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So, What makes one write ? That’s such a routine question. Lets change the question for the time being. What doesn’t make one write? And especially to a person who loves writing. Though the question about how bad or worse it must be is entirely another topic. And please don’t bring that up. If you are wondering, oh wait, you already got the essence of the central character. So, You see I was talking about … Thompson and Thompson, or George W Bush ? We know about whom you are talking about. Move on. 

My inspiration to write dates back to 2008 when I came across my cousin brother’s blog. If you have read my first few posts, they are all filled with praising him. So, now this blogging became a kind of obsession to me. I have a lot on my mind and only a few come to the light. No. I don’t hide what I want to say. I just forget when it comes to penning down my thoughts. So, these days I carry a book with me and an iPod Touch, just in case I get some rare vivid thoughts. But there is always a downside to everything. So, I keep the thoughts brief in my trendy iPod Touch. And I end up rotating it in 720 degrees trying to figure out what those little words meant. What can be more worse than this? 

My obsession takes a big toll on me. I try to find inspiration in almost everything. So when I walk, I write on the empty walls or rather movie poster-ed walls. I sketch the thoughts on the sands beneath my feet. I draw the memoirs on the slow running stream of the silent lake. I do almost everything writing trying to find a absolute authentic piece for a post. But as great my thoughts may be, they are lost in precipitation evaporated in the dreadful sky. Sometimes, I catch them , capture them but then again I lose the flow, the distinguished persona of the thoughts which felt so great in the fore-walls of my mind. 

And then again I am not some self centered hypocrite. I try to inspire others to write. Because in the process, I try to learn something from them. Most of the people just strike away the thought when I mention that you can also write. I try to convince them that indeed they are great thinkers and hence could be great writers as well. But they don’t get my point at all. 

Ok, Enough for today, I guess. To end that I would say: Be Inspired, Inspire others (especially me). So where did I start dozing off to another topic? Yeah, what doesn’t make one write? You can pick up a million reasons. Like the inspiration died off, I am just too lazy, my mind doesn’t work, I am completely blank. These are all my excuses, not yours, I suppose. And the most recent addition to this is Cold. I am starting to have cold and so I am unable to write. This happened this Sunday. Usually, my time is jam packed. But I try to find some time and write. And as you all know, I get a ‘F‘ in that. So, I thought that this weekend(last weekend) I should blast off with a powerful kick and jump-start directly to grade ‘A’. Well, my plan didn’t go so well. I used to write a poem each week. And this time not even that. But I kept trying to think something and write. And then I realized, I am starting to get cold and cough, as well. Then my mind tried to deviate to the concerning issues but I tried to control it and focus on writing a poem. But that was all a waste. After a few hours of rolling over my bed form on corner to another and trying to write atleast a word, and with the use of the ultimate weapon – The Music, I still failed to write even a single letter. So, I thought I should go out and have a coffee may be. And that would ease the cough, cold and also might give me some fresh thoughts. So, I went to the nearest Cafe Coffee Day. Nearest doesn’t mean it is just beside my room. It is like over a mile away. 

I remember having an Irish Coffee there or some place elsewhere. So I immediately ordered it and a pastry as well. After a few minutes, the guy comes to my table ad places the tray containing the order. First I thought that it can’t be mine. There was a cocktail glass with a handle and ice cream over it. But I had to convince myself that that was my order based on the addon, a pastry. I was like ‘What? This is Irish Coffee?!?!??!’ If you guys know me, I am not much of a fan of Ice Cream. Most people have trouble believing that but that’s the truth. The last time (almost everytime) I had Ice cream, I would be suffering from Tonsils for the rest of the week. And since then, I have always kept ice cream at arms length. And there it is, in front of me. I had no other choice but the gulp that piece of vanilla ice cream as fast as I can. Then there was the coffee. Ah, finally, or so I thought. I tear the sugar sachet and pour it in. Now this glass or is it called cup. Whatever it is called, it is just amazing. It is a V shaped cup and is very thin. You all might have seen it. There was another problem. I more I tried to dissolve the sugar, the more I failed to do so. Unfortunately, I had to drink it without sugar. If I may say, I am a sugar person. I sometimes eat plain sugar, because it’s sweet. Of course it is sweet, Genius. It is Sugar. In spite of all this, I still failed to inspire myself.

In other news : 

One day at office … 

I was having a weird or rather a nice feeling that someone(not one, but many) was/were watching me at office during the lunch session. The same happened during breakfast. Usually this never happens. I thought either my zip must be open or something weird is going on. Or I was just looking awesome. I felt good thinking about the latter to be true. But after a few minutes post lunch, I realized I was wrong after all. Have you heard about the concept of Low-Tuck? I have a habit of doing that. If you don’t know what it is, you must either see me sometime, or wait… you find people copying my style everywhere. You might find people showing off their underpants keeping the trousers at knee height. Well, they over-do(like a hundred times over) my style. I still keep at reasonable height but not so reasonable after all. You getting my point ? I realized this when my friend pointed out saying that, “You trouser looks like its’ falling down”. 

P.S. : Ok, I admit I drifted off from one topic to another. That wasn’t my intention though. It seems like I have written a pretty long post. Oh snap. I didn’t intend to. 

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0 responses to “What? This is Irish Coffee?!”

  1. This was long yet funny. I can understand how it is wen the blogging ka keeda bites someone. Wherever one goes, there is ample inspiration for a blog.

  2. This was long yet funny. I can understand how it is wen the blogging ka keeda bites someone. Wherever one goes, there is ample inspiration for a blog.

  3. Since the first time since we started commenting on each other's blog spaces, here comes the first impasse! Hope you take it with a pinch of salt, though you are a sugar person 😛

    For the writing part, I say you have got blogomania. I have experienced it too. You try to put everything you see in words. You succeed sometimes but fail a lot. I stopped doing that since one of my readers said that it includes an artificial tinge into my writing. So I started writing whenever I really feel like though the frequency became less. But that might not be the same for everyone. So figure out what's your way 🙂

    I love ice cream. I somehow thought since you liked chocolate you also like ice cream, well there is no such rule that they both go together. And I love the irish coffee at Coffee day's.

    Here comes the major hit of the impasse, take a pinch of salt already, I hate people who have that habit of low tuck. Until college, I used to hate them right away at first sight. But then I grew up and realized I should not be judging people like that and stopped that hate at first sight thing but I still hate low tucks. And that's just my opinion.

    Okay, I stop here and now it is your turn to go all out 😛

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  4. Since the first time since we started commenting on each other's blog spaces, here comes the first impasse! Hope you take it with a pinch of salt, though you are a sugar person 😛

    For the writing part, I say you have got blogomania. I have experienced it too. You try to put everything you see in words. You succeed sometimes but fail a lot. I stopped doing that since one of my readers said that it includes an artificial tinge into my writing. So I started writing whenever I really feel like though the frequency became less. But that might not be the same for everyone. So figure out what's your way 🙂

    I love ice cream. I somehow thought since you liked chocolate you also like ice cream, well there is no such rule that they both go together. And I love the irish coffee at Coffee day's.

    Here comes the major hit of the impasse, take a pinch of salt already, I hate people who have that habit of low tuck. Until college, I used to hate them right away at first sight. But then I grew up and realized I should not be judging people like that and stopped that hate at first sight thing but I still hate low tucks. And that's just my opinion.

    Okay, I stop here and now it is your turn to go all out 😛

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  5. Oh darn, the salt was too salty. 😛

    Succeed? When did that happen, ever ?

    Still trying to figure that one out.

    I just joined the club.

    I think I should just hide away from you. 😛
    Thanks for sharing your opinion. I will think about changing that. Because even my mom and dad hates that. 😛

    Well, the salt was a bit too salty. I am still searching for my backup sugar. Where is it? Seems like it will take a lot more time than I thought. 😛

  6. Oh darn, the salt was too salty. 😛

    Succeed? When did that happen, ever ?

    Still trying to figure that one out.

    I just joined the club.

    I think I should just hide away from you. 😛
    Thanks for sharing your opinion. I will think about changing that. Because even my mom and dad hates that. 😛

    Well, the salt was a bit too salty. I am still searching for my backup sugar. Where is it? Seems like it will take a lot more time than I thought. 😛

  7. Wow, you took that better than I anticipated. Phew! I am relieved. Keep searching for the sugar 🙂

    And you succeeded when you started writing out your thoughts in the first place, a lot of people are out there who are great thinkers but they just cannot put them into words. So in comparison trying and coming out with something is a success, small or big it does not matter 🙂

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  8. Wow, you took that better than I anticipated. Phew! I am relieved. Keep searching for the sugar 🙂

    And you succeeded when you started writing out your thoughts in the first place, a lot of people are out there who are great thinkers but they just cannot put them into words. So in comparison trying and coming out with something is a success, small or big it does not matter 🙂

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

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What? This is Irish Coffee?!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

What? This is Irish Coffee?!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ