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Category: Time

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


A point in time.

If time is a straight line, it is a never ending one. But the irony is we can’t pin point the starting point nor the

Something borrowed.

Tick.Tock.Tick. The uniform rhythm embraced the bittersweet truth of life that it left behind with each waking moment that passed. Like a never ending echo that


 “I could feel the blood draining from me. My hands went cold, the heart started beating faster. There was chaos in the mind. The breaths

Mash Up.

The other day, I spoke at great length about the games that were being conducted at office. After two successful fails and losing in a

Time Passing.

So, Lately I have been coughing all day. And last time I tried to explain that, I was terribly on an entirely different planet. So


I stare at the empty walls. I feel a little lost, a little absent. I have stopped giving effort. I have lost the sensitive touch

In My Sleep.

It is inevitable. The longer we are involved, the longer we enjoy until we wake up to the reality of life and realize that nothing


Note : Skip down to the earlier post or wait for some time for another post. No! Not this. Another PP (Personal Post) and probably

In Sleep.

Time to wake up. Time to realize what on earth I am doing. Time to make a plan. Time to follow some resolutions I made


Where do I start ? I kept on thinking for a long time where and how to begin. Do beginnings really matter, when… what I

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A point in time.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

A point in time.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ