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Extraordinarily Ordinary – II
Angry Young Man ( preferably Angry Bird )

Someone fueled his silence. Not one day, not two days, but three days he has been out, not replying, not chatting. It was a small matter, that he thought, but….. 
A silent sigh of regret made its way to my ears from person sitting next to me, to be precise, behind me. It was unclear whether it was regret or annoyance. It sounded more like annoyance. A little more work is always a burden. And no matter how much and how fast a work is completed, that kind of work never gets finished. There is always something or the other. If one completes a certain portion of the work that is assigned to them, they should just keep quite and let it run its course. But telling that I have completed that task that has been assigned to me is like telling that. Sir, I have successfully stabbed myself in the eye. Please tell me another reason to stab myself again ( Pun intended).  That is when, the in-charge(s) bombard with more work. I have learned that a long back, that’s why I try my best to play safe. But it is usually difficult to tell a lie when one has completed a work and has to lie about it. Come on, let’s be practical. So, you have successfully  completed a work that was assigned to you and when your manager asks you about the work, you would probably reply that you have completed the work , well that does leave a good impression , does it not ? So, there you go, trying to be a “very – good employee” that you already are, your mind will tell you to be a  good employee and you are compelled to tell the truth. And there you go. A good employee always gets more work. History has proved that. Wait, a small correction, a good employee who is silent most of the times. Well, thus guy is one among many, including me. 
Someone fueled his silence. Not one day, not two days, but three days he has been out, not replying, not chatting. It was a small matter, that he thought, but  not-so-small, it turns out to be. 
A moment of excitement or weakness probably, has landed him into something he believes to his usual self, maintaining silence. One time he overstep the so-called-rules that we framed, and that upset another person. This, well, landed him back from his straight-forwardness to being silent . It is sometimes confusing what to tell when one doesn’t have any idea how the others will take it. It could be a jovial annotation, but it always depends on the other person, how they digest the jovial reference. To be fair to the other person, he did take the secret a little further than he should have. A little bit was his fault as well, but  he thought  it didn’t weigh much in the moment when he blurted it out and finally he was proved wrong. 
Now, these three days of silence were over and he got back to his jovial nature and everything is totally cool. However jovial he is, he always looks a little serious, a little angry. And he still thinks twice before saying anything.

Karthik.   He is known by that name.  So, when I asked my friends to describe him in a word : these were the responses . Elephant Cracker, Simple , Adorable, cool, classy, decent, Angry Bird.  Okay, seriously though, I’ve no idea how this angry bird name came up in the first place. But let me frame this guy in my own words. A simple hard-working guy who is friendly yet a little but cunning which never comes out. He kind of hides it from everyone. But in a moment if weakness, it does come out. A straight – forward, serious, workaholic type person, who would rather be working rather than taking breaks unless necessary or compelled by their friends. 
To be Continued…
P.S. : I am still in the character-introduction stage part II. There are a lot of people yet to be written about. So, don’t go anywhere. Catch the action here under the HashTag  – #ExtraordinarilyOrdinary. 

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0 responses to “Extraordinarily Ordinary – II”

  1. Its really spooky that I know a Karthik, who perfectly fits your description! :O

    Maybe I'll ask him to read this. Once your story is done, that is. Get it done fast will you? 🙂

  2. Its really spooky that I know a Karthik, who perfectly fits your description! :O

    Maybe I'll ask him to read this. Once your story is done, that is. Get it done fast will you? 🙂

  3. Initially I thought you were writing about yourself because I mean it hss been 3 days since you wrote… And honestly I was waiting for your post… But then it turns out to be 'elephant cracker'… I mean seriously 'haathi pataka' :-D:-D:-D:-D
    I wonder what cracker would you define? LOL;-)

  4. Initially I thought you were writing about yourself because I mean it hss been 3 days since you wrote… And honestly I was waiting for your post… But then it turns out to be 'elephant cracker'… I mean seriously 'haathi pataka' :-D:-D:-D:-D
    I wonder what cracker would you define? LOL;-)

  5. Oh, sorry to have you kept waiting. I was actually travelling. And that post, I mean the previous post was posted when I was on the train. And then the next days I kind of got a little busy and caught up and that is why I couldn't post anything. Sorry again.

    Ah me ? No way! The previous post was about a guy who is a celebrity sort of, more of a musician. And believe me you don't want to hear my sing.

    Seriously, I have no idea what it is ! Haha, haathi pataka. Sounds about right ! 😛

    Well, that depends on my friends as of how they would describe me, I mean by which cracker ! 😛

  6. Oh, sorry to have you kept waiting. I was actually travelling. And that post, I mean the previous post was posted when I was on the train. And then the next days I kind of got a little busy and caught up and that is why I couldn't post anything. Sorry again.

    Ah me ? No way! The previous post was about a guy who is a celebrity sort of, more of a musician. And believe me you don't want to hear my sing.

    Seriously, I have no idea what it is ! Haha, haathi pataka. Sounds about right ! 😛

    Well, that depends on my friends as of how they would describe me, I mean by which cracker ! 😛

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Extraordinarily Ordinary – II

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Extraordinarily Ordinary – II

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ