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Being Genius… Not Exactly.

Then tendency of the people to accept the worst is really appalling these days. And I am no exception. I procrastinate, believe myself to be an idiot ( truth be told, I really am Shhh.. ). But I am not that stupid to respond the same way when someone else comments with the same thing that I believe myself to be. No Sir. I am stupid or be an idiot for my reasons, you got no right to pass a judgement on me, unless you know me well enough. 

The other day, I was asked by my extraordinarily ordinary friends why I always pick up on one particular guy all the time. There is this group in WhatsApp where we usually pick on one another. But lately I have no idea what was going on in this group. So, I decided to only ping when something important came up. But the conversations still continued. To state the obvious, no one stops on my account. So, it was on a perfect swing. I read each and every ping of the 300+ chat ping by the other 3 people. The discussion was always irrelevant. Well, what can one talk about everyday, if asked to talk about. So, my dear friend says that he is confused. Well, to be fair, he kept saying that. I don’t know whether it is an excuse. I mean come on, one could be confused at a time, not all the time. And to add to that he claims to be lazy. Who isn’t , duh? Has anyone seen me? I could be the laziest person ever. But still he claims to be the laziest person. Well, cheers to that. So, on one such random conversations, one person raised a question to me, because I started picking on this guy who claims to be confused and lazy (all the time) because it gets irritated when people don’t tend to change themselves and dwell in the common knowledge of being self centered and confused and yeah, lazy as well. I was trying to instigate the thought in his mind to stop thinking like that. And I was not telling it directly, because that could be rude. I wanted him to realize that it is not cool to claim oneself as “lazy and confused” (all the time). But I was greeted by a question. I kind of forgot that this guy was the apple of the eye(s) of each one in the group. Yeah, he is famous and everyone adores him. Where as I, on the other side was a miscalculation. I will explain that later. So, the greeting I received was a strong question. So, our dear famous friend replies to that question “I also wanted to ask the same question. Please R, get the answer”. There. He did it again. Just again. So, I explained that the very answer he gave was the answer to his question. Confused, much ? Let me clear the air. He could have asked me directly. But no. He chose not to and preferred to keep it to himself. But then when some other person wanted the answer, he jumped right in and pointed that out. Okay, fine. But then again, he could have atleast took initiative and inquired about it more from me directly, but no. His reply which meant asking some other person to get answer from me was one repelling factor. Dude, if you are reading this. Stop blaming. Or should I put it like this: Don’t feel good to be lazy and confused. Just try a bit harder to be in sync with what’s happening around YOU. What’s happening with others is not something to worry about. So, just chill and take it in slowly. And it was the real facepalm moment when I asked him,”I bet you didn’t get one thing. You are still confused, aren’t you?” and his response was a “YES”.  I tried. But I can’t anymore. Some people are just impossible, I suppose. 

So today, I asked my brother a simple question. To which he responded with an answer. Good. But it was followed by another question. And that was a really stupid question! And I responded to that with another question saying “Are you really being stupid?” To which he said, ” Yeah. Now tell me!” I was like what is wrong with this guy! I mean come on, you could be stupid, but still one can still think the reason why someone else would call them with that name. So, I wanted him to figure it out himself. Because everything I tell him something, he makes a dumb face. I force him to think harder, recollect. But he doesn’t even begin to think and tells me to leave the topic. It is very disturbing, let me tell you. Because it is just not cool, at all. He could still try. But no. There was nearly an hour long conversation to explain that. And no, there was no change though he came close. 

So, people who fall under this category, please don’t accept every negative thing people tell or you tell yourself. You are much better. Not everyone is perfect. But not everyone is stupid, that’s for sure. So, get out of that bubble that you created for yourself. Yes, I am imperfect. I am lazy. I am a procrastinator. But I don’t want to be any. I try to write better, force myself to get up and go out, even if it is going out alone ( which was never a problem for me) and though I call myself to be the king of procrastination, I still try to better myself and burst the bubble every single time I create around myself. So, why don’t you? 

P.S. : I had to write this. And the title is supposed to be sarcastic. I know it sounds ‘stupid’, my point precisely all this time. Get it? 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Being Genius.”

  1. For some reason, while reading this, the song “Let It Go” from Frozen started playing in my head.
    Let it go, let it go!
    Can't hold it back any more.
    Let it go, let it go!
    Turn away and slam the door.
    I don't care what they're going to say.
    Let the storm rage on.
    The cold never bothered me anyway.


  2. For some reason, while reading this, the song “Let It Go” from Frozen started playing in my head.
    Let it go, let it go!
    Can't hold it back any more.
    Let it go, let it go!
    Turn away and slam the door.
    I don't care what they're going to say.
    Let the storm rage on.
    The cold never bothered me anyway.


  3. Blimey hell…till the last line i was wondering what the hell is the relevance of the title 😛

    Actually, this whole chat-everyday-in-whatsapp-groups-even-if-there-is-nothing-to-talk-to thing always leads to picking on someone! Sometimes when i open the group all i see is namecalling!! sigh!

  4. Blimey hell…till the last line i was wondering what the hell is the relevance of the title 😛

    Actually, this whole chat-everyday-in-whatsapp-groups-even-if-there-is-nothing-to-talk-to thing always leads to picking on someone! Sometimes when i open the group all i see is namecalling!! sigh!

  5. First visit to your blog. I was searching for humor tag. Found none. Bad sight. So went with sarcasm. And eventually ended on this post.

    I liked the idea behind the post. And it reminded me of a saying, 'If you are not better than the previous day, you have wasted whole 24 hours'

    Will drop by more often now.

    P.S: We are Facebook friends 😀 *Take some time to sink this thing in*

  6. First visit to your blog. I was searching for humor tag. Found none. Bad sight. So went with sarcasm. And eventually ended on this post.

    I liked the idea behind the post. And it reminded me of a saying, 'If you are not better than the previous day, you have wasted whole 24 hours'

    Will drop by more often now.

    P.S: We are Facebook friends 😀 *Take some time to sink this thing in*

  7. Hey Varun,
    Thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate it. 🙂

    Thats is a great saying.

    Thank you. I will reciprocate the same.

    PS : I know. When I saw your name, I immediately thought that I saw this name somewhere. There were two options Facebook or Twitter.

  8. Hey Varun,
    Thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate it. 🙂

    Thats is a great saying.

    Thank you. I will reciprocate the same.

    PS : I know. When I saw your name, I immediately thought that I saw this name somewhere. There were two options Facebook or Twitter.

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Being Genius.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Being Genius.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ