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These are the last few days at the training and they are pretty rough these days, keeping aside the fact that we get to work the least. Sorry, I wrote it wrong. I work the least. I will be busy playing or browsing and that’s it and yeah doing nothing. I just go and come back and strike down a date that its over and get back to my tv series watching spree. A lot has happened lately. 

Let me tell you a story first which I think is a little relevant for the time being, I mean for the new readers(I hope there are. And yeah How would I actually know unless they comment or at least follow, well whatever!). When I was in Engineering second year, I had already started blogging and my intention was to improve my skills, which I failed to do till now is some other story. So, I had no people reading it. And I was like writing and writing nonsense. So, all my beginning posts have no comments or even page views. If there are any, that would be mine. You have no idea what I would write about and it was more like an online English essay writing competition. Don’t get into the content, that would blow you mind off, not in a pleasant way, rather in a way you-might-forget-English. But, I had no worries because there was no one on my back to read or even comment. But, as a writer it doesn’t feel good. You must see for yourself. You work and your work is not appreciated and obviously we feel bad. I wasn’t talking about someone appreciating my bog or what I write, I was rather looking for criticism and likewise things because those help improve not appreciations. So, back in those days, I made a couple of friends and they are more like unseen friends. You have a cousin sister and their friends become your unseen friends. Replace you with I now. So, I motivated a friend to write a blog. And she was. And she started. Now that’s good writing, I say. Eventually, what happened was that writing is not a hobby, you know, I mean not for most of the people. Some get wind up in work and don’t write like me for a couple of months. I still write because I don’t do a damn work. My friends(batch mates take care of it). 

Now the question : Where did I get my first inspiration to write blog? 
Thats’ a good question. And if it was that someone read my starting posts, I did mention it a couple of times. No, many times, or even more, by the way who’s keeping count. My cousin brother. Some perfectionist, he is. I mean look at his track record. So perfectly exponential career path. I was blown apart, more like mind-blown so that I could see my brain in the mirror. (Thats’ a Joke). I don’t half of the words he would write and I would quickly refer the dictionary. My dad also commented about his skill and so did my uncle. Well, seems like all family is praising, thats’ deserved and earned. Now, it was my turn to show what I got. Don’t get puzzled when I say, I read newspaper only on hoidays at home and that to be ….( Wait a minute, I read or don’t. Now I am confused. ) Yeah, got it. I read. Only the haedlines and the content is pretty boring you know. And recently, I started the novel spree because I am interested in writing stories. So there it is. I started blogging and kept bogging. And I wont stop. Believe me, I won’t.

So, going up to the previous para. I mentioned about a person whom I asked to start writing. She was a year older and was pretty good, far too good. Then somehow, my classmates also came to know about it. Wait a minute, I think I only told them. Yeah, I was desperate. Because all my English essays were getting wasted without being credited, I mean criticized. Many didn’t know what blogs are in the first place. Thats’ something I like explaining. Another story pops us in my mind. We were given a mock interview while we were in college pursuing my Engineering. And the person who interviewed me asked my hobbies as a routine question. So, as I said I love explaining about it to the people who don’t know is just fun and you know it feel good. It feels good because somewhere deep down they get motivated. And there is an option for getting money as well, and when I told this to that man, he noted the website www.blogger.com and also I also told about www.wordpress.com. Yeah, just telling everything I know.
Coming back from the little story, some of my friends got motivated when they learned about my blog and I encouraged them to start up (I felt a little competition would be good, I mean good competition), or so I thought. Well, its not something you tell a child to eat and he just eats it. Many people were interested in writing but there are some minor problems. Some didn’t had the confidence because they weren’t good at English while some said they don’t have anything in mind to write thats’ interesting. While some started and stopped and felt it was a waste of time and the time could be spent more usefully and creatively. Some are ..hmm.. I don’t what to call them.. they want to write and share knowledge but they don’t. And I keep pushing them to write and I just fail. I think they are better off reading and studying, thats’ what they do. And now they will be better off earning in a couple of years. A friend of mine who used to keep track of most of my blog-posts. And this guy doesn’t write inspite of telling and even forcing him to do. Some have started blogging and that’s good to see because I feel they are enjoying it. 

Now, from the starting I just keep telling people about me and my blogs, that when I speak. Still no much people know about this blog. I mean look at this. I make it so sweet and simple and though the content is s#it, but I think its good to see, right? Two of my friends have started blogging. I won’t say its because of me, is it? As far as I know, one guy reads it. And I am not sure about the rest. Come on, can anyone keep up with what I write? Now, that I just said, there are people who are willing to throw a bomb at me, if I criticize what I write. They feel I write it my own way and it is different, but it may not be the best, but they still can live with that. But just criticism would make them fire up the canon balls. 

So let me introduce the new Bloggers on the Block: 

The genius who just takes time to share knowledge. And when I say Genius, I mean it. This guy is a book-aholic. He has a Kindle, while people are crazy about iPads and other sleeky tablets. He keeps reading and reading, just like a friend in my engineering. Novels, cartoons, whatever that is interesting he just reads it. So compared to me, he is more knowledgeable person. I did’t mention about his other habits right. He is a quick learner and a very talented person. And he just happens to be my good friend. And when some knowledgeable-talented-skilled-genius blogs, I sure won’t miss it. He is just starting, and if time permits give a look.
b. N o I s I o N : 
This guy is a little different, a good kind of way. He is very open and maintains a diary. Look at that, a dairy. Most people do, but none in my friends list, No one. I used to but I started blogging and it is mostly my diary. He admires me, I won’t lie, he does. But I on the other hand stay as usual [ The Silent Guy – Lost on some dreamy land {I just made that up} ]. So, what he thinks is that I don’t care much of what he says. Now, I will be frank. I mentioned in my earlier posts also but still, saying it again. There are different ways in which people react to things. I react in a manner which doesn’t use any verbal sentences. Whatever I feel, I write and I just don’t say on the face. I am very much attentive as of how people receive when I say something. Well, I will mention about that in detail in the next blog-post. So this new blogger is totally expressive. He speaks his mind and that thing most people lack. And that he has started writing he will be writing his mind. So, again, if time permits, give a look. 

The Power
Now, what gives the person who is writing the power to write more and the entusiasm to keep the flame alive? Some research or experiences and a sound mind which keeps populating with new ideas is a start, oh no then its already started. A little appreciation from the readers’ side is a welcome gift. Now, I am not saying to appreciate what I write. I am much more interested in know what people feel about it. I would rather prefer criticism to appreciation. Because you know,…mhmm…er… I won’t tell. I mentioned about the canon thing, right? Now, It seems like I am having a new base of followers who say they are reading my blog. Well, I appreciate that a lot and also Thanks. But, there is this little thing about how will I know that someone read whatever it is that I wrote. I request you to drop a comment as anonymous (at least). So, for some people sake who are always logged in Facebook, I added a Facebook comment box as well. I would be more than happy, if you comment. And the new bloggers must understand the power of comments. So, keep me posted on how bad or good I am, because I just can’t look at myself on my own without a mirror, can I ? 

Next on Hotline – About myself ….*Oh Nooooo…! Not again.* Sorry, pardon me, what was that again?  Let me finish first. Its About Your’s Truly from Other’s Perspective. An exercise as a part of our curriculum and I am a little shocked myself, or may be not. Find it out yourself. 

And don’t forget to comment. Please, I want to know who and how many! Its just personal satisfaction. Again, there is no forcing. You may comment as anonymous, but I would think its better to avoid that. But still, its your choice how you do it. And the people who are fans-of-my-blog-who-comment, please don’t stop what you are doing. Bring them on. Sorry what? I would have to remove the fans-of-my-blog part..? Okay, done. People-who-have-something-to-share bring them on. I hope this will do, right? 

Night. Sleep Tight. 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Timely Events.”

  1. Insomniac?Oh are u? I just thought u kept awake all night to read my comments on ur posts 😛
    Its a different reading experience to see how u cut every frill out while talking abt urself. Not every blogger does dat…keep da real talk up!

  2. Insomniac?Oh are u? I just thought u kept awake all night to read my comments on ur posts 😛
    Its a different reading experience to see how u cut every frill out while talking abt urself. Not every blogger does dat…keep da real talk up!

  3. I'm exactly the same as you in this matter. I discovered blogging from friend and was motivated to write. And after a couple of posts I began to encourage others to start up their blogs.

    Unfortunately most of those that I urged to blog are now dormant bloggers. But it's terrible when you think about it right? Some of those people are such brilliant writers but somewhere along with time they stop blogging. But occasionally I pester them to write a post.

    Bring out new bloggers 🙂

  4. I'm exactly the same as you in this matter. I discovered blogging from friend and was motivated to write. And after a couple of posts I began to encourage others to start up their blogs.

    Unfortunately most of those that I urged to blog are now dormant bloggers. But it's terrible when you think about it right? Some of those people are such brilliant writers but somewhere along with time they stop blogging. But occasionally I pester them to write a post.

    Bring out new bloggers 🙂

  5. The people whom I encourage are pretty good writers and I am sure they will be famous.

    I do the same thing. I like reading and also knowing their thoughts and may be in the way I may learn something. So, I do pester a lot.

    Exactly, Join the Campaing : Bring out new Bloggers
    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  6. The people whom I encourage are pretty good writers and I am sure they will be famous.

    I do the same thing. I like reading and also knowing their thoughts and may be in the way I may learn something. So, I do pester a lot.

    Exactly, Join the Campaing : Bring out new Bloggers
    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  7. I've made/created blogs for quite a number of my friends and they all seem not inclined to write. One posts songs only, one posts pictures, another doesn't even post hahaha…oh well 🙂

    And yes your self-talk is awesome, no it's not the sign of madness, it's just you describing your thoughts, and that's something all of us do! You put it in writing, and that's what makes your posts so interestingly dynamic.

  8. I've made/created blogs for quite a number of my friends and they all seem not inclined to write. One posts songs only, one posts pictures, another doesn't even post hahaha…oh well 🙂

    And yes your self-talk is awesome, no it's not the sign of madness, it's just you describing your thoughts, and that's something all of us do! You put it in writing, and that's what makes your posts so interestingly dynamic.

  9. I feel inspiring other people to write and also it gives us a little inspiration to self and some sense of achievement somewhere deep down.

    Self-talk! People like it? I never knew that. But thanks, for letting me know. Because it is the mind which speaks all the time most of the time and not me. And your comment is encouragingly nice. Thanks. 🙂

  10. I feel inspiring other people to write and also it gives us a little inspiration to self and some sense of achievement somewhere deep down.

    Self-talk! People like it? I never knew that. But thanks, for letting me know. Because it is the mind which speaks all the time most of the time and not me. And your comment is encouragingly nice. Thanks. 🙂

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Timely Events.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ