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We all have mixed feelings when it comes to Wensdae..Wenesday…Wednesdays. Why? Wait, what do you mean why? It’s in the middle of the week and we are in that crucial stage of getting out of our sulking Monday and Tuesday to almost preparing our self to welcome the oncoming weekend. But, then again Wednesday can be called a neutral day, since we don’t incline on anything particularly. And why are you talking about the previous day today? Shouldn’t past be left in the past? Shut up, voice in my head, just shut up. The Wednesday that just happened.

Occasion : Colleague’s Marriage
Location : ~150 km away
Plan :
a. Start at 5 AM
b. Pick up everyone by 6 AM
c. Reach by 9 AM
d. Attend the marriage, greet, take photo
e. Have Lunch
f. Start by 11:30 AM
g. Reach office by before 3 PM.
h. Continue with the day, business as usual.

The plan was set, the car was booked for 7 people, everyone was informed of the timings the previous day. Time, a concept lost to most people, especially me. I have this habit of sleeping early, literally. Sleeping at 4 AM is pretty early enough, don’t you think? And also keeping in mind the { post }  I posted a couple of days ago, please let me know what is the most feasible course of action. I think I hear you all saying sleep early and wake up early. To all of you, nevermind. So, I did the next best thing. I decided not to sleep at all. In that way, I could complete the TV show episodes for the week, and also have enough time to brush, take a bath, iron my clothes, get my backpack ready, set my hair, HAIR!!! The previous two days someone had been a good hair days, after the hair product lend its helping hand. And when I get such days, I don’t wash my hair after my usual 2 days period. Because washing would mean that I have to redo all that again. If my past experiences have taught me anything, my hair gets messed up for no apparent reason. It’s just a natural thing, like the sun rises, wind blows, rain falls, my hair gets messed up, natural. And now, its long, more the trouble.

Anyhow, the plan was iron clad and since I decided to not-sleep, there were supposed to be no problems at all. Little did I know how weak I was.
2 AM : I checked the time and calculated the remaining time I was supposed to get up and brush my teeth which was 2 more hours.
3 AM : I had completed two more episodes and one more hour was remaining, and I was supposed to get on with the day’s proceedings.
3:45 AM :  Having completed another episode and still laying in bed covered with chocolate wafers and lays chips, and almost shutting eye, I decided to “just close my eyes for a while” for 5 minutes (No, I wasn’t going to sleep. I was just going to close my eyes and relax). Now, I knew that I would sleep if I close my eyes even if its for a second, so in order to not fall asleep, I closed my eyes in a very compromising position, which meant that I would have back and neck pain. So, with pain I won’t be able to sleep. Right? RIGHT? R I G H T ? Little did I know.

…but I just sleep a little longer.

5:10 AM : I wake up to something vibrating near my face. I was still in that same compromising position. I miss a call from one of my friends as I checked the time, 5 bloody fucking AMFUCK. I screamed into the silence of the morning and the house buzzing with the fan’s rotation. I was supposed to be at the stop by 5 AM, which meant I was supposed to start by 4:45 AM from my house. I take 5 seconds to brush my teeth. No, don’t you dare question how it is even possible. Bath! Are you kidding me now? Pass. I was all over the place. My phone rings again with my friend’s name across the screen. I pick up the call and they intimate me that they were starting now. Thank God? I was still in my shorts, my bag was unpacked, my shirt was wrinkled, my things were all over my bed. FUCK. I replied to my friend in that hoarse morning voice that I was ready and will be starting in a minute. ONE MINUTE! I don’t even know whom I was kidding! I can’t even. I switch on the iron and let it heat while I dress up in the bottom. The iron heats up and I start to press. And the shirt was so wrinkled, no matter how much pressure I applied, no matter how much water I sprinkled it was still wrinkled. I cursed at myself again for the umpteenth time. Finally, after about 5 minutes of tossing and whatnot, I finally get it pressed with the wrinkles still visible from miles away. I let it be, and stuffed it in my bag. Please note that I stuffed my freshly ‘almost’ pressed shirt into the bag, which was supposed to be worn upon reaching. I pulled over me a T shirt since we were travelling but the bottoms down was formal and then I look at the mirror. Hair! What the heck was wrong with it. Like I mentioned earlier, it had been doing good for the past 2 days and if I didn’t touch it, like I didn’t for the past two days, it will was supposed to remain the same. I try to adjust it, but no matter what I did, it was a disaster. Distressed, pissed and already late, I let it be. Grabbed my bag and stormed out of the house as fast as I could. Luckily, after (super-brisk)walking for about 2 minutes, I got the auto who didn’t even argue for the rate. Gladly, I sat and tried my best to avoid wind to spoil my hair even more.

5: 25 AM : I got a call a minute ago asking me about my whereabouts, and thankfully I wasn’t late when I reached at 5:25 AM, since there was another guy who was supposed to come. As soon as I got up in the cab, I was asked whether I took a bath. I should have known by that itself that I might not be looking as if I took a bath, but still I replied that I did. Actually, I did, the night before. So, technically it hasn’t been 12 hours so it counts.

6 AM : We reach our office where the three remaining people would be boarding. Two were already out there standing, while we waited for the third and the last one to get to office. When we called him the last time, it would have taken him 5 minutes to reach office, but it was 15 minutes past that and he wasn’t picking up the phone either. We thought of better using the time that we had in our hands by finishing the morning formalities such as breakfast and coffee. After gobbling down 15 Dosas, 2 puris and 6 coffees shared among 6 people, we were ready to start on with the journey, but there was a problem. The seventh member hasn’t come yet. After waiting for some more time and ignored phone calls, we decided to fill up the gas for the vehicle.

6:45 AM : After having filled the petrol, we have this person one more last and final chance after 5 last chances, and he finally answered and informed us that he had reached office. If he hadn’t we would have proceeded with the day without him. We had to be back at office and the more we delay, the more late we would reach office. Anyhow, we started with the journey by 7 AM.

9:30 AM : We reached our destination, just in time for the marriage after a few discussions on hot topics and taking help of Google Maps. We advised the seventh person who was late and didn’t have breakfast in the morning to have something which he refused. So we waited for lunch.

12:30 PM : After greeting and taking the customary photo with the bride and groom, we headed towards the lunch area which was supposed to start at 11 AM, but it started at 11:30 AM. We all gobbled down the food as soon as it came and needless to say, the food was indeed great. We started back at 12:30 PM and reached office by 3 PM. I was dead sleepy the after the journey and the whole journey I wanted to sleep but the fellow members were like “You anyway don’t sleep at night, it’s not a big deal for you to stay awake the whole of the journey” and to honor that reputation, I decided not to sleep. And soon after I reached office, my teammate was ready with work for me and was pestering me every 10 minutes whether I had done that, while I was trying my best to sleep for a while and then get to work.

11 PM : After having a terrible day at office and maxing out on my credit card bill and debt, I settled for a nice warm shower, because remember I didn’t have in the morning? I got into the shower and did my part of the chemistry of mixing hot and cold water. After getting burnt and frozen, I finally got it to the right temperature, I started only to find the last drop dripping. Fuck, the water got over and I had just started. I clean up whatever I could with the little drops that were still dripping, get out of the bathroom, switch on the Water Motor. After waiting for fifteen minutes, dripping water all over the floor, I get back to finishing the task.


And guess what how today started. Same to same. Except, I slept, I mean I over slept. Anyhow, did this qualify to be a good story. NO, stop it, voice in my head.


NaBloPoMo November 2016

I am participating in #NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) and this is #Day24 post.

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