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Day 12, Sunday
What do you miss? 
(A person, a thing, a place, a time of your life…)

Hmph… I ponder and look back at the days or the places or anything that I would like to revisit or lets say miss. I don’t quite seem to jump on one single thing. As a matter of fact, I got none in my mind to even start with. I ponder again What do I miss? … hmm.. What do I miss? Just plain blank. Now the question has changed in my mind to Why don’t I have one? Or did I just forget? Well, if I had forgotten, then it is something that I never missed. Thats’ plain a ans simple logic. So, back to the second question – Why don’t I have one? as in like Why don’t I remember anything that I miss? Too many times, I have asked myself and I feel dejected since it was going no where. 

My Conclusion – I guess I am just a heartless, feeling-less soul. 

Well, I better stop here. 

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0 responses to “Ponder.”

  1. I somehow got to assume that you wrote it in middle of dreaming or blabbering or like running for bus(but it's too late for that possibility) or may be you got bored of us and want to get off you..please don't do it..
    PS:6 questions in a 12 lined post!!! Aaaw!

  2. I somehow got to assume that you wrote it in middle of dreaming or blabbering or like running for bus(but it's too late for that possibility) or may be you got bored of us and want to get off you..please don't do it..
    PS:6 questions in a 12 lined post!!! Aaaw!

  3. When I tried to answer mine I really had to think deep and almost failed to come up with one. I felt that I didn't miss anything because I was happy with where I was. Maybe that's why it is for you too? You're not a heartless soul. 😉

  4. When I tried to answer mine I really had to think deep and almost failed to come up with one. I felt that I didn't miss anything because I was happy with where I was. Maybe that's why it is for you too? You're not a heartless soul. 😉

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