person. Believe it. I almost kill people in my mind and beat the sh!t of people. The reality is something opposite, which is most unlikely to happen. 

c. I am an Insomniac, rarely sleep at nights. I usually sleep less. You can find my room with the light on at any part of the night. If not, then my laptop. If still not, then it is one of the blue moon days when I usually sleep. But I make up sleep time either in journey or someway or the other or don’t.

d. I love gadgets. Well, who doesn’t? I mean I am with them all the time. My pockets are almost filled. But still, I need to upgrade and get some new stuff and they have become old, like one century old.

e. I am a spendthrift. You have no idea what I would do if I win a Million Bucks in a lottery. Just 24 hours or may be less, and all whoosh! And you can bet on that. 😛

f. Well, I like photography. But these days, moving around with a camera just for clicking is sort of difficult and also finding the right places too. May be I need to get a Convertible Car! Yeah Right! In India? A Convertible? No Kidding.

g. When it comes to eating, I am Junk-Freak. McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut and Dominos would probably give me a Royalty or some other sort of card for my esteemed money that went into making their another store at some other place.

h. I usually eat the same thing whenever I go to a new restaurant. Though, I sometimes try new things, but still I end up buying the same thing the second time I visit it again.  I don’t want to upset the stomach and myself and my mind by just wasting on something new which in case is not-so-good-as-expected.

i. I prefer shopping alone, most of the times. Though I miss a lot on the season offers when they say “Buy 3 Get 7 Free” . No Kidding! It was there, still is.

j. I watch movies alone, again most of the times because my friends don’t watch an English movie without reading the review. And Hindi movies as well. I like to watch movies which I want to watch unbiased and not being affected by others’ reviews. 

k. Well, lastly you know… I am smart, sexy, witty, intelligent, handsome, awesome. I mean  not any one of it, you know, right ? 

Phew, that was one hell of a thing about myself. *Looks at the points* . Oh God! I am bragging too much about myself, ain’t I ? 

3. Nominate the award to a few deserving bloggers.

a. Liebster Award Nominees 
(Choose a Pick : You could pick up any one of the 
Liebster awards or even both, which ever is convenient. )

The Purple Assassin. at Purple Assassin

Meoww at Abhilasha 
Aarushi G. at Anon Radioactivity
Sameera at Life in a jiffy
Miss Sin at Sinful Clutter
b. Versatile Blogger Award Nominees

Stutee Nag at Stu(art)  
Satya Rekha Ramaswamy at LOCOMENTE 
Mani Khanna at Speaking My Heart
Srishti at My Take 
Krazzy Ki at The Sweet Life  
Kiara at -DЯΣΛMƧ- 
Congratulations to all the people who have been nominated. Okay, another thing. This classification was made randomly. Well, you don’t have to follow the rules, unless you want to. 
Thanks for your time. And yeah please pass on the award to a few other deserving blogs. 

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0 responses to “Late? Not Yet!”

  1. Wooh! These answers were something! 😀 Thoroughly enjoyed.

    Thanks a lot for nominating me. 🙂
    But do u really think I deserve this? I mean, me and Versatile? :O
    I doubt if you actually read my posts 😛 (kidding)
    But thanks a lot fir bhi! 😀

  2. Wooh! These answers were something! 😀 Thoroughly enjoyed.

    Thanks a lot for nominating me. 🙂
    But do u really think I deserve this? I mean, me and Versatile? :O
    I doubt if you actually read my posts 😛 (kidding)
    But thanks a lot fir bhi! 😀

  3. I think you can repost the above points pr eleven things about yourself on the sell? post..yeah..you will be like the first theatrical of Ranveer Kapoor..full on demand in both girls n boys(I'm serious)..Well..all the above are true!!!

    And you are a silent guy??? I still doubt it! And insomniac is a bliss because I have the disease exactly opposite to that(I guess we call it laziness)..and I can sleep fourteen hours straight..Imagine.:(

    Last but not the least..thank u..thanks a lot for nominating me for Versatile Blogger Award..And..Wait! Are you eligible for Liebster Award..I guess your blog is bit mature for that..Sorry..I had this one and really wanted to give it to you but then again..I read some freaking rules and nominated some new blogger..can I pass it now?? I wud love to. 🙂

    Okay.okay..fine..I'll stop rambling..NO! I'm not writing a post in your blog..I'm just bit overwhelmed for having my 2nd award and as I'm going to complete my 50th post n it's Mother's day..and..Okay..now stop grudging..!

  4. I think you can repost the above points pr eleven things about yourself on the sell? post..yeah..you will be like the first theatrical of Ranveer Kapoor..full on demand in both girls n boys(I'm serious)..Well..all the above are true!!!

    And you are a silent guy??? I still doubt it! And insomniac is a bliss because I have the disease exactly opposite to that(I guess we call it laziness)..and I can sleep fourteen hours straight..Imagine.:(

    Last but not the least..thank u..thanks a lot for nominating me for Versatile Blogger Award..And..Wait! Are you eligible for Liebster Award..I guess your blog is bit mature for that..Sorry..I had this one and really wanted to give it to you but then again..I read some freaking rules and nominated some new blogger..can I pass it now?? I wud love to. 🙂

    Okay.okay..fine..I'll stop rambling..NO! I'm not writing a post in your blog..I'm just bit overwhelmed for having my 2nd award and as I'm going to complete my 50th post n it's Mother's day..and..Okay..now stop grudging..!

  5. *Looks again at my 11 pointers*. Now, you are too generous or must be kidding. Full on demand? I won't be even in the thoughts for that demand list. 😛 #NoKidding

    Yeah. It is hard to believe, right? Meet me sometime, you would feel you just met the wrong guy. I am a complete contrary to the virtual world. Here I am a never keeping shut writer, but the reality is exactly, I repeat exactly the opposite. Okay, now you don't have to meet me up to find that. Did you see the word shy which means I won't even turn up. #AgainNoKidding
    I think being Insomniac is a disease than sleeping soundly.

    You are welcome.
    Haha. My blog is mature? You must be kidding. It may be old, but mature? No. Not yet. It is just an overgrown, over-sized child.

    Why, Thank You! That's too generous of you think so. But I am sure that new blogger is much more eligible than I am.

    Well, you don't have to. 😛 . You aren't? I was hoping to find a new post embedded in my post. Not going to happen, huh? 😛 .
    Oh, WOw. That's sounds nice. Congratulations on your second award and also for almost reaching the 50th post mark.
    As a matter of fact, I don't grudge. 😛 #TrueStory

  6. *Looks again at my 11 pointers*. Now, you are too generous or must be kidding. Full on demand? I won't be even in the thoughts for that demand list. 😛 #NoKidding

    Yeah. It is hard to believe, right? Meet me sometime, you would feel you just met the wrong guy. I am a complete contrary to the virtual world. Here I am a never keeping shut writer, but the reality is exactly, I repeat exactly the opposite. Okay, now you don't have to meet me up to find that. Did you see the word shy which means I won't even turn up. #AgainNoKidding
    I think being Insomniac is a disease than sleeping soundly.

    You are welcome.
    Haha. My blog is mature? You must be kidding. It may be old, but mature? No. Not yet. It is just an overgrown, over-sized child.

    Why, Thank You! That's too generous of you think so. But I am sure that new blogger is much more eligible than I am.

    Well, you don't have to. 😛 . You aren't? I was hoping to find a new post embedded in my post. Not going to happen, huh? 😛 .
    Oh, WOw. That's sounds nice. Congratulations on your second award and also for almost reaching the 50th post mark.
    As a matter of fact, I don't grudge. 😛 #TrueStory

  7. Congratulations for the award!

    Good to know more about you, when I read the 11 things about you, it reminded me my brother. Most of the points can be related to him too!

    Thank you for passing the award to me 🙂

  8. Congratulations for the award!

    Good to know more about you, when I read the 11 things about you, it reminded me my brother. Most of the points can be related to him too!

    Thank you for passing the award to me 🙂

  9. ummmm.. where did my comment go? I had commented earlier yesterday but I doubted if it got save because the browser returned some weird stuff. Anyway, 3 awards on 1 go!!! You rock dude! Congrats.

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  10. ummmm.. where did my comment go? I had commented earlier yesterday but I doubted if it got save because the browser returned some weird stuff. Anyway, 3 awards on 1 go!!! You rock dude! Congrats.

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

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Late? Not Yet!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ