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Things happen for a good reason!

More often than not, the looking over the shoulder is quite a constant scene. I do that. I have always done and probably will continue to do it. Why? Why is a good thing happening so bad? Why does the head always turn around and wait for something to run all over it?

Thing happen for a reason _ ak

Experience, my friend! You would think that it’s just a phase and that the ‘good’ things are round the corner or just waiting outside the door you are about to open. Hope. A fickle little thing. We look forward to that street to end, for that door to open, for that promise of something better awaiting. But, little did we…let me correct…little did I know that the street I keep walking down never ends and the doors I keep opening never end. And I begin at the same place all over again. And then again, hope, so you point out to that street that ends just at a few paces, the right door again because hope is a powerful thing, you see. But after being put down a couple too many times, that hope we talk about dies.

And in that darkest of the phase, the faintest of the light shows up. Maybe it’s something we did or it could be anything. It wasn’t what we had expected, but it feels like it’s the start, start of something better. “Finally!”, you exclaim, that the grass that you have been watering will finally turn out to be green, that street you walked down will finally end, and that door that you are about to open will finally be the one. You smile, for a moment. But you are not happy, you are just more worried. You are unsure of what lies next. No, let me rephrase, you are unsure whether this candid smile will outlive itself. You search for that tattered hope and try to reassure yourself that it will because hope requires a positive outlook. And then as you settle in this new found smile, your curve turns upside down and you are right where you started, behind that closed door.

So, why is a good thing happening so bad? Because, karmic certainty, yin for the yang, the good and the bad – the universal epitome of balance! Or just it’s me who find the hope to be the tip of the iceberg!


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14 responses to “Glacial”

  1. No ajay, it’s not you who probably finds hope just on the tip of the iceberg. Maybe there are some as well.

    I know if one door close, another will open, and although it’s unending, we shouldn’t get tired opening a new door.
    Yes hope, we have to keep on hoping, if not then we will kill our dreams.

    • Nah, there are none.
      Also, by that I actually meant like I had the tiniest of it. That too because I am obliged to have, otherwise.

      What if each door closes in the face?
      Also, that shouldn’t get tired is called “hope”, is it not?

      Ahan, I see!

  2. I can totally relate to this, count me in standing at the tip of the iceberg and hoping things would finally change from past I guess 15+yrs.
    That door which I am looking forward to open seems to have vanished away somewhere and yet with the choice I have, I wake up everyday with the new hope of finding that door and it might be today.

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