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Category: Comment

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


15. Jinx

Days have passed quickly than I have anticipated. It has been more than 5 days since I posted. Now the question lies about the 365

Day 162.

1. I have been lately off. This includes I being too irregular at blogging and then again when I write something, I am not perfect.

The Guy in the Hat.

A lot of things have happened lately. Like me going to office. Well, this one is a bummer. And I totally regret my decision. I

Timely Events.

These are the last few days at the training and they are pretty rough these days, keeping aside the fact that we get to work

Talking to self

So far, till Now ! I am again lost. I am at loss of words again. I have something in Mind, but nothing is coming

Little Aged : Turns 4 !

Author’s Note : Dated 4th March ! I just couldn’t post as this was still incomplete by that time and I was a little bit

I will be Damned.

Ya. Hell Yeah, “I will be damned”. The daily routine of mine usually involves finding myself growling about something that happened in the day about which I

A Rule.

This is my Playground. And there is a place for you, here, referring to the readers, to play as well. I just set up the


Dear (Few) Readers, This is a post regarding the privatization of the blog for the coming few weeks. So, if you think you can really

15. Jinx

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

15. Jinx

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ