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So far, till Now ! I am again lost. I am at loss of words again. I have something in Mind, but nothing is coming out. I used to be an Insomniac, but now I am sleeping in the day light itself. Facebook is a distraction,  is it? But I usually enjoy it. Or may be it is just  my feeling. Last week I made an attempt to write something different, something spectacular, something awesome. Since it was a start, I felt good. I am talking about my previous post. Until, I got a comment. Not in the comment box, though, not even on facebook. The comment said, It was a little too much. Then I wondered, was it? May be I did *Little Too Much*, for I don’t know anything about it. Should I stop?I asked myself, but my conscious speaks to me differently. It says “Next time, do even better”. Wow, I admired my conscious. But the again my mind isn’t on the same page. It is rather in totally different book. It thinks “!@#$#%!@#!#!@$%$%&^” stuff like that which makes no sense. Clearly, I am lost, I guess !

Why am I writing this? Because 

1. I don’t have a better work to do ?
    No, I do have. I have an assignment to complete, a project to complete and also prepare for some exams which I am still bound to write!
2. I am bored?
   May be, but I don’t find any reason to get bored. I got Facebook, which doesn’t show a notification. I have a movie, which I downloaded yesterday. I just watched a serial “The Mentalist” and also I just had a nice shower. I shouldn’t be feeling bored. No I am not. 
3. I seriously want to write something?
   Yes, I do. I want to make something noteworthy. But, ME ? Noteworthy ? *In Dreams May be!*
To a friend,
I think you might read this as well. So, for your sake I added a comment box to the right. As you said for you to comment, You need to login and then make a comment, which I assume you think as a waste of time, I know, b’cause I would do the same if I were in your place. But, if don’t think so by any chance, Now you don’t have to do all that stuff. Facebook comment box would be better I guess. If I am not wrong, you are logged in Facebook, right!
P.S. : A funny post, right ! A weird one also ! I know, I just can’t help myself not being funny and weird as well here.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Talking to self

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ