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Category: Journey

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


Insanity has a new meaning.

Mid Life Crisis July. Part 1 : It all began … (continued) My attempts to dodge the bullet were completely futile. It was a point blank shot. After a fair

Breaking Fast.

Knock Knock. Anyone there ? # 1 Where did the author go? I have wondered the same for quite some time. What happened to writing and what

9. Journey

I have always hated traveling, unless its me riding on the bike, or car in the near future. But for now, I still hate traveling, but then

Here, There and Everywhere.

The world is my adobe  I sing in sanity I dance in vanity I pray in sanctity Here, There and Everywhere I see diligent people

#2. The Day When…

… When Luck just didn’t favor me. #DiaryEntry 06 The night was still young, slowly maturing and taking its time to dive into midnight. I

Troubled Traveller

Source Troubled Traveller  Seahawk, What message you carry? Peaceful Journey This Haiku is written for Carpe Diem under the prompt ‘Seahawk’.

A Journey.

People. Different People. I see faces with expressions, thoughts. Some worried. Some just plain happy. Some innocence. Oh! No, I ain’t a face reader. The

‘Why, God..WHY?’

It was a weekend. He was excited. Everybody at college was. The college has been hectic that week. The assignments were piled up. But who


Well, its official now. What’s official, that I will tell in the end. The 60 day program at Trivandrum-God’s own country had ended and finally headed


3 days , 7 posts in drafts. And finally, I thought I should get it out.Its’ one of the moments when I can’t actually relate

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Insanity has a new meaning.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Insanity has a new meaning.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ