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Day 7, Tuesday
The thing(s) you’re most afraid of.

Let me make one thing clear. I ain’t no afraid of anything. When I say anything, it sure means anything under the sun and the moon. So, I must be invincible, isn’t that right? May be I am, or may be not. So, I ponder at the thought and I kept thinking, what scares me more and what am I afraid of? I am left clueless. Actually No, there is something ; but I am not sure whether that called being afraid of or what. May be I should pen it down and then decide.

As I look deep into the empty night sky, a chilly wind sweeps across my face. I plunge into the thought of being afraid of. I leave a silent mocking laugh. Because the thing I am afraid of is such. Though I said, I am not afraid of anything and that I am invincible. Well, I ain’t no superman or batman. As a matter of fact, Superman is afraid of Kryponite and Batman of bats. So, people are afraid of something or the other. So, a question comes to my mind. Do gods’ have anything to be afraid of? At first, I thought what would be there for them to be afraid of as they are totally invincible. But then again, there is me. Though I am not a scary figure, but I guess I am just as much scary as anything else. 

So, back to the question. What am I afraid of ? Well, for starters, I am afraid of Life. I really don’t understand that because I am not afraid of the so called death but life has been one thing that seems to surprise me all the time. And these surprises are not anything near nice or pleasant, but exactly the opposite. Not that I don’t like surprises but at least once in a while there should be good surprises right? 

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0 responses to “L!fe.”

  1. I never thought I would find another person beside myself who is more afraid of life than death. Many people think this is cowardly, I disagree. It is cowardly only if we refuse to live life because we are afraid of it.

    Facing life and expecting what it throws at us is what makes me get the jitters, someone people enjoy this uncertainty too. Maybe we should learn to be like them.

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  2. I never thought I would find another person beside myself who is more afraid of life than death. Many people think this is cowardly, I disagree. It is cowardly only if we refuse to live life because we are afraid of it.

    Facing life and expecting what it throws at us is what makes me get the jitters, someone people enjoy this uncertainty too. Maybe we should learn to be like them.

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  3. Dude! such a serious post..!
    ANd you are right as sometimes I also ponder what's there in death to be afraid of when we know one day we all are going to die. But then again when I think I think be separated and left alive just with memories of my near and dears(* especially about my mom*) I understood why it feels so scary. I got this feeling when I was penning down a scene where the protagonist was to mourn on her mom's death but then I got that scary shudder!

  4. Dude! such a serious post..!
    ANd you are right as sometimes I also ponder what's there in death to be afraid of when we know one day we all are going to die. But then again when I think I think be separated and left alive just with memories of my near and dears(* especially about my mom*) I understood why it feels so scary. I got this feeling when I was penning down a scene where the protagonist was to mourn on her mom's death but then I got that scary shudder!

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