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Day 2 :  Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. 
Take any approach you’d like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic)

Hmph. I looked at this topic for over half an hour and still am not able to figure out what I am good at or at least I know a lot about. I have to confess, I even tried looking at it from different angles. Believe me when I say that, I rotated/twisted my laptop but alas, no luck. So, after breaking a table (after repeated banging my head on it) I came up with the following things : 

Blogging : First point – All of you are better bloggers and writers than me. So, what more can I teach any of you about it. Though I can tell and preach about it at length to the people who have’t tasted the fruit of writing or lets say blogging. Believe me I tried that too. People seem interested at first and then the next moment they give it a pass. Dear people, you have no idea what you are missing here. Blogging is just not something you write/rant about and leave it to the world to know, it is how you express yourself, the feelings, the thoughts which are your very own and genuine and that no other human being can ever have. So, in this process you can know a little bit more about you, a little bit more about others and a little bit more about the world. Period.

Photography : So, this was the second thought. I thought, Yeah, I think this is something to go ahead with this post. And then I realized I don’t know beyond the A-B-C of photography. I own a DSLR camera and don’t laugh when I say I don’t know half (actually more than half) of the options it has. So, what does that make me? An Amateur. So, what more can I educate with the half baked knowledge? 

Being Silent : Aha, This! I am way too good at. The other day, I went out along with five other guys for a dinner and the only thing I remember speaking was giving the order and paying the bill. Ok, I agree. I am most awkward person you might have ever met( I mean seen, hmm..er.. known? whatever!). But believe, I can be the most silent/non-talkative guy you might ever known. So how does one do that? I don’t know. Just be quiet and talk when necessary, I guess. And I know it is totally impossible to just keep quiet for most of the people. Well, I was just saying. 

Well there, the think tank didn’t have anything else to go forward with. So, the conclusion that I could draw from that is I know nothing more than most of you people already know. Hmph. I must learn something. May be some Martian language. 

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0 responses to “Empty Slate.”

  1. Giving the order and paying the bill..lmao..#LikeaBoss 😛

    What are you talking about? You are the only consistent blogger that i know! and you are amazing at it! #NoKidding

    you might say that..but i have seen your photography. so something tells me i dont know half of what you know + you are #The Guy with a DSLR# and i happen to understand your language 😛 so you can start there too!

    What is this blog everyday in may thing?

  2. Giving the order and paying the bill..lmao..#LikeaBoss 😛

    What are you talking about? You are the only consistent blogger that i know! and you are amazing at it! #NoKidding

    you might say that..but i have seen your photography. so something tells me i dont know half of what you know + you are #The Guy with a DSLR# and i happen to understand your language 😛 so you can start there too!

    What is this blog everyday in may thing?

  3. We all think we know something but the moment someone asks us to teach or preach it, mind does become an empty slate 🙂

    And being silent, dude, will you respond if someone asks you something. Going out with 5 people and just vocalizing for the bill, are you serious! Can anyone be that silent? And what do the guys do? Don't they nag you to talk or something like that?

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  4. We all think we know something but the moment someone asks us to teach or preach it, mind does become an empty slate 🙂

    And being silent, dude, will you respond if someone asks you something. Going out with 5 people and just vocalizing for the bill, are you serious! Can anyone be that silent? And what do the guys do? Don't they nag you to talk or something like that?

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

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Empty Slate.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ