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I am a very confused person. As confused as one can be. And then there is this supernatural existence called God. I have never really understood this supreme power that exists above all of us. But I still believe. Sometimes even I don’t, there is always this tinge, somewhere in the deepest corner that makes me feel that I am wrong and there is this supreme power who takes care of us,  magically <unquote>. If not magically, then how? If I were to ask that question, I might be bombarded with a lot of things such as one might say that he shows the path and it the person who has to follow. He is just a shepherd and not a magical persona. 

So, as per the believers and the noble servants of God, he is alive in form of unknown. And no one has seen him. And the people who have, which I don’t know how, but those people still would agree to the question of his existence. So, practically he is over a million (or billion) years old, right? If scientists were to be believed, our planet itself has been in existence from over some billions of years ago. Don’t we all agree? It is not like all this dust that was floating about in this vast universe just came together and became earth and then suddenly there was god and thought of making life form and whoosh there was life and sun and moon and stars and everything that we see under the sun and stars. Umm, I guess thats’ what happened right? Exactly, my point. God is a genius. 

So, why am I being an atheist all of a sudden and commenting on God’s existence and giving all this nonsense gyan,  which people are already aware of. I have been thinking a lot about this God figure for a lot of time. And I am confused. But today that is not the reason, I came across a post in Facebook : 

Is religion really worth killing for? I mean I have seen people bringing the religion topic almost every place, either it is politics, daily routine or whatever. But religion does play an important role. I believed god to be someone with whom we can trust upon. Like a person with whom we share our troubles and with whom we can totally rely on. It is just for out peace of mind that there is someone who takes cares of us, someone who looks after us, someone who protects us, someone who is always there for us, no matter what. Correct me if I am wrong! But aren’t these the reasons why we believe in god? 

But what happens when one’s beliefs are collided with others? When their version of thinking is different from others? When their ideologies don’t subside with others? Because when god created man, he created RULES? DID HE CREATE A PLAYBOOK/RULEBOOK OR SOMETHING? Don’t you think that was all man who did that? Some old man who wanted to keep everyone in check and put some weird rules to do so. Because that’s what he believed to be the only way to honor / worship god. Coming back to the question of rulebook, many of us do believe that he did, not directly himself but through his disciples who were so moved by his presence and the vision he had. 

According to man, the existence of God came into being from a couple of thousand years back. There was so much suffering on the god’s creation that he had to step down and make history. There was a revolution back then, but all that ended up in creating a new face to the word God. Over years many other’s came or should I say many other’s were believed to be God, each different from other and each having a set of new rules. What I don’t understand are these classification and the differences? Why not accept everyone as equals and believe in it? Because what went wrong was Humans happened. And there was nothing anyone could do. Before we knew it, the classification was done, rules were set and the people believing ought to follow it, even if wasn’t a choice to be made. 

In short, let me end this by saying that practically God is a Billion years old person listening to like 7 billion people almost every day, or should I say 7 billion prayers on a daily basis (approx.) and all we expect is that our prayers are heard in someway or the other. I agree that I am no God, but isn’t that practically impossible. 7 Billion people. I myself call the name of God like a hundred times on a daily basis, okay that was a little exaggeration, at least 2-3 times on an average. Thats’ not the point here. The point being Is it possible for a single person to do all that ? Even though we ponder over these questions, we really don’t want the answers. Believe me. You question today, forget tomorrow and again believe that God is always there for you along with the other billions of people and still cares and protects you. You a bottom low and then question God’s existence and the the next day, you are still on the same track as before. I know this, because that’s what I do. I do believe, but then again sometimes I don’t know what to believe.

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0 responses to “The Existential Crisis.”

  1. You are not an atheist. Atheist is one who confidently believes that there is no God. You are agnostic, welcome to the club. I have been an agnostic ever since my parents taught me about the existence of God. I have asked theses questions since then but apparently theists don't like questions that they can't answer because it makes them look like they made up the story.

    So I stopped asking them and started asking myself. I spoke out about this only with open-minded people who accept that others have the right to believe something that they are dead against. So I will tell you my personal views, maybe that might give you a spark to find an answer of your own. I personally believe a divine form beyond normal perception exists but I don't give it a name nor a form. It's not a person in my mind. It's not a he or a she or an it. I just use these pronouns so that I can address the form in my mind.

    That form balances out everything in this world and I think it must have existed even before earth or any life was formed. I say this because if the divinity didn't exist before life, then it just means it's a man-made concept. According to me it is the only omnipresent and ever-present energy which is given names and forms by humans just for the sole reason that our minds are not mature enough to comprehend the expanse or the extent of divinity. And with that, the point of fighting over whose perspective is greater is moot. As for me, religion is just a perspective and human egos clash in establishing theirs is the only perspective that should be allowed. Therein it becomes a ridiculous notion.

  2. You are not an atheist. Atheist is one who confidently believes that there is no God. You are agnostic, welcome to the club. I have been an agnostic ever since my parents taught me about the existence of God. I have asked theses questions since then but apparently theists don't like questions that they can't answer because it makes them look like they made up the story.

    So I stopped asking them and started asking myself. I spoke out about this only with open-minded people who accept that others have the right to believe something that they are dead against. So I will tell you my personal views, maybe that might give you a spark to find an answer of your own. I personally believe a divine form beyond normal perception exists but I don't give it a name nor a form. It's not a person in my mind. It's not a he or a she or an it. I just use these pronouns so that I can address the form in my mind.

    That form balances out everything in this world and I think it must have existed even before earth or any life was formed. I say this because if the divinity didn't exist before life, then it just means it's a man-made concept. According to me it is the only omnipresent and ever-present energy which is given names and forms by humans just for the sole reason that our minds are not mature enough to comprehend the expanse or the extent of divinity. And with that, the point of fighting over whose perspective is greater is moot. As for me, religion is just a perspective and human egos clash in establishing theirs is the only perspective that should be allowed. Therein it becomes a ridiculous notion.

  3. Yeah, I believe so. I thought I mentioned about I being an agnostic, perhaps in some other post. Couldn't agree more. Theists don't like questions that they can't answer.

    I believe you also had a time when you did stop to ask these questions and searched for answers. I don't see many people doing that. They just go where the crowd goes or someone tells them to go.

    I couldn't have put the words more perfectly than you. You just wrote my mind.

  4. Yeah, I believe so. I thought I mentioned about I being an agnostic, perhaps in some other post. Couldn't agree more. Theists don't like questions that they can't answer.

    I believe you also had a time when you did stop to ask these questions and searched for answers. I don't see many people doing that. They just go where the crowd goes or someone tells them to go.

    I couldn't have put the words more perfectly than you. You just wrote my mind.

  5. You know what I believe in? I believe in being answerable to a higher power. I believe in doing good. I believing in doing the right thing, not for yourself, but the actual right thing to do. I believe in prayer to calm the mind and give it hope and accepting lessons from the religious scriptures for a lot of them really do make sense.

    As long as you are grounded, you pay your debts and you don't mess with other people's lives in any way, the world is yours.

  6. You know what I believe in? I believe in being answerable to a higher power. I believe in doing good. I believing in doing the right thing, not for yourself, but the actual right thing to do. I believe in prayer to calm the mind and give it hope and accepting lessons from the religious scriptures for a lot of them really do make sense.

    As long as you are grounded, you pay your debts and you don't mess with other people's lives in any way, the world is yours.

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The Existential Crisis.

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The Existential Crisis.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ