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Day 6, Monday
If you couldn’t answer with your job, 
how would you answer the question, ‘what do you do’?

My first reaction on seeing the topic was a big laugh. Even I was asked about my job, I wouldn’t prefer saying about that. It is not something like a Google or Microsoft job to brag about. So, anyway, the question : ‘What do I do?’ I do a lot of things to start with. I sometimes do trekking, jumping, sleeping, umm.. drink, talk, umm..er.. Nike, iPhone, Mercedes..umm.. Wait! ‘Sorry, what was the question again?’ . Yeah, ‘What do I do?’. 

1. Waste :  I waste time, like a lot. You have no idea. Though my to-do list(s) is torn a hundred times and remade after every five minutes. And by the time I settle with one thing, there is no time left. Another day comes and the process repeats.

2. Click : Though I haven’t been regular at this, but this is what I do, kind of. Okay. Please let the boy brag about something nice, for once. I have just written about my passion  in the previous post and this is one of it. This time bound job is sucking all the time leaving me with no time to pursue anything that I like.

3. Write : This is no surprise, right? As you reading this, I was just typing the words. As simple as that, innit? And usually, I am a very lazy person. Believe me, I am. But these challenges make me write something or the other. Now, if you are reading this, you might as well know that how lame of a post this is. No. The topic is great. It is me, all me writing this and not putting my best foot forward. 

4. Spend : Oh, yeah. Give a million bucks and an hour or may be less. And you wouldn’t find a single penny left with me. You don’t believe me, do you? Well, lets give it a try. So, you ready with the million bucks? 

5. Lie : This might come as a surprise, but sometimes I am bound to lie. Not that I like doing that, but sometimes the situation demands it and also white lies aren’t harmful, I guess. 

Oh wait! The topic wasn’t about confessing about yourself right? Then why are you? Dude, you gotto understand the topic before you jump and keep babbling about it at length. 
So, I think I should stop here. Enough confessing for one day, I guess. 

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0 responses to “iDoNothing.”

  1. Lol 😛 “Let the boy brag about something nice for once” hahaha 😀 This is why I love stalking, err…reading, your blog 😀

    Lol@ Lie – really now, was that necessary? 😛

  2. Lol 😛 “Let the boy brag about something nice for once” hahaha 😀 This is why I love stalking, err…reading, your blog 😀

    Lol@ Lie – really now, was that necessary? 😛

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