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Blog, the word I have been hearing more often these days. Well, I am obsessed with the blogging thing, so it echoes in my brain trying to check the status. My browser automatically opens the Facebook tab and the Blogger tab simultaneously when I connect to the internet. But there is something else all together. In class also, I have started hearing the word blog and when I do most people point to me. First thing is that no body has eve visited my blog, as a matter of fact I didn’t share the link. Second thing, I don’t know what the others think what I write about in my blog, but they just stick to the fact that I write and that’s’ it. The other day, one of my Sir was asking something after a small childish activity which had a big logic behind it, Do you have any other blocks? And all of a sudden some of the guys from the class started shouting “AJAY”. Wth, man”,I frown. Sir immediately corrects the wrong grasp by the people stating that its BLOCKS and NOT BLOG. Thank god, I didn’t give any link to who ever asked. I said to Google my name followed by the keyword blog. 

The Critic
So, this was a rapid spree and the news was spreading fast, well, person to person , like once a month. The other day, a friend of mine came to know that I write from another friend of mine. So, we were in the library and I was busy with some novel on my iPod “50 Shades of Grey”. This person sits beside me with a big book consisting of some 50 short stories. And he blurts out “You have a blog? A told me”. “Yeah”, I reply looking at him with a little bit of excitement. He continues, “I was reading some Blog and A told that you write Blog, what’s the link?”. Haha, my Blog is spreading. So, I tell him to Google my name. Actually, when I google it, the first that comes is my blog, but it didn’t here. So, he scrolls down to the bottom and selects the link which has a tag blog after my name. All this he does on his phone. Later, I tell him the link and there comes  a list of four blogs and I explain what I write in each one of it. He goes to the poem first. I already warn him not to, but still he does. He asks me whether I copied the description ? I give a half smile and reply to him saying that if I were to copy something , then it won’t be my blog . I continue saying my blog will have everything that is my own. He reads through the description and tell his views, well not the positive ones though. I thought he would be thrilled to see the way I wrote, but he was on a totally other page. He reads through the first ‘worambling’ which I call it as it is a crude mid of words to sound like a poem which clearly doesn’t. Well, that not hard to find out, and this person comes out with his view. Still not on the positive side yet. He then goes to another blog- this one. He continues through the firs few lines of my previous post where I have used some mind-twisting-no-sense-making-irrelevant-words. He surely gets confused about what he is reading as one of my commenter rightly mentioned all seemed pointless. He stops in the middle and unable to grasp a word I wrote and unclear of where it was headed, he skips to my another blog- the fiction one. He doesn’t make much comments on it. Wait a minute, he does and advices me on the same. 

The Reader.
We have already named this person with the gadget he carries along with him most of the time solely for reading purposes. If I am not wrong, you could make out that gadget. So, this person happens to be sitting beside me ad inquires me about the blog, which I write and which I mentioned in some of the classes. I tell him and he goes to another link which also has a list of my blogs but its not exactly the place where my blogs solely exist. He goes through the photography page, though I haven’ uploaded anything for say like four months. Then he goes to the poetry one, which doesn’t seem so pleasing as well. I know, right? Later the other day I posted in my company blog space one of my woramblings just to see. He asks for it and I tell him to search my name in the search box because its had to find the link as it is hard to find but he uses his geek-y mind and makes his way to my post. Strange Life. Inspite of other little easy ones and better one(I guess) I go for this one for my first post. He sits besides me in the last as we are from the same batch. And we chat. The rest of the group members laugh seeing us chat while we still sit beside each other. Actually, we are using the technology and the resources provided to us to the extreme. I ask him jokingly whether he is fine after reading my post, He inquires about the dark side of the poem. I myself don’t know and I reply the same. I think that the first and the last that he has read from my blog(s).


Well, I need to come up with something interesting and appealing. Something which I never did before and that idea should be mine alone. So, setting a new trend. I see. I laugh at my insight and the way I am going with this thinking. Well, I need to blog frequently and make up for the time that I have been wasting doing nothing.

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0 responses to “Bloggy.”

  1. Lol you can say that; they're generally known as “mommy porn”. It's extremely poorly written though, which isn't surprising as it started out as Twilight-fan-writing by a housewife, but the people who are into it are usually in it for the 'porn' part, so how poorly it's written doesn't matter. lol

  2. Lol you can say that; they're generally known as “mommy porn”. It's extremely poorly written though, which isn't surprising as it started out as Twilight-fan-writing by a housewife, but the people who are into it are usually in it for the 'porn' part, so how poorly it's written doesn't matter. lol

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