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I was standing at the coffee counter in office. And this colleague of mine who is kind of an incharge of whatever I am into pats me on my back and says “What are you doing here?” I pointed out to the coffee shop and signaled him coffee with a grin face. But he asked me again saying, “I was asking what you were doing here?”. You must have seen that advertisement in which a guy who is in a movie theater asks his friend what he was doing there and everybody starts clapping at his pure ingeniousness. I did the same thing in my mental thoughts.

The other day, as usual I was wasting time again. And then I realized that it was already morning when I got a call from the cab driver for the pick up. I was like “Wth, I haven’t even slept yet and this guy is calling for the pick up place”. Again, as usual, I didn’t pick up the call. Not because I did not sleep. But because he was calling nearly one and a half hour late. And also in another half an hour the normal shuttle service would be started. And I had no big deal of a work at office either. So, I was awake for nearly 24 hours. This was not the first time I was awake for such a long time. I have been upto 3 days (plus or minus). I felt like its’ not big of a deal. It wasn’t, until when I realized that I wasn’t able to walk properly. I managed myself upto the bus stop, but again I wasn’t able to stand properly. Because this sleep was kicking in so badly that it was totally not under my control. But I still managed to stand and get into the bus somehow. I was like swinging like a drunk man. 

I have spent so much on food and coffee that I felt like I was giving salary to them, but in installments. I didn’t think much about it until one of my friend asked me. What do I eat for dinner? The locality where I stay has access to a few fast food joints, like the KFC, Subway, Pizza, Coffee Shop plus a few restaurants. No, they are not beside my place, but I can manage a little walk. So, I told the same thing to my friend when he asked me for the weekly dinner plan. I am junk addict, am I not? Its’ not like I am a junk addict. The food at my place is not good at all. One time, I felt like I was wasting too much money on food and that too not so healthy food. So, I thought I will just eat here where I stay and I would be able to save a few bucks. But the one time I ate, I made a vow kind of thing like never to eat here again. Even if its’ unhealthy or costly, I am just going to eat out.

Sometimes, I feel like I am drifting away. Like into some place unknown and foggy and blank and I-really-don’t-know. Exactly, it sounds crazy right? I know. I have felt the same. So, this guy was speaking to me and I was listening to him. After a period of 10 minutes, I realized that I was here, but my mind was somewhere else. And I would have been happy if I had known what I was thinking. It is totally normal, unless the other guy asks a question and I am still like he is saying something and I nod agreeing to whatever he was saying with a “Yeah”. Believe me, it is totally awkward. If that awkwardness isn’t enough, I have some more tricks in my sleeve. Someone asks me my opinion or something and I start telling my opinion or explaining. In the middle I realize that I am thinking about something else like what I am doing now. And then I have no idea what I say, but believe me it doesn’t make sense, in no way possible.

People are always trying to tell something that they know or don’t know. And when it comes to future, they can’t be stopped. Oh no, not about theirs, but others. Almost every other person is interested in sharing their piece of mind on how to live my life, what I have to do, what I have to change, what could be done! Dude, just shut the fish up. I know everything and as a matte of fact, I know a little more also. So, I don’t think your intuition or whatever is of no one’s concern. The only problem with people telling me do something is that they haven’t done any of it. Before you tell others, at least do that from your side and then you can talk shit.

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0 responses to “What have I been upto ? (Cont…)”

  1. junk addict? I am like your brother-from-another-mother in that aspect
    when i finally realized i could not not-eat that junk…i consciously started to hunt good junk…you know like Sub way subs, freaky soups, salads (not the one that people eat after yoga and stuff)…phew…no matter what …we are still giving away our salary..in installments….*kneels on all fours in depression*

  2. junk addict? I am like your brother-from-another-mother in that aspect
    when i finally realized i could not not-eat that junk…i consciously started to hunt good junk…you know like Sub way subs, freaky soups, salads (not the one that people eat after yoga and stuff)…phew…no matter what …we are still giving away our salary..in installments….*kneels on all fours in depression*

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What have I been upto ? (Cont…)

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

What have I been upto ? (Cont…)

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ