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The other day, I spoke at great length about the games that were being conducted at office. After two successful fails and losing in a manner we can’t even speak about, the third day we hoped to change the tables to our sides. But as you might have very well guessed, the same fate awaited us. We knew it beforehand, but still we did it anyway. 

We had a DJ on the next day. It was the only day in over a year after staying in Bangalore that I actually sweat. I am not kidding. I had went on a marathon a couple of times. Actually, to be precise two times and I did not sweat then, may be because I was more walking than running. Well, okay now we are not here to judge my stamina. I also went on a morning jog. If you know me ( in case you are reading my blog or whatever!) , I am an Insomniac person. If I have to wake up at six in the morning, I sure as hell can’t wake up even if I had a hundred alarms blazing in my ears. Been there, done that, got scolded by roommates. So, the only solution is to stay awake till six. One day when I saw that the time was six and my so called TV Series have magically completed, I woke up to the world. I thought lets go for a run and fulfill that six-pack body from my wish list. I came back panting, realizing that I didn’t even run half a mile. Keep aside the half mile thing, I just walked and came back , umm, panting. So, what was I telling ? Yes, sweating! We danced like crazy, like mad crazy. Though we hadn’t any dance moves in our grasp. But there was music, which was more than sufficient. 

Since we are on the topic of me being an insomniac. Let me extend the story a bit longer. The other day I wanted to catch the early bus to office. This bus usually comes at seven in the morning. Since you already know my story about my inability to wake up in the morning on time, I preferred to stay up all night. So, I was keeping myself busy with some movies and tv series. By the time I realized to check the clock, it was already seven. I seriously cursed myself for not keeping tabs on time as I wanted to be in office early that day. I got ready for the next bus, which is usually at nine thirty. But before that, I thought I could steal a little sleep since the time was still eight. The next thing I know, the time is ten. Believe me, I cursed me even more. Well, since this is also out of reach, the next and the final bus was at eleven. I made the weird calculations in my mind to come to a conclusion that I had another one hour before the bus comes. So, let me steal another quick nap. The next thing I know the time is twelve. No kidding! I just succeeded in missing all the morning buses and in turn had to pay my way to office. The only problem was that by public transport, I had to change two bused, walk like..um.. over two mile (roughly). “The day couldn’t have been better”. No, Seriously! 

So, today as I was about to start writing a post. I got delayed. No, I was lying . I was distracted. Thanks to faceboook for being successful in that every single time. Even though, I don’t get any new notification for decades, I still open it to see if by chance any. I came across this video : 

I seriously had a nice laugh. So I continued watching other videos of same genre. By the time I finished, I mean the videos list got, the time is now. If you happen to watch the Game of Thrones tv series, you would like this one. Scratch that. You would still like it anyway. The lip sync is just too awesome and perfect. Hats off guys.

The other day, my friend introduced to an friend of his, who in turn turned out to be a person I already knew, but not that well. So he said, he was just telling about me. I was seriously taken aback. What the hell do I have that you are telling others about ? I asked the same. You write poems, don’t you ?  he asked me. Ofcourse I do, I replied. He writes awesome poems and since you are also interested in poems, you too could sit together sometime, he said to his friend. I was feeling like acting like a great poet. Though the voice in my mind was keep telling me shouting at me Dont flatter yourself”. I accept that this is short lived, but still I could drown in it. So, I wrote one the very same day. The hope died the very same day. No, now you don’t have to go to that poem. It really sucked. Take my word for it. 

P.S. I would be lying if I said that I am still trying to get my head around this writing thing. Because I ain’t trying here, at all. I should get back to this, real soon. I feel like I am babbling on an on, without making a point. Umm… there was never such a thing ever though, but still I tried to, back in those days ! 

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0 responses to “Mash Up.”

  1. Dear Sleepless-AK,

    Oh my goodness *jaw drops* Your insomnia is scaring me! I mean, I don't sleep till late either, 2am is the regular sleeping time…but I wake up just as late! How do you function without sleep! I stayed up one night, all night, and by 8 in the morning, I fell asleep, and I woke up around 6 in the night! Of course you can't run a mile in that condition (at least I wouldn't be able to)

    Go to sleep,
    Sincerely sleep-treasuring-Wanderer

  2. Dear Sleepless-AK,

    Oh my goodness *jaw drops* Your insomnia is scaring me! I mean, I don't sleep till late either, 2am is the regular sleeping time…but I wake up just as late! How do you function without sleep! I stayed up one night, all night, and by 8 in the morning, I fell asleep, and I woke up around 6 in the night! Of course you can't run a mile in that condition (at least I wouldn't be able to)

    Go to sleep,
    Sincerely sleep-treasuring-Wanderer

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Mash Up.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ