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Smile is a curve that sets everything right.
Phyllis Diller

I am sure each and everyone one of us agree to it. Because come on, a smile is contagious, whether you/anyone agrees or disagrees, when we see someone smile, we kind of forget about the innummerable worries that surround us and just join them in their joy, a distant stranger we might be. But in all practicality and accumulating the past experiences, I believe in Yin-Yang. The balance that needs maintaining. Just like everything, happiness is “sometimes” trainwrecked with an equal opposites. Do you belive in the balance, of life? Having said that, here are certain things that I believe bring a smile :

a. Friends, undoubtedly
The people I meet on a daily basis become a reason for my smiles somedays. Or the people whom I have come to known online also become a reason for the smile. Mostly, because the leg pulling of each other we do, or I do of the people I know online. But it’s not the same case when they try to pull my leg. No, not funny at all. It’s a one way street people. Also, if I am able to do this, it could only happen because of the trust I have with these people and I know that whatever I do, they won’t get offended, easily. Those who get offended can’t really make into the list of friends, can they now?

b. Photography
Please note that I am a novice to Photography. I have had a camera for almost over five years and I still don’t know any functionality. I seem to have understood the basic mnemonics and then again, it so happens I don’t remember even a single thing. And then it comes to taking photos, I just randomly take. So, besides knowing nothing and being very very bad at it, when people say that they like the photos and even ask me a question “Why are you still working here? I thought you might have taken up photography as you profession?” does make me ponder over the possibilities and well make me smile at the irony

c. Comments
I guess every writer and blogger could relate to the feeling of getting a comment. Even if it harsh or otherwise, a comment is a comment and that happiness or sort of content that it gives knowing that someone has actually dropped by and spent some time reading and even more so, they left a comment, it just leaves one elated. No, copy pasting ‘Nice Post’ is not a way to comment. I might be writing a worst post ever and that comment just makes sure that the person doesn’t really care about what you write, and that the person just looks for a lookback (to their profile helping them with the valuable page views) and also that the pretension that they care about what we write. So, just don’t. I would actually advice people to like as well without reading. I want to know what made the post I wrote for you to like.

d.  Instagram
Like I have already mentioned that I am no photographer, but then again I try to find that validation that is not even there. So, I fool around with hashtags to attract people of certain genres. And once in a blue moon, it so happens that certain hashtags and the time of the posting culminates a huge inflow of likes from people all around the world. I just like to see the number of people liking go over 100, but it never does, so a close 90’s is the next best choice. I know this is stupid, but little joys, I guess.
Anyhow if you are on Instagram follow me there at { ajaykontham } and add some points under your good karma. 

e. Books, Movies and YouTube videos :
Books need no introduction. I guess most of us can relate that these are a bundle of joy. Though, of course, if the books are text books, then please don’t drag me into it, please. Being a movie fanatic, I guess I enjoy watching the movies I really want to see, which apparently are all, because I go out of things to do in the spare time. No, I don’t have spare time, I just make spare time by doing nothing. 

One of my other full-time things is watching YouTube videos when I am taking a break from reading a book, watching movies and TV Series. Please note that ‘taking-a-break’ here means that I have binge watched a TV series and then completed watching the current weeks TV show episodes & the movies and have nothing else to do. I usually tune in to the Stand Up comedies or Late Night Shows. I follow all, but I guess Ellen DeGeneres does a commendable job at finding great talent and common people doing extraordinary work. Just awesome.



This post is written for the weekly prompt ‘Write about 5 things what makes your happy and gets a smile on your face?‘, shared every Wednesday under #WebShadow (Week 3) by Ruchie(forfoodiefamily) and Romila (Novembers Child).


NaBloPoMo November 2016

I am participating in #NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) and this is #Day23 post.

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6 responses to “5 Things to smile about. #WebShadow”

  1. nice post.

    Yes, it is pretty annoying when someone just say “nice post” but sometimes you don’t have exact words to express yourself, and you want to do so. At that point of time, people are often guilty of saying two or three words phrase. However, I agree with you, some are just web traffic mongers, but you can identify them with kind of content they post on their site or blogs 🙂

    • I agree with you.
      And you could have stopped at ‘nice post’ here as well, but you added something else, your point of view or say an opinion. And we will always have one, either good or bad. If we really read the post, we will come up with something to carry on the topic at hand.

      Thanks for dropping by. 😀

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5 Things to smile about. #WebShadow

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

5 Things to smile about. #WebShadow

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ