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There is someone sitting in that corner with earphones in his ears while the others wonder what is wrong with him. You could hear the music from the other part of the room, through the earphones while you wonder how loud the music must have been. But then you let him be because you think why even bother him.

We are what we believe ourselves to be _ ak

Meanwhile, he sees a bunch of people. He is pretty much new and these people just saw him as well. He wonders how he could break the ice and introduce himself. The music is loud, but he doesn’t even know what song is playing in his ears. All the while, he is flooded with a million thoughts of how he could make himself acquainted and be part of the group, or at least try. He narrows down to a few things he could say to strike the conversation while trying to balance nervousness, the weird feeling in him and those million thoughts that keep flooding his mind. He finally makes up his mind. But by the time he makes up his mind and calms his tensed up nerves, they are nowhere to be seen. They have already moved on to the next place where they wanted to be.

Somehow he gets acquainted and he just keeps nodding and smiling. Sometimes, even tells “Yes”. Whoa. He speaks which happens to be his first in a million years. The topic change and the talking continues on amid one question of why is it that he’s still so silent but then again, they get used to the silence from that one side of the table. Perhaps he is too shy or not perhaps not comfortable.

All the while, though he is enjoying listening, he wonders what he could say to not just be that awkward silent guy. A thousand thoughts flood his mind and he doesn’t know what to say at that moment. Damn, he curses in his mind. The topic just changed and he has to do that all over again. And in that innate silence between topics, he flashes back in his timeline to see if there is anything interesting that he could share but then he realizes he kept himself away from everything that was anything interesting, all the while battling with his inhibition of what will they think?


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2 responses to “Inhibition”

  1. Its like waiting for the bust to arrive and still miss it. Tiding over the inhibition is a mighty task for many. But better such people learn to tide it over…for their own sake.
    Interesting read.

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