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Category: Coffee

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


Second Installment.

Knock knock. “There’s no door“, shouted the angry voices. Oh, hey hi. How are you doing? … … … Anyone there? Friendship Da-what? They usually

Breaking Fast.

Knock Knock. Anyone there ? # 1 Where did the author go? I have wondered the same for quite some time. What happened to writing and what

That ‘thing’ in Nothing.

A mishap. It was midnight, ten minutes past twelve. The cold wind sneaked into the warmth of my room rendering it a cold compelling me to

A moment.

      Everybody loves their hair, unless they happen to do-not have any of it. That is when the giving-advice starts. They seem to feel that they

Out of Hand!

Things are getting out of hand. Or probably not. But there is something going on these days which could be termed as odd? Don’t beat yourself up

What have I been upto ? (Cont…)

I was standing at the coffee counter in office. And this colleague of mine who is kind of an incharge of whatever I am into

Oh Boy, Could it be any worse?

I feared as much. I had this coming. I kind of waited for it, it seemed like. So when I wrote about what I felt

Extraordinarily Ordinary VII

  One fine day     “It couldn’t be a dream, it can’t be.” ________________________________   It was another usual day at the office. Gautham

6. Love

There is a never ending debate. The debate on infatuation. The debate on love. The debate on most unlikely circumstances. A debate about the opposite sexes. So,

Day 189.

I took a walk to clear my mind. But I am too lazy. Still, I took that walk. I really needed that clear mind. I

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Second Installment.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Second Installment.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ