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I took a walk to clear my mind. But I am too lazy. Still, I took that walk. I really needed that clear mind. I wanted to think straight. I went for a coffee shop, drowned in a cup of coffee and a pastry. As the mind was slowly clearing from all the fuzziness. I started hearing voices. The people who were sitting on the next table. “What the fuck is wrong with people?” “Hey, that’s fucking awesome”. “Where the fuck did you get that from? That is so lovely!” “You must be fucking kidding me”. “That’s fucking great man! How much does your mom get per month”. Thank you. Just Unbelievably THANK YOU, for letting me have a great coffee experience and yeah, also for clearing my conscious. Now, I could think more clear. 

I plug in my earphones and stroll down. The wind is cold. Ofcourse, that is the after-math of the rain. The has been dark-ish cloudy blue when I started out. Now it is almost dark. The music playing in my head is just too inconsistent, as I was just not getting the right song. Vexed, I kept it on shuffle and left it alone to alone. Fortunately, the song was pretty nice – slow and soothing sort of. I walked as I enjoyed the cold air sweeping across my face. And the mind finally eased itself. The song was over and then it turned to some rock-pop song. I felt like this : 

Oh Yeah! I was feeling like that but there were no pretty girls though. And also the song wasn’t Bootylicious. But you can’t blame a man for the imagination and the so called interpretation in their own way. Well, I was on my way back though a rarely used road, giving me more space to hmm..er..think. I finally reach my room, feeling a little better than the usual and step into my room to find the gruesome problem of the bachelor that is killing the people. 

Well, you know what it is. If you were thoughts were something related to Love, well…you are nearly there. There are some other things as well. To start with, the looks. There is a constant fight…hmm..er.. delusional talks between the fair and not-so-fair people in my room. The fairer side don’t do much because well you know they are already fair. The other side of the line people are much more concerned about the complexion. I am usually out of those conversations because they are just so boring like the TV soap operas. The problem never ends and everyday the story begins at the same point, the same problem, the same people and obviously the same talk. So, where was I? Yeah, the complexion. Now, there is something more. The receding hair line. There are people who are so worried about the receding hair line that they are afraid that no one would ever want to marry them in the future. I laugh to that, like ROFL. What could be the better of it is that a guy went to the doctor spending like ten thousand bucks, and now get this, that was just for consultation. Hats Off. You will surely get Aishwarya Rai as your wife, oh wait she’s taken. Well, whoever is available just because you have an awesome hair, developed by eating pills and gulping unknown liquids. Congratulations

And another thing which is bother the youth of this century is the #ForeverAlone tag inside their mind. Well, we all know that it isn’t remotely possible. But the fear still persists. Everybody wants to be in a relationship. It is like a must-and-should thing. Or so it seems. Now that I am pretty much jobless with a job, I just roam around the coffee counter in the office and skimming through the pages on my computer. And there are people like me as well. I am not much into the relationship thingy, because for starters I know That’s never gonna happen for me. Even if it were to happen, from my end though, I am one thousand percent sure that it won’t happen from the other end. So, anyway, there is this guy who keeps trying into getting into one where ever possible. He has a crush on someone, of course he does. But he is kind of afraid to approach. Clearly, I don’t know a thing about that approaching, or those cheesy lines *ahem* lies *coughs* . I clearly cannot do that, Seriously. But he asks me for advice. Dude, I don’t know a thing. You are asking me as if I am an expert in giving advice about the so called love. So, on a casual conversation with a friend I asked her about the whole concept of getting into it. The reply was something like – First of all you should keep talking to people, talk a lot. Or You should be Super smart. Then Talk about the things what the girl wants to hear. And it just happens when you meet the right girl. Well, isn’t it pretty clear from the first line itself? Talk, keep talking? Me? Talk ? Me? Yeah, I can’t believe it myself. So, there is no discussion further, is there? Period. 

By the way, what I realized is that the people reading my blog have started Hash Tagging in their blogs or in the comments. I am starting a trend, it seems. 😛 #JustSaying #HashTagging And I just hash tag everywhere – Blogs, Comments, FB, Twitter, Chats, SMS, everywhere. 

#JustRolling  #KillingTime  #Rambling

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Day 189.”

  1. You know Ajay honestly I missed this daily dose of unwinding at your blog 🙂

    I listen to music and then read your posts – nothing can be more de-stressing….

  2. You know Ajay honestly I missed this daily dose of unwinding at your blog 🙂

    I listen to music and then read your posts – nothing can be more de-stressing….

  3. Ah, that's the issue then. I have been trying to figure out ever since, well you know, forever. 🙂 Dude, if you like someone try telling it in the most possible gentlemanly way. No cheesy stuff. No lies. Be honest. If the person is any worth, you will get a decent reply at least. And yeah, this is just my opinion and I feel there is a heart's gut feeling to it 🙂 So cannot help beyond a level. Good luck.

    Yeah, you do seem to give off the hash tagging habit to everyone who visit your blog 🙂

  4. Ah, that's the issue then. I have been trying to figure out ever since, well you know, forever. 🙂 Dude, if you like someone try telling it in the most possible gentlemanly way. No cheesy stuff. No lies. Be honest. If the person is any worth, you will get a decent reply at least. And yeah, this is just my opinion and I feel there is a heart's gut feeling to it 🙂 So cannot help beyond a level. Good luck.

    Yeah, you do seem to give off the hash tagging habit to everyone who visit your blog 🙂

  5. Thanks. But then again, I will have to tell that to a thousand people. 😛 So, you see. I just have too many options and I am not sure which one to select.

    Haha. Yeah, I guess.
    Now even Facebook has implemented it as well.

  6. Thanks. But then again, I will have to tell that to a thousand people. 😛 So, you see. I just have too many options and I am not sure which one to select.

    Haha. Yeah, I guess.
    Now even Facebook has implemented it as well.

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Day 189.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Day 189.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ