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Character Quote ak

Urban Dictionary: M a a l 
1. personal stash of dope. 2. hottie babe (female) 3. contraband.

You might have heard it every once in a while, i.e. if you are in the same country such as mine. While the adaptation of this word is different in different parts of the world, so let’s just say that I am generalizing with a word that I don’t even want to think about. The first time I ever heard it, my heart sunk a little. I was trying to comprehend what makes someone call someone else this, when this someone else is a girl. And that someone else girl was a damn pretty girl, the ones that are just too perfect in every way. And the beauty that had exceeded the normal limit is downgraded with a single word. That, that pinched something inside, like a knot in the stomach or I don’t know.

Beauty is supposed to be appreciated. It should be praised. If that is too much of a work for someone, they should probably do better things if they can’t see what is meant to be seen. But then again, it is something that not everyone sees. Having said that, being not able to see the actual beauty might be one thing and calling names is entirely another thing that just takes away the character in a person. Why I had to emphasize the word character is because the people who keep calling names are the so called educated bunch. And that’s what bothers me, like what were you even taught while growing up. But then again they were busy calling names when someone was teaching them the proper character for being a person.

But then again, objectification is not something new to some, or is it many? I don’t know whether they think it is okay and have it their way. Freedom of speech, is what they will come back to us if we confront them. Of all the things that they can say in the whole dictionary, they just had to prefer the slangs and the other words, I don’t even want to recollect.


I had been meaning to write this for a long time. But I never got a proper way to express it. Not that I have done any justice to it, but then again it had been bother me for a while. Mostly because the people who keep saying the word-that-I-don’t-want-to-take are people around me, well educated and as they say ‘proper’ family upbringings. And more so, because that person was in my group.


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6 responses to “M”

  1. Yup, Unfortunately the so called educated ones too behave in such a way…

    Wow I love this write of your’s Ajay… Very well said Ajay and great write on this topic. Thank you so much on behalf of all the girls/ women for writing a post on this. 🙂

  2. It’s my first time to encounter the word: Maal. So if I didn’t read this post, I wouldn’t be aware.

    Not that I’m going to use it but at least when someone speak this word l’ll know it.

    Informative post 😉

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