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Category: People

Picture of Ajay Kontham

Ajay Kontham

Software Engineer | Photographer | Blogger | Developer

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.



| Solitude |  We find ourselves among charades of people, running around in the monotony of life. We keep ourselves busy, from one hurdle to another; or

Surprise, surprise!

The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. -Dalai Lama What would you do when the most unexpected things happen?


Image Courtesy Wait.  Hold on a second and look around you.  What do you see ? Happy faces, sad faces, confused faces, many faces. Life,

Investigation Discovery

The Murder Mystery Guy #SixStrangers Guy 1 : I don’t care, okay? The dust settled finally. Though the mind had its presumptions and conclusions and they

The meet.

Part 1 : It all began …  Part 2 : Insanity has a new meaning Part 3 : Sinking in Part 4 : Steep Slope  Part 5 : The lost artPart 6

Insanity has a new meaning.

Mid Life Crisis July. Part 1 : It all began … (continued) My attempts to dodge the bullet were completely futile. It was a point blank shot. After a fair

Breaking Fast.

Knock Knock. Anyone there ? # 1 Where did the author go? I have wondered the same for quite some time. What happened to writing and what

The stranger you haven’t met. Yet.

The morning is bright and shining its glorious light waking you up from your dreadful sleep. You never gave it much thought. It has always

This day…

The gender disparity. Aren’t we tired of it, already? I see people judging, passing comments, making rules, banning stuff and taking it up a notch

The Limelight.

The song resonated in its rhythm Filling the corners of the theater In silence, the audience tuned in To the melodious brilliance The mind swayed

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