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An award is an award is an award.

I don’t remember the last time I received an award in blogging. No, we don’t have Award ceremonies like that of the Oscars and the likes of it. Wait, we do. I remember this one time it was held, because I saw the people bragging about their awards on the social media which followed into their resumes as well. But, I am truly honored to have received an award, however small it might be. It basically shows that the fellow bloggers generosity and how kind they are to bestow upon me the award. No, I am not going to give a speech that I had prepared for over the years just for occasions like these. Because I think it will be too much. Hence, long story short, I was nominated with “Versatile Blogger Award” by  Kiran Gowswami who blogs at The PenGirl.


There is a ritual. And I hate rituals. I hate following the rules.

The rules for being nominated for the award are : 

1.You have to thank the person who nominated you for this award and provide a link to their blog.
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2.Nominate at least 15 bloggers of your choice.
Fifteen? Isn’t that too huge of a number? Because I don’t even know that many bloggers who read my blog. I know I read their blogs, that’s beside the point. Also, I couldn’t pick all fifteen, hence, I nominate everyone reading my blog post.
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3. Link the nominees and inform them about their nomination.
« Will be done. But I guess Pingbacks would take care of it, mostly. »

4. Share 7 facts about yourself.
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I will start off with the 4th point, because I feel it is the easiest to do. The other 600 odd posts I wrote speak about me in every manner.

Seven Facts about me : 

a. I am insomniac, which means I usually waste time on the Internet and playing games, till late nights. Though, I start of the evening plotting my next awesome post, but ends up binge watching the whole night until the early morning.

b. I am addicted to caffeine. People have started calling Cafe Coffee Day my second home. Some have even advised to take up a corner inside the CCD shop itself, in that way I can get all the coffee and also save that humongous amount of rent that pay. What they don’t understand is that, I spend money at both places, without having a second thought. I am this close to change my identity and flee the country since these Credit Card guys will be at my door step any day now for the unpaid dues.

c. I have moved quite many places as I was growing up. And I kind of know different kinds of people that I have come across. I mean their behavior and all that. So, basically lets say I study people. But more importantly I use this card as an excuse for my poor interpersonal skills. This moving all around and getting used to people have made me more reserved and less talkative, apparently.

d. I am usually on my own, like alone kind of thing. I go to watch movies, party (oh wait, I don’t party), travel alone most of the times. So, you can call me a loner. Oh no, I don’t like it. I would very much like to be in the company of people who appreciate me. But, there are not many people who do that. But then again, they have a life of their own.

e. I don’t eat ice cream. This sometimes freaks people out. The debate with, “Who doesn’t eat ice cream in the whole world?”, to which I silently raise my hand.

f. I am a junk eater. I have made people jealous of the amount of junk food I eat which I keep bragging about. Apparently, according to them I have good metabolism. And now they jinxed it. Though, I am not changing my diet to anything healthy, (hahaha, sorry the thought of  greens just made me laugh). Nope.

g. I have three blogs. I know what you are going to say. It is very impossible to maintain one blog, how come I am maintaining three blogs. I am actively handling two different blogs. The third one is a photography blog. I am more active on Instagram and I kind of like the ease of its usage. Hence, I have reduced posting on to the photography blog. Perhaps, I should get back to it. Or may be merge this blog and the photography one.


II. Nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award :

I would like to nominate the following bloggers who I feel deserve more than I really do :

Tanya at Scribbled Dreams
Reema D’Souza at The Write World
Moushmi Radhanpara at Aesthetic Miradh
Meenakshi Sethi at Layers of Life
Ananya at AnanyaWorld
Sudershana at The Daily Stroll
Your Average Peahead 

Pradita at The Pradita Chronicles
Falak Ifran at MissTalkaholic
Sasha at Sasha’s Writings


P.S. Now, if my friends at office are reading, please don’t make that big of a deal of this. This is just a fellow blogger showing appreciation.

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10 responses to “Versatile-zoned.”

  1. Hey, pal, congratulations on the award!!
    However, I got this once before, so I don’t really want to accept it. There are other people more deserving than me, especially for a second time… I really appreciate the nomination, though!! Thanks a lot!!

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