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The clouds turned dark. The sky divided. The whiter the lighter, the darker the heavier. The universal equilibrium balance. The is a war among the mightier; in this case the heavier i.e. the darker. The sounds of battle echoed the whole dark sky. The result was tremendous downfall and strikings, everywhere. 

There is an emotion. An emotion hidden beneath the rigid plastered smile. The words are deceiving, just like the smile. But you will never know. The lies are just too perfect. The face is just perfect. On the long run, these words hurt more than anything. But who cares now, it is after a while, isn’t it?

The say rain washes the emotion. I don’t know about emotion but it does wash away my hair style. I spend like an hour decorating, I mean aligning my not-so-long-yet-long hair into a perfect one. And then there is rain. Thank you so very much. Now I look like a idiot. Which you always have been! So, why bother? And weren’t you speaking about emotion and rain? When did you jump from train onto a flight? You are ruining it, bro! Yeah, yeah! Rain and emotion! Umm… that’s pretty much it. Hopeless. 

I am a little lost. A little flustered. A little bewildered. The words escape my sight. my plight, my mind. I end up at the corner of the room which feels so cozy yet scares me to death. Ah! Death. Why are people so scared of it ? Don’t we all know it is inevitable. But there is always a constant war to live a little longer. Blah! What not have people done to live a little longer for the life they don’t know the future of. And what not the people have done to gift the inevitable gift of salvation that was thought only god could grant. 

What am I speaking? Death! Life! What an intellectual topics to ponder about, discuss about! Now, lets not get myself started with the aforementioned two things. I will preach, sure thing, but of something I know nothing about. Then again, you wouldn’t know because I could be that ninety year old guy, full of experience and preaching about the divine knowledge. Yeah, I pretend. And I prefer to be good at it. Let me just put an end to your misery but not talking about it anymore.

There are thoughts which battle the insides of my mind. That, which never sees the light of the day. You know, I actually try to fish those thoughts out from the vast ocean filled with such well.. to be frank.. nonsense. The problem, if you ask is that the fishing rod is broken. If that’s not it, then the fishing line is tangled somewhere in that mess. I try to find excuses. And haha believe me I am great at it. Perfect. Or may be not.

Now, I need a coffee. What? Now? The clock is chiming at 3. I was just kidding. I just had two whole bars of chocolate. Now, you! Stop right there. I got an extra one, just for you only. You can calmly keep down whatever that is in your hand that was supposed to fly out of your hand and hit my head. Take a breath. Phew! That was close. You are just exaggerating. Am I ? Damn! I thought you would never know! 

“Dude, you are good with words!“, said a cousin of mine. Well thanks buddy. But come one, frankly I am not. Who am I kidding? I totally suck. Okay, I take it back. There are a few people like one or two who would track me down and put a gun to my head and probably would say, “Say it one more time, and the bullets’ yours, for life. Period”. (If they are reading this, they would probably know). And more over you should know I am just playing the beat-the-bush-from-behind card! What the hell is that? Who knows! Just came to my mind. It is actually like saying something that you don’t believe, but you do believe is true and at the same time you feel that the others believe your little something, which you don’t believe is true. I thought you never did/do drugs or drink as a matter of fact! What the hell is that supposed to mean? I didn’t get a thing besides ‘believe’?

 And dude, stop asking me so many questions. I am getting confused what lie I told the last time. So, what lie did you tell now? That I suck at writing. Oh, No! What have I done? What have you made me do? Oh, You are good at this. I mean you are such a really bad person. How can you make me turn my own words? 

People are getting confused over here. Are they? No, I don’t think they are. When they opened my blog they knew what they were dealing with? You seriously believe that? How could someone possibly know that you could be some confused, pessimistic, hypocritical self obsessed person! Whoa! That’s a high talk from a person like you. And moreover who are we talking about ? Oh, don’t tell me thats’ me! Because that wouldn’t be be true.  

Okay, tell me one thing – What did you want to convey in this post ? Frankly speaking, God knows. Come on, God doesn’t have a clue. Exactly, my point. 

P.S. I’d be changing my display name, most probably. So better watch out. No, it ain’t cool. That’s the reason I am warning you beforehand.

Adios. Sayonara.

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0 responses to “Exactly, my point!”

  1. I have no idea what the point of this post is 🙂 but I still love it, because it's you. You jump from deep thoughts about life and death, all the way to your regular ranting about your own writing 😛

  2. I have no idea what the point of this post is 🙂 but I still love it, because it's you. You jump from deep thoughts about life and death, all the way to your regular ranting about your own writing 😛

  3. :O You do take one sane hour to decorate er align your hair??
    You made me feel bad about myself 🙁 Hair is one thing I can't handle so I never actually 'handle' them 😛 and one hour :O…it would be one minute and I'll lose all my mind…take them all together and tie up in one messy ballerina bun…you sure don't have much options 😀

    Rain and emotion…death and life…deep philosophical thoughts I usually keep to myself, coz I bet I'll start and you'll feel like shooting me in my head 😛

    A new display name…waiting !!!!! B)

  4. :O You do take one sane hour to decorate er align your hair??
    You made me feel bad about myself 🙁 Hair is one thing I can't handle so I never actually 'handle' them 😛 and one hour :O…it would be one minute and I'll lose all my mind…take them all together and tie up in one messy ballerina bun…you sure don't have much options 😀

    Rain and emotion…death and life…deep philosophical thoughts I usually keep to myself, coz I bet I'll start and you'll feel like shooting me in my head 😛

    A new display name…waiting !!!!! B)

  5. Now I am little confused! I mean I was confused earlier too but now I am little more confused!! Rain is good. Emotion is bad. But what is good and bad. And who am I to decide it??? Am I good? Now this is how people talk when they have completely lost their mind!

  6. Now I am little confused! I mean I was confused earlier too but now I am little more confused!! Rain is good. Emotion is bad. But what is good and bad. And who am I to decide it??? Am I good? Now this is how people talk when they have completely lost their mind!

  7. 😛 Yeah. It actually feels like an hour. 😀
    I sure as hell can't handle my hair. That's why I am constantly trying to handle my hair, get a grip of it.
    Yeah, I don't have much options. 🙁

    Come on, you can't be worse ..erm.. better than me. 😛

    Yeah, I am afraid it might not sound cool. :/

  8. 😛 Yeah. It actually feels like an hour. 😀
    I sure as hell can't handle my hair. That's why I am constantly trying to handle my hair, get a grip of it.
    Yeah, I don't have much options. 🙁

    Come on, you can't be worse ..erm.. better than me. 😛

    Yeah, I am afraid it might not sound cool. :/

  9. You were confused the moment you opened my post. 😛 Rest, I am not to be held responsible for. 😛

    You are telling me about how people talk when they lose their mind? :O You should visit my blog more often. I am Super-Pro , my friend. You can't beat me, as a matter of fact you can't eve enter the competition. 😛

  10. You were confused the moment you opened my post. 😛 Rest, I am not to be held responsible for. 😛

    You are telling me about how people talk when they lose their mind? :O You should visit my blog more often. I am Super-Pro , my friend. You can't beat me, as a matter of fact you can't eve enter the competition. 😛

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Exactly, my point!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Exactly, my point!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ