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A mishap.
It was midnight, ten minutes past twelve. The cold wind sneaked into the warmth of my room rendering it a cold compelling me to slide under the sheets. I was writing, as usual burning the midnight oil. I was sitting there covered in blankets to keep me warm, snuck my hands out to write. Just as then, the Internet goes down. Flash back 10 minutes minus one: The WiFi in the room is dead slow as someone had used up all the data for the month. What the hell is he even downloading? Its’ not even 10 days and the Internet is at snail’s space. Wait, the snail will be faster than my Internet speed. Just as then, the download speed boosts up to 2 MBPS. Holy umm wow, I put 3 movies in download in a split second and open my Blogger draft to complete what I had started a week ago after being inspired by a fellow blogger’s post. Ten minutes plus one later : Just as then, the internet goes down and I immediately feel that void. That emptiness. I lost the flow of words and my mind went blank. Ok, I am exaggerating, but the situation was almost similar. The following day someone breaks the news that some may I quote ‘Idiot’ has cuts all the cables running from above their apartment. Now, who is that stupid? Three days down,still no internet and no tv. And there again, I really felt that void. And it was the very reason why I couldn’t read anyone’s blog or complete any of my drafts. 

Keep Counting 
Washing clothes has never been fun even when there was a machine to do all the work. Why? Because there is a greater evil called laziness and a much greater devil called procrastination. Yeah, I am full of both of it. So the last week, I fought my demons and finally made my way to the mighty (read : dumbass because it doesn’t work when I need it to – as if it is programmed : if Ajay : Take a vacation) machine, I mean dragged myself and stuffed it with all my clothes and fast forward one hour, it was done. Phew! Later that evening, I collected all my clothes threw them on my bed and slept on my bed that night by pushing them to the corner. But the next day I had to make my clothes. Then when I was almost done, I was pairing my socks. Sock 1, no match found. Sock 2, no match found. Sock 3. Sock 4. Sock 5. Sock 6. Sock 7. Sock 8. Sock 9. Sock 10, Yay! Finally, the first match. I checked it all over again, if I made a mistake while pairing. Nope. I didn’t. I have 9 single socks without a matching sock. What the hell, right!? What was I thinking when I was buying these many socks in the first place? But even more alarming question is where are my remaining socks? Now, I wear different colored socks these days, till the day I find its actual matching pair. Well, I could buy another new pair of socks. But then again, HOW MANY SOCKS WILL I BUY? 

The Kick.
I have this drug almost on a daily basis. But its not everyday that I get the much needed kick. Wait, before you get into any conclusions or assumptions, I am talking about caffeine, as in coffee. Yeah, you could burst your thought bubbles now. So the other day, I had my Caffeine infused drink and I was hyper, may be coffee with extra sugar was to blame. I had a sudden burst of thoughts, pretty good ones though. Instead of creating notes of it (on my blogging notebook, yes sir I have one) with the important points so that I could build the rest of the content, I decided to go back to my room and start writing those incredible thoughts on my laptop and immediately post it. Mind you, I was feeling that certain kick. I was walking, but the routine was monotonous so I decided to change the way I walk. I started walking backwards. Well, I double checked the road and it was empty. So, I was there walking from one street light to another backwards. I also added certain catwalks and not to mention the moonwalks. And then I stumbled on a stone and I had to turn around only to find three guys staring at me. I think one of them was holding a mobile taking a video. Did you get any video? No? May be he was from my apartment. Remember? Someone cut the cables! Hope the video gets deleted somehow! Anyway, I didn’t look up and brisk walked back to my room. Oh, that kick wore out, alright. And so did that burst of incredible thoughts. 

An Advice.
One of my colleague has a knack for speaking his mind, which is a good thing, but he doesn’t think before saying something. It all comes back to him a good hour later and pesters the person next to him asking him whether it was the right thing he said. A few weeks back he was again telling one his many theories of what he might do, he realized that he totally forgot to mention one story of his friend. Now, his close friend from his town with whom he usually hangs around whenever he visits his home town is was kind of AWOL. The reason for his friends’ MIA condition was that he eloped with a girl. Now he was in his early twenties almost his age, while she is a minor ( sixteen years old). The rumor has that they both were in love and they eloped. Now as my colleague is a good friend of the guy in limelight, everybody was calling him if he had any idea whether the guy might be. The guys’ father was even begging him to tell if he had contacted my colleague. But he didn’t and my colleague had no idea about him even doing this until he started receiving calls. Since she is a minor, it would come under the kidnapping case. That’s not the whole story. A week or so earlier all this happened, the guy called my colleague and confessed that he was in love while he asked for any kind of advice. Now, my colleague was in his usual self of being speaking his mind advised him to elope with her and that he would be busy in his own marriage the coming month, so he could crash at his house. Fortunately, the guy didn’t turn up my colleague’s house. Though he admits that he just said what the guy wanted to hear, he was not the part of that eloping part. Well, someone did give that idea and who might that be ?

A Problem?
I never realized that there could be certain problem when the hair is long. Like how it just flies randomly menacing the perfectly 2 hour carefully tailored hair style (which still looks bleh!). Or like when in an attempt to get the ‘crazily flying hair’ back into place, all my hair comes off like that loosely kept wig. Or like how the perfectly straight hair gets that Clark Kent (aka Superman) twist but making crop circles all over the head. Or like when I am drinking a well frothed coffee, I have to worry about the hair going into the coffee while sipping rather than making a clown nose. Or like when a friend tells me check my 9 o clock and I can’t because my weird crop circled hair is covering my eyes. Isn’t there any permanent solution to this? Yeah, there is. GO BALD. No. No. No. No. Nonononononono. I am not doing that, ever. Oh, you will not have a choice. With the pace at which your hair is dropping, you shouldn’t be surprised if one day you woke and shout at the top of your voice while looking at the mirror.

P.S. The title of the post makes no sense. I too know. 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “That ‘thing’ in Nothing.”

  1. Ahaa, back to back update…;-)

    I wonder how funny the situation would have been..3 guys watching you & taking your video…:-P
    These many socks…& the surprising fact is you have washed them all by yourself;-)

    The title makes no sense but ppl like me who like your post will keep reading..;-)

    & u keep writing…:-P

  2. Ahaa, back to back update…;-)

    I wonder how funny the situation would have been..3 guys watching you & taking your video…:-P
    These many socks…& the surprising fact is you have washed them all by yourself;-)

    The title makes no sense but ppl like me who like your post will keep reading..;-)

    & u keep writing…:-P

  3. Long overdue and I thought yeah, why not! 😛
    And I hope I don't get caught up with procrastination and take a pause again.

    *closes my ears* I didn't hear that. I don't want to recollect. -_-

    Yeah, right? It was actually a miracle that I did wash them.

    Aww, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And right back at you. 🙂

    Oh, yeah! I intend to. You do too. 🙂

  4. Long overdue and I thought yeah, why not! 😛
    And I hope I don't get caught up with procrastination and take a pause again.

    *closes my ears* I didn't hear that. I don't want to recollect. -_-

    Yeah, right? It was actually a miracle that I did wash them.

    Aww, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And right back at you. 🙂

    Oh, yeah! I intend to. You do too. 🙂

  5. Well, that's an Ajay Kontham signature post, the kind that I love the most 🙂

    I laughed my lungs out reading about your socks and imagining you wearing mismatched socks 😀 😀 😛 Actually I am still smiling on that one.

    And hoping somehow the video of you doing the circus on the road would get uploaded somewhere and I could get my hands on it 🙂

    My well-thought out advice for your colleague – Ask him to train to process his mind faster than his mouth rambles or to tune down his mouth while his mind thinks. Else he is seriously calling for trouble giving out advices like this.

  6. Well, that's an Ajay Kontham signature post, the kind that I love the most 🙂

    I laughed my lungs out reading about your socks and imagining you wearing mismatched socks 😀 😀 😛 Actually I am still smiling on that one.

    And hoping somehow the video of you doing the circus on the road would get uploaded somewhere and I could get my hands on it 🙂

    My well-thought out advice for your colleague – Ask him to train to process his mind faster than his mouth rambles or to tune down his mouth while his mind thinks. Else he is seriously calling for trouble giving out advices like this.

  7. Thank God I am a woman. Else, I might have balded too! And, you know I am so scared that the men I love might become bald! No… No… NOooooooooooooooo

    Regarding the craving for caffeine, I completely understand. I am an addict too.

    Nice read 🙂

  8. Thank God I am a woman. Else, I might have balded too! And, you know I am so scared that the men I love might become bald! No… No… NOooooooooooooooo

    Regarding the craving for caffeine, I completely understand. I am an addict too.

    Nice read 🙂

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That ‘thing’ in Nothing.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

That ‘thing’ in Nothing.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ