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Day 5, Sunday
Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. 
What makes them great? Why do you love them? 
If you don’t have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member.

This is an interesting topic. It is more like the truth-and-dare game and its my turn and I am forced to tell the truth. And I am too bad at confessing. That too openly and about a blogger. If it were someone else, my dear readers won’t have a clue about who that person is but not the only people here are bloggers and picking up one is just too difficult. Isn’t it so. Now the question at hand, Who? , What? and Why?

So, I am not just picking one. I would be telling about every blogger whom I admire. And yeah, the reason will be stated as well. 

Dear SK, 
This blogger is the amazing writer I have ever met. Though I didn’t see much activity on his blog for over 3 years(nearly), I still admire his writings. He then started writing on Facebook and believe me when I say they are beautiful, they indeed are the mind-blowing writings I had ever seen until he went off the grid. No Facebook. No Blogging. For over two years nearly, I haven’t seen a post/write up/ anything. And you may ask why do I still admire even after 3 years of staying in the dark. The reason is the very reason I am writing this post. With a little (little is a too petty of a word here, hmm) inspiration from his writings, I started my journey into this amazing world of writing. Though, I am not good at this even after nearly four years of blogging and not eve close to the benchmark I set for myself, this blogger is truly and undoubtedly my inspiration.

Dear IQ
You know, I know and probably the whole world knows how amazing of a blogger/writer you are. The abstractness in your posts is totally awesome. I sometimes envy you and keep thinking, How the hell do you write so fantastically ? Though, it seems you have been busy or bored with my blog (nothing new there) I am a constant stalker to your blog. #NoKidding

Dear Keirthana
This person is new to my blog-space and the same goes the other way too. She is a constant visitor instead of my repeated telling that one day she might lose her mind reading my blog (I think I have told her, if not then I just did). And though she claims to be new and learning, the writings say something entirely else as if written by a prolific writer. You got a stalker too ma’am. 😛

Hmm, on second, no, more like tenth thought, I figured out that almost everybody fits here. So, I think its better to stop here. I know though the topic says only one, but one is a little too small number. So, what I will be doing is breaking the already broken rule(by me only) and mention all the amazing bloggers out there. 

1. Green Speck   2. Srishti   3. Kiara   4. Maggie   5. Sivakarthik  6. Suresh   7. Me   8. Pragya   9. Kriti   10. Bushra   11. Anisha   12. Ruhie   13. Udita  14. Blue   15. PeeVee 

Oh boy, I thought this was easy. Just figured out, adding a hundred names and linking them is no child’s play. One might even say I am insane and dart out a question that how I can be devoted to all these bloggers. Well, I admire each and everyone and their blog and of course their writing. And the reason why I feel that way is because every person has an unique way of writing and expressing their thoughts or ideas and that fascinates me. If you compare with my blog, my blog would be more like a plain text. But these bloggers writing have a tinge of the emotion that they have in mind and that is so damn perfectly expressed. That! I just love that kind of writing. So, now do I have to say I love all these bloggers? Well, I do love their writing and so yeah, I could say that. 

Well, I should be leaving now before I am bombarded with rejections/shoes/heels/tomatoes/eggs/whatnot. 

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0 responses to “A Little Inspiration.”

  1. :O OH MY GOD. *blown away*

    Wowww, I'm soo honoured and amazed…Thank you AJAYYYYYYYYYY 😀 and nooooooooo, I'm definitely not bored with your blog! I'm a mutual stalker, albeit not so much a vocal one (well then again how many stalkers let you know they're doing it? :P)..You're one of my favourite co-bloggers too, that too considering you and Wanderer are pure-blogger friends; having met through blogger itself by some very good luck! 🙂

    *throws flowers* 😀

  2. :O OH MY GOD. *blown away*

    Wowww, I'm soo honoured and amazed…Thank you AJAYYYYYYYYYY 😀 and nooooooooo, I'm definitely not bored with your blog! I'm a mutual stalker, albeit not so much a vocal one (well then again how many stalkers let you know they're doing it? :P)..You're one of my favourite co-bloggers too, that too considering you and Wanderer are pure-blogger friends; having met through blogger itself by some very good luck! 🙂

    *throws flowers* 😀

  3. Hope you are back in one piece. 😛

    Mutual Stalker! 😀 Thanks. Now the question, How many stalkers let you know they are doing it? I count two, including me. 😛

    Now, I am honored to be in your pure-blogger friends list. 😀 Thank You. 😀

    *Keeps the flowers in the Vase onn the bed-side table*. 😀

  4. Hope you are back in one piece. 😛

    Mutual Stalker! 😀 Thanks. Now the question, How many stalkers let you know they are doing it? I count two, including me. 😛

    Now, I am honored to be in your pure-blogger friends list. 😀 Thank You. 😀

    *Keeps the flowers in the Vase onn the bed-side table*. 😀

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A Little Inspiration.

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A Little Inspiration.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ