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Category: Colleagues

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


X. #Z2AChallenge

X – A missing entity.  _________ A friend is not just a person who cares for you. A friend is an emotion. – ak _________

Tied Down.

“Oh, we did have a feeling about it and we were right”   Extraordinarily Ordinary    A secret can’t be kept too long. Usually, it can


“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein I was just getting used to this number 2014 Twenty-fourteen and here I

Pointing Fingers.

Pointing fingers has always been in our blood. You get caught doing something wrong with a friend or not, you start pointing fingers. Well, unless

Over a message.

The night sunk in the silence of the aftermath of a long drizzling day. The city had slept in its comfort. But there was one

Taking a dive.

It all began two years ago. I wasn’t sure about what the rush was all about back then, nor do I have about now. ‘Who

“I lost my appetite”

The wait was finally over. The time felt right, or did it? It had been almost six years and one of my friend – colleague

What have I been upto?

I have started writing when I was in college. My inspiration has been my cousin brother. But when I was into the business of writing,


  I was watching the infamous season finale grand failure TV Series of How I Met Your Mother and let me first tell you that

X. #Z2AChallenge

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

X. #Z2AChallenge

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ