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Normal ak

Maybe, maybe the one’s we call freaks are normal and we are the real freaks. Normal, how do we define normal? How do we label normal? What makes one normal and other a freak?

Isn’t normal a disjointed analogy of other’s (someone who assumed that they were/are all normal) opinions and views, a collected opinionated views of a bunch of us who thought were normal. An un-calculated but trickled down norms over years and decades that we created in our own image taking in the points from the reflection of us. But what if we were never normal to even begin with?

It’s strange how we view things and how we label them while we are in this predetermined boundaries of our short-sighted thoughts and likewise. How right are we? Of perhaps the correct question should be : How wrong are we? How will we ever get to know? And what if one day there are all freaks out there, will the roles be reversed that the normal will then be called freaks and the freaks, normal? Or perhaps it had already happened!


ZtoAChallenge Theme #ZtoAChallenge

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66 responses to “Normal”

    • Who we really are!
      Now, how do we become the person we are. Isn’t it the things around us, the environment, the people, the hear-say, he-said she-said they-said, and the likes of it. Tell me if I am wrong?

      But then again, we have our own uniqueness despite all the external factors and staying true to oneself is more important than other’s opinion. 🙂

      • The environment I would say is a factor. Because there’s what we call ‘nature vs nurture’. But I don’t agree with the hear-say, he said, she said, they said. That’s what they think, who I am, but what others say don’t define me. E.g. if someone call me stupid, that’s what he/she believes, but I’m not and I’ll prove that I’m not, or just let it go, and let that person see on the long run that I’m not. 🙂

        • I agree that what others say doesn’t define you.
          But then again it’s not about what they say about you, but what they preach, lets say as a society where it says that you have to behave like this and you have to wear just this and do just that, or not do that! This so called society that is sort of defining how one should be behaving or simply put living their life does influence a person to adapt to them or grow with them. Don’t you agree?

  1. I guess, that’s the reason we need to step the act of judging one another. Our dogma of normal being can be insanity for the next person. We only believe what we think. And whatever we think is according to our thought process. No right or wrong.

    • Yes, that’s exactly true. Also, we definitely should stop the act of judging one another. Everyone is different, and it’s high time we accepted them/us for the people we are, without the clauses of someone’s opinion.

  2. Totally agree… My brother and me discuss about “What being Normal is” most of the time and then later we come to the conclusion that we definitely are very happy being the freaks 😉 😛

  3. Normal is a very relative concept. Normal for some one can be absolutely out of the way / not normal for other. What matters is where you stand vis a vis the subject. Acceptance is the key to live amicably!

    • Completely agree. Normal is a relative concept/term.
      Acceptance is the key you say, acceptance to the person we are/ we have become is what it implies, right? But isn’t the person we are/have become influenced by all the factors around us which sort of define what is normal and what isn’t? Just a food for thought.

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